# SDK release notes

Important information regarding Objective-C

  • We will deprecate support for the iOS Objective-C API in version 3.19 of our SDK (planned for end of Q2).
  • We will remove support for the iOS Objective-C API in version 3.20 of our SDK (planned for end of Q4).

If you are still using the Objective-C API, then you must start using the Swift API (encap-ios-swift-api) instead.

To learn more, see our Encap SDK documentation for iOS and Android

Version history

# PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy patch for iOS SDKs

Release date: 11 April 2024

Patched versions (3.18.3, 3.17.3 and 3.16.4) of our iOS SDKs are now available.

Upgrade your mobile app to get the latest features and security improvements. You can download the SDK from our repository (opens new window). To access this link, you need to sign in to Nexus first.

# Summary

# Added PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy

Apple has enforced apps to describe their use of the required reason API in their privacy manifest file. This change starts 1 May 2024. We have prepared a patch for versions 3.18, 3.17 and 3.16. If you are using any of these versions, you should update with the patch for that given version:

  • The latest patch for SDK 3.18 is version 3.18.3.
  • The latest patch for SDK 3.17 is version 3.17.3.
  • The latest patch for SDK 3.16 is version 3.16.4.

The article Describing use of required reason API (opens new window) in the Apple developer documentation warns:

If you upload an app to App Store Connect that uses required reason API without describing the reason in its privacy manifest file, Apple sends you an email reminding you to add the reason to the app's privacy manifest. Starting May 1, 2024, apps that don't describe their use of required reason API in their privacy manifest file aren't accepted by App Store Connect.

If you are using Xcode 15, embed the Encap framework that was dragged in. Navigate to the target's General settings, locate Frameworks, Libraries, & Embedded Content, then select Embed & Sign. This step will enable privacy manifests to be picked up by Xcode's tooling.

# Removed diskSpace

In versions 3.16 and above, diskSpace is no longer available in the our client debug data feature.

This update became essential when reviewing our data usage, particularly for NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace where the available options did not accurately reflect our circumstances.

In alignment with Apple's guidelines, we have chosen to entirely remove references to diskSpace APIs.

# Solution

Use the latest patch for Encap API versions 3.18, 3.17 and 3.16. If this is not possible, see section Known limitations and workaround below.

# Affected versions

Apps using API versions 3.18.2, 3.17.2, 3.16.3 and below are affected.

# Usage

# Known limitations and workaround

We have seen that declared use of the reason API in the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file inside the SDK is not getting taken into evaluation from Apple when sending the app to the App Store for review. We have an ongoing support ticket with Apple and currently assume that it is a bug on Apple's side.

If you experience this problem, we suggest that you take what we have declared in the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file, and add to your PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file until this issue is resolved.

If you are using an SDK below version 3.16, then the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy found in newer versions can be used and copied across. In this case, it is expected to be in the root of the .framework folder for both architectures.

You can download the library from our Nexus partner repository. Change your current dependency to the new version.

# SDK 3.18

Release date: 20 October 2023

A new version (3.18) of our SDK is now available.

Upgrade your mobile app to get the latest features and security improvements. You can download the SDK from our repository (opens new window). To access this link, you need to sign in to Nexus first.


We have verified this SDK version (3.18) on iOS 17 and Android 14.


The next SDK version (3.19) will bump the minimum supported platform versions to Android 8.0 (API 26) and iOS 14.0.

# Improvements and bug fixes

This release includes important security improvements and bug fixes to enhance the stability and integrity.

# SDK 3.17

Release date: 26 May 2023

A new version (3.17) of our SDK is now available.

Upgrade your mobile app to get the latest features and security improvements. You can download the SDK from our repository (opens new window). To access this link, you need to sign in to Nexus first.


Support for Android 6.0 (API 23) has been removed.

# Google Play Integrity


Play Integrity replaces the SafetyNet service, which is being discontinued by Google. You can read more about this in the Android developer documentation (opens new window).

We have introduced support for Play Integrity, which is provided by Google as part of the Android platform. This feature lets you enforce the use of trusted Android devices and genuine apps that have been installed from the Google Play Store, and gives your app an equal or higher level of integrity assurance than SafetyNet.

As part of rolling out this feature, we are removing SafetyNet support and therefore require current users to migrate to Play Integrity. You can read more about Play Integrity in the Android developer documentation (opens new window).

For more information about app attestation for MobileID, see the MobileID feature documentation (opens new window).

# SDK 3.16

Release date: 30 January 2023

A new version (3.16) of our SDK is now available.

Upgrade your mobile app to get the latest features and security improvements. You can download the SDK from our repository (opens new window). To access this link, you need to sign in to Nexus first.


The next SDK version (3.17) will remove support for Android 6.0 (API 23).

# iOS Extension support

We have introduced support for iOS extensions, allowing you to extend functionality beyond your app.

For example, you can now enable users to add a bank card directly from their Apple Wallet, and authenticate with MobileID through the extension. You can implement any of the existing in-app authentication methods (such as a PIN code, or biometrics) for this out-of-app authentication.

Our feature guide for iOS extension support is coming soon.
Contact us at support@signicat.com if you want to know more.

# iOS Time sensitive notification

Apple introduced a new feature in iOS 15 called 'Focus', which is a custom 'Do Not Disturb' mode for different moments of everyday life. When 'Focus' mode is active, most notifications are blocked, including our customer's urgent notifications.

You can now give notifications a higher priority (and break notification blocking) by enabling 'time sensitive notifications' in both your application configuration and your iOS app.

To enable this, see the apnsTimeSensitiveInterruptionLevelEnabled parameter in the application configuration.

# Client server crypto protocol V3

We have made multiple security improvements to the client-server crypto protocol. The most important changes for V3 of the protocol are:

  • Fixes for a padding oracle attack
  • Upgrading the AES key sizes to 256bit

Last updated: 12/04/2024 08:18 UTC