# Upgrade guide

# About upgrading

Our MobileID product uses our Encap SCA product, and together they form Mobile Identity.

Our Encap SCA product consists of two components:

  • A backend server, hosted and maintained by Signicat.
  • A client SDK, that you as the customer integrate into your mobile application.

Our MobileID product upgrades its Encap SCA server approximately three times a year. We follow the same release cycle as Encap SCA to ensure that the service is continuously improved and that your security requirements are fulfilled.

It is your responsibility to upgrade the client SDK. We will notify you when a new version of the client SDK is available for upgrade; keeping you up to date with security improvements and new features.

Our solution requires compatibility between the Encap SCA server and the client SDK, motivated by the fact that it is a security product and shall be updated regularly. Encap SCA follows the paradigm of approximately two-year backward compatibility between the server and the client SDK.

Our recommendation

We recommend that you upgrade at least twice a year so that you do not fall behind. If you do not upgrade in time, then your mobile authentication will stop working.

# Current version

Our MobileID product currently uses release version 3.18 of the Encap SCA server, and supports Encap SCA client SDK versions 3.12 to 3.18.

Compatibility notice

Our deprecated platform uses release version 3.14 of the Encap SCA server. Only Encap client SDK versions 3.14 to 3.9 are compatible with this server version.

# Upgrade plan

This is the preliminary upgrade plan for the MobileID service:

MobileID service upgrade Encap SCA server version Compatible Encap SCA client versions Minimum Android version Minimum iOS version
Q2 2024* 3.19 3.14 to 3.19 8.0 (API 26) 14.0
OCT 2023 3.18 3.12 to 3.18 7.0 (API 24) 12.0
MAY 2023 3.17 3.11 to 3.17 7.0 (API 24) 12.0
JAN 2023 3.16 3.10 to 3.16 6.0 (API 23) 12.0
*Future upgrade dates are tentative.

Important information regarding Android 7.0

From September 2024, Android 7.0 will no longer be supported, regardless of the SDK version that you are on.

Subscribe for MobileID status updates

To get email notifications about planned maintenance windows and updates on any activity affecting the MobileID product, you can subscribe to our status page (opens new window).

# Upgrade process

We will keep you updated about Mobile ID via email. The emails will contain information about new releases, new features, and which client versions you need to upgrade to. You can also refer to our release notes.

Our recommendation

We recommend upgrading your apps to use the latest Encap SCA client version as soon as possible, even if backward compatibility indicates that it is possible to keep using the current version.

Most SDK upgrades are 'drag and drop' and do not require code changes. You can discover how to upgrade and enable new features in our SDK documentation.

You can view the SDK documentation on our partner wiki (opens new window) and download the SDK from our repository. The SDK and corresponding documentation require access from Signicat as they are gated. To gain access, contact us at support@signicat.com.

Last updated: 11/04/2024 07:47 UTC