Signicat Signature API (v1)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Sign contracts, declarations, forms and other documents using digital signatures.
Create attachment
Adds an attachments to the specified document. You can choose between different ways to make the user accept the attachment. The attachment will be deleted together with the main document when the signature job is completed or has expired
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
Request Body schema:
fileName required | string [ 0 .. 200 ] characters Filename with file extension. We only support PDF for attachments, set |
title required | string [ 0 .. 300 ] characters The title of the attachment which will be presented to the user. |
data required | string non-empty Base64-encoded attachment (UTF-8-encoded) |
convertToPdf | boolean Determines if the attachment should be converted to PDF. See our documentation for supported file types. |
signers | Array of strings or null <uuid> An optional list of signers that should be able to see / sign the attachment. |
description | string or null An optional description of the attachment. |
type | string (AttachmentType) Enum: "show_accept" "read_accept" "sign" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "fileName": "Attachment1.pdf",
- "title": "Attachment 1 - Type description",
- "data": "Base 64 encoded pdf",
- "convertToPdf": false,
- "description": "This attachment describes bla bla bla...",
- "type": "show_accept"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "0c73c1d1-ffea-4d23-a00c-f79606e989ed",
- "fileName": "Attachment1.pdf",
- "title": "Attachment 1 - Type description",
- "data": "Base 64 encoded pdf",
- "convertToPdf": false,
- "description": "This attachment describes bla bla bla...",
- "type": "show_accept"
List attachments
Returns a list of all attachments for the specified document.
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "2290a7b5-7001-4846-a6c9-015f85150b12",
- "title": "Attachment 1 - Type description",
- "description": "This attachment describes bla bla bla...",
- "type": "show_accept",
- "fileName": "Attachment1.pdf"
}, - {
- "id": "b4362a91-58fd-44fb-b2d8-690725084797",
- "title": "Attachment 2 - Building sketches",
- "description": "This attachment includes sketches of the build at...",
- "type": "show_accept",
- "fileName": "Attachment2.pdf"
Retrieve attachment
Retrieves the details of a single attachment.
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
attachmentId required | string <uuid> |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "3cc34e9c-1161-4a78-bc19-b11538efa1d9",
- "fileName": "Attachment1.pdf",
- "title": "Attachment 1 - Type description",
- "data": "Base 64 encoded pdf",
- "convertToPdf": false,
- "description": "This attachment describes bla bla bla...",
- "type": "show_accept"
Update attachment
Updates the specified attachment (Will only take affect if no one has signed the document yet)
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
attachmentId required | string <uuid> |
Request Body schema:
type | string (AttachmentType) Enum: "show_accept" "read_accept" "sign" |
fileName | string or null [ 0 .. 200 ] characters Filename with file extension. We only support PDF for attachments, set |
title | string or null [ 0 .. 300 ] characters The title of the attachment which will be presented to the user. |
data | string or null Base64-encoded attachment (UTF-8-encoded) |
convertToPdf | boolean Determines if the attachment should be converted to PDF. See our documentation for supported file types. |
signers | Array of strings or null <uuid> An optional list of signers that should be able to see / sign the attachment. |
description | string or null An optional description of the attachment. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "type": "show_accept",
- "fileName": "Attachment1.pdf",
- "title": "Attachment 1 - Type description",
- "data": "Base 64 encoded pdf",
- "convertToPdf": false,
- "description": "This attachment describes bla bla bla..."
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "a9977125-0d6b-4dff-b9cc-0047125d7bc3",
- "fileName": "Attachment1.pdf",
- "title": "Attachment 1 - Type description",
- "data": "Base 64 encoded pdf",
- "convertToPdf": false,
- "description": "This attachment describes bla bla bla...",
- "type": "show_accept"
Create document
Creates a new document. In the response you will receive a document ID to retrieve info about the document at a later time. You also receive a URL and unique identifier per signer.
Request Body schema:
title required | string [ 0 .. 300 ] characters |
required | Array of objects (SignerRequest) List of signers for the document. |
object (DataToSign) The data that will be signed. | |
required | object (ContactDetails) The company's contact information. |
externalId required | string [ 4 .. 255 ] characters |
description | string or null The description of the document job. |
object (Notification) Settings for custom notification texts as well as additional email addresses to receive the signed document under finalReceipt. Remark: Also requires you to setup notifications for each signer you want to notify. | |
object (Advanced) Optional settings for advanced configuration. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "Test document",
- "signers": [
- {
- "externalSignerId": "uoiahsd321982983jhrmnec2wsadm32",
- "redirectSettings": {
- "redirectMode": "donot_redirect"
}, - "signatureType": {
- "mechanism": "pkisignature"
}, - "ui": {
- "language": "EN",
- "dialogs": {
- "before": {
- "useCheckBox": false,
- "title": "Info",
- "message": "Please read the contract on the next pages carefully. Pay some extra attention to paragraph 5."
}, - "styling": {
- "colorTheme": "Pink",
- "spinner": "Cubes",
- "hideTopBar": false
}, - "order": 0,
- "required": false,
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false
], - "dataToSign": {
- "title": "Document title",
- "description": "Document description",
- "base64Content": "VGhpcyB0ZXh0IGNhbiBzYWZlbHkgYmUgc2lnbmVk",
- "fileName": "sample.txt",
- "convertToPDF": false
}, - "externalId": "ae7b9ca7-3839-4e0d-a070-9f14bffbbf55",
- "description": "This is an important document",
- "advanced": {
- "tags": [
- "develop",
- "fun_with_documents"
], - "attachments": 0,
- "requiredSignatures": 0,
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false,
- "timeToLive": {
- "deadline": "2024-09-14T08:05:52Z",
- "deleteAfterHours": 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "documentId": "94865b6f-2aa9-436d-8b3c-a85e00efd034",
- "signers": [
- {
- "id": "624b0e83-3e9e-404d-8a93-a5999c995ae7",
- "ui": {
- "dialogs": {
- "before": {
- "useCheckBox": false,
- "title": "Info",
- "message": "Please read the contract on the next pages carefully. Pay some extra attention to paragraph 5."
}, - "language": "EN",
- "styling": {
- "colorTheme": "Pink",
- "spinner": "Cubes",
- "hideTopBar": false
}, - "externalSignerId": "uoiahsd321982983jhrmnec2wsadm32",
- "redirectSettings": {
- "redirectMode": "donot_redirect"
}, - "signatureType": {
- "mechanism": "pkisignature"
}, - "order": 0,
- "required": false,
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false
], - "title": "Test document",
- "description": "This is an important document",
- "externalId": "ae7b9ca7-3839-4e0d-a070-9f14bffbbf55",
- "dataToSign": {
- "title": "Document title",
- "description": "Document description",
- "fileName": "sample.txt",
- "convertToPDF": false
}, - "advanced": {
- "tags": [
- "develop",
- "fun_with_documents"
], - "attachments": 0,
- "requiredSignatures": 0,
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false,
- "timeToLive": {
- "deadline": "2024-09-14T08:05:52Z",
- "deleteAfterHours": 1
Retrieve document
Retrieves details of a single document.
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
Response samples
- 200
{- "documentId": "94865b6f-2aa9-436d-8b3c-a85e00efd034",
- "signers": [
- {
- "id": "59ce1fda-7c88-4b23-a302-0de5d93dc359",
- "ui": {
- "dialogs": {
- "before": {
- "useCheckBox": false,
- "title": "Info",
- "message": "Please read the contract on the next pages carefully. Pay some extra attention to paragraph 5."
}, - "language": "EN",
- "styling": {
- "colorTheme": "Pink",
- "spinner": "Cubes",
- "hideTopBar": false
}, - "externalSignerId": "uoiahsd321982983jhrmnec2wsadm32",
- "redirectSettings": {
- "redirectMode": "donot_redirect"
}, - "signatureType": {
- "mechanism": "pkisignature"
}, - "order": 0,
- "required": false,
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false
], - "title": "Test document",
- "description": "This is an important document",
- "externalId": "ae7b9ca7-3839-4e0d-a070-9f14bffbbf55",
- "dataToSign": {
- "title": "Document title",
- "description": "Document description",
- "fileName": "sample.txt",
- "convertToPDF": false
}, - "advanced": {
- "tags": [
- "develop",
- "fun_with_documents"
], - "attachments": 0,
- "requiredSignatures": 0,
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false,
- "timeToLive": {
- "deadline": "2024-09-14T08:05:52Z",
- "deleteAfterHours": 1
Update document
Include the properties/fields you want to update in your request
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
Request Body schema:
title | string or null |
description | string or null |
object (Notification) Settings for custom notification texts as well as additional email addresses to receive the signed document under finalReceipt. Remark: Also requires you to setup notifications for each signer you want to notify. | |
object (ContactDetails) The company's contact information. | |
object (Advanced) Optional settings for advanced configuration. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "Updated title",
- "description": "This is an updated description",
- "advanced": {
- "tags": [
- "develop",
- "fun_with_documents"
], - "attachments": 0,
- "requiredSignatures": 0,
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false,
- "timeToLive": {
- "deadline": "2024-09-14T08:05:52Z",
- "deleteAfterHours": 1
Response samples
- 200
{- "documentId": "94865b6f-2aa9-436d-8b3c-a85e00efd034",
- "signers": [
- {
- "id": "3befc3f2-ab56-4552-9d8a-81b09877e1c3",
- "ui": {
- "dialogs": {
- "before": {
- "useCheckBox": false,
- "title": "Info",
- "message": "Please read the contract on the next pages carefully. Pay some extra attention to paragraph 5."
}, - "language": "EN",
- "styling": {
- "colorTheme": "Pink",
- "spinner": "Cubes",
- "hideTopBar": false
}, - "externalSignerId": "uoiahsd321982983jhrmnec2wsadm32",
- "redirectSettings": {
- "redirectMode": "donot_redirect"
}, - "signatureType": {
- "mechanism": "pkisignature"
}, - "order": 0,
- "required": false,
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false
], - "title": "Updated title",
- "description": "This is an updated description",
- "externalId": "ae7b9ca7-3839-4e0d-a070-9f14bffbbf55",
- "dataToSign": {
- "title": "Document title",
- "description": "Document description",
- "fileName": "sample.txt",
- "convertToPDF": false
}, - "advanced": {
- "tags": [
- "develop",
- "fun_with_documents"
], - "attachments": 0,
- "requiredSignatures": 0,
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false,
- "timeToLive": {
- "deadline": "2024-09-14T08:05:52Z",
- "deleteAfterHours": 1
Retrieve document summary
Get information about a document
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
Response samples
- 200
{- "documentId": "c1d06fd5-140d-4264-ad07-fe5e9386b5bf",
- "accountId": "d6153599-cc87-4aef-b8aa-373e60168e2e",
- "title": "House contract",
- "description": "Sample avenue 42",
- "lastUpdated": "2024-09-11T21:05:52Z",
- "deadline": "2024-09-17T08:05:52Z",
- "status": {
- "documentStatus": "partialsigned"
}, - "externalId": "ipoqj9r8232j54rmno2i3lmfrå2q034frlk",
- "documentSignatures": [
- {
- "signerId": "0de883d5-18b5-4557-adec-c45a1e89a369",
- "externalSignerId": "oiuhw2n97483hr3w9oiufn2wi3",
- "signatureMethod": "no_bankid_netcentric",
- "fullName": "Superhero, Awesome",
- "firstName": "Awesome",
- "lastName": "Superhero",
- "signedTime": "2024-09-13T03:05:52Z",
- "dateOfBirth": "1984-10-21",
- "signatureMethodUniqueId": "",
- "socialSecurityNumber": {
- "value": "21108412345",
- "countryCode": "NO"
}, - "clientIp": "",
- "mechanism": "pkisignature",
- "personalInfoOrigin": "unknown"
], - "requiredSignatures": 2,
- "currentSignatures": 1,
- "tags": [
- "departement4"
], - "attachments": [
- "a76a0254-b12e-4edc-9824-ddc1448f8206"
], - "signers": [
- "0de883d5-18b5-4557-adec-c45a1e89a369",
- "a82741dc-5f7d-421a-81ab-0c35df4ffb72"
], - "created": "2024-09-11T21:05:52Z"
List document summaries
Queries your documents using the provided parameters.
query Parameters
externalId | string Documents external id |
signerId | string <uuid> Signer Id |
externalSignerId | string External signer Id |
fromDate | string <date-time> Documents created from date (ticks) |
toDate | string <date-time> Documents created to date (ticks) |
lastUpdated | string <date-time> Documents updated after this date (ticks) |
signedDate | string <date-time> Documents signed after this date (ticks) |
nameOfSigner | string Name of signer |
title | string |
status | string (DocumentStatus) Enum: "unsigned" "waiting_for_attachments" "partialsigned" "signed" "canceled" "expired" Document status |
tags | string Document tags |
offset | integer <int32> Default: 0 Used for paging (will be automatically set in response links) |
limit | integer <int32> Default: 100 Set how many results you want per page (max/default 100) |
Response samples
- 200
{- "offset": 0,
- "limit": 2,
- "size": 45,
- "links": {
}, - "data": [
- {
- "documentId": "4fc692ed-20fa-4d2c-84ac-9b9b6b118cb5",
- "accountId": "9f05b388-bb2a-4e12-825c-dc83c5c7f9a6",
- "title": "House contract",
- "description": "Sample avenue 42",
- "lastUpdated": "2024-09-11T21:05:52Z",
- "deadline": "2024-09-17T08:05:52Z",
- "status": {
- "documentStatus": "partialsigned"
}, - "externalId": "ipoqj9r8232j54rmno2i3lmfrå2q034frlk",
- "documentSignatures": [
- {
- "signerId": "0ccf13dc-1063-47d0-ac16-42d6272d5590",
- "externalSignerId": "oiuhw2n97483hr3w9oiufn2wi3",
- "signatureMethod": "no_bankid_netcentric",
- "fullName": "Superhero, Awesome",
- "firstName": "Awesome",
- "lastName": "Superhero",
- "signedTime": "2024-09-13T03:05:52Z",
- "dateOfBirth": "1984-10-21",
- "signatureMethodUniqueId": "",
- "socialSecurityNumber": {
- "value": "21108412345",
- "countryCode": "NO"
}, - "clientIp": "",
- "mechanism": "pkisignature",
- "personalInfoOrigin": "unknown"
], - "requiredSignatures": 2,
- "currentSignatures": 1,
- "tags": [
- "departement4"
], - "attachments": [
- "26a3daeb-63aa-473f-82a5-43562bed85ef"
], - "signers": [
- "0ccf13dc-1063-47d0-ac16-42d6272d5590",
- "dcbf7da3-e931-483f-83c0-94f0aa5a3bbc"
], - "created": "2024-09-11T21:05:52Z"
}, - {
- "documentId": "4b8aa109-bced-48a0-8d79-c3c1addf1c3b",
- "accountId": "f4a925d1-4044-46f5-bb27-58d95107a232",
- "title": "House contract",
- "description": "Sample avenue 51",
- "lastUpdated": "2024-09-11T21:05:52Z",
- "deadline": "2024-09-17T08:05:52Z",
- "status": {
- "documentStatus": "unsigned"
}, - "externalId": "9w87eht3984inf3wo0mf43p0owke",
- "requiredSignatures": 2,
- "currentSignatures": 0,
- "tags": [
- "departement4"
], - "signers": [
- "6c45a2c5-a56f-4210-be29-cb66aa7d4daf",
- "3cbd2fb5-23d9-4ec7-bdba-3ed9f18b7d26"
], - "created": "2024-09-11T21:05:52Z"
Retrieve file
Retrieves the signed document file.
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
query Parameters
fileFormat | string (FileFormat) Enum: "unsigned" "native" "standard_packaging" "pades" "xades" |
originalFileName | boolean Default: false Set this to true if you want us to name the file with the original filename |
Retrieve attachment file
Retrieves the attachment file.
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
attachmentId required | string <uuid> |
query Parameters
fileFormat | string (FileFormat) Enum: "unsigned" "native" "standard_packaging" "pades" "xades" |
originalFileName | boolean Default: false Set this to true if you want us to name the file with the original filename |
Retrieve attachment for signer
Retrieves the attachment file for the specified signer.
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
attachmentId required | string <uuid> |
signerId required | string <uuid> The signers Id |
query Parameters
fileFormat | string (SignerFileFormat) Enum: "native" "packaged" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "jwt": "string"
Response samples
- 200
{- "valid": true,
- "expires": "2024-09-19T08:05:52Z",
- "payload": {
- "accountId": "4a2e827b-5af0-4157-9055-372c341343cb",
- "documentId": "19081fc4-4bee-4f3b-b6c3-508b5a0cda03",
- "externalId": "soidjnmg984wmnf3osfasdcw",
- "signerId": "5052460d-5df0-44cb-affb-fd70453a4a56",
- "externalSignerId": "ws97uh7uh7uh7uh7uh7uh7uhjm4fc4",
- "signSuccess": {
- "signatureMethodUniqueId": "8412125434",
- "firstName": "Evil",
- "lastName": "Villain",
- "fullName": "Evil Villain",
- "dateOfBirth": "121284",
- "signatureMethod": "se_bankid",
- "signedTime": "2024-09-13T08:05:52Z",
- "mechanism": "pkisignature"
}, - "expires": "2024-09-13T08:15:52Z",
- "aborted": false
Create merchant signature
Request Body schema:
dataToSign required | string non-empty |
xslt | string or null |
dataFormat required | string (MerchantDataFormat) Enum: "xml" "txt" |
dataEncodingFormat | string (MerchantEncodingFormat) Enum: "UTF8" "ISOLATIN" |
externalReference required | string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters |
signingFormat | string (MerchantSigningFormat) Enum: "use_provider_setting" "no_bankid_seid_sdo" |
departmentId | string or null <= 110 characters |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "dataToSign": "RGV0dGUgZXIgZW4gdGVrc3Qgc29tIGthbiBzaWduZXJlcw==",
- "dataFormat": "txt",
- "externalReference": "Some reference",
- "signingFormat": "no_bankid_seid_sdo"
Response samples
- 200
{- "signedData": "Base 64 encoded signed data",
- "signingFormat": "no_bankid_seid_sdo",
- "signCertificateBase64String": "Base 64 encoded certificate used to sign data",
- "transactionId": "be6b0d54-0cf2-41a2-a56d-78718aa01bb3"
List notifications
Returns a list of all notifications that has been sent / attempted sent for a document
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "sentTimeStamp": "1/8/2018 10:58 AM",
- "title": "Sample email",
- "text": "email text",
- "messageType": "EMAIL",
- "status": "DELIVERED",
- "receiver": ""
}, - {
- "sentTimeStamp": "1/8/2018 10:58 AM",
- "title": "Sample sms",
- "text": "sms text",
- "messageType": "SMS",
- "status": "DELIVERED",
- "receiver": ""
Send reminders
If you want to send out reminders to all/some of the signers manually you can do it here.
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
Request Body schema:
notificationSetting required | string (NotificationSetting) Enum: "off" "sendSms" "sendEmail" "sendBoth" |
object or null Optional: Define the signers that should receive this reminder (if not signed). Dictionary with signer id as key, you can ovveride the signer email/phone as value |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "notificationSetting": "sendEmail",
- "signers": {
- "4c12e36d-bfc4-40ed-ad7e-55b9544eb35d": null,
- "d87edc82-8e8a-4d5e-8a9b-4b1101f83ca8": {
- "emailOverride": ""
Response samples
- 200
{- "notificationSetting": "sendEmail",
- "signers": {
- "cf80efa6-4074-4417-9d35-63e465fdef11": null,
- "c990579c-0873-4b1c-83c2-75d4b8e5eea3": {
- "emailOverride": ""
List signature-methods
Returns a list of all the supported signature-methods
query Parameters
mechanism | string (Mechanisms) Enum: "pkisignature" "identification" "handwritten" "handwritten_with_identification" The result may vary with different signature mechanisms. Defaults to pkisignature |
fileType | string (ListSignMethodsFileType) Enum: "pdf" "txt" "xml" FileType that will be signed, some signature methods have different file support. Defaults to pdf |
language | string (Language) Enum: "EN" "NO" "DA" "SV" "FI" "NL" "DE" The language to use for name and description. Defaults to EN (english) |
signableAttachments | boolean Default: false Signing multiple documents? Some signature-methods may lack this functionality |
redirectMode | string (RedirectMode) Enum: "donot_redirect" "redirect" "iframe_with_webmessaging" "iframe_with_redirect" "iframe_with_redirect_and_webmessaging" Some signature methods do not allow iframing |
List signature-methods for account
Returns a list of all the signature-methods available for the requester's account.
query Parameters
mechanism | string (Mechanisms) Enum: "pkisignature" "identification" "handwritten" "handwritten_with_identification" The result may vary with different signature mechanisms. Defaults to pkisignature |
fileType | string (ListSignMethodsFileType) Enum: "pdf" "txt" "xml" FileType that will be signed, some signature methods have different file support. Defaults to pdf |
language | string (Language) Enum: "EN" "NO" "DA" "SV" "FI" "NL" "DE" The language to use for name and description. Defaults to EN (english) |
signableAttachments | boolean Default: false Signing multiple documents? Some signature-methods may lack this functionality |
redirectMode | string (RedirectMode) Enum: "donot_redirect" "redirect" "iframe_with_webmessaging" "iframe_with_redirect" "iframe_with_redirect_and_webmessaging" Some signature methods do not allow iframing |
Retrieve signer
Retrieves the details of a single signer.
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
signerId required | string <uuid> |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "1fc24891-0356-4ec4-8bac-4fc73acfd02d",
- "externalSignerId": "aoijfnmo032q223",
- "redirectSettings": {
- "redirectMode": "redirect",
}, - "signatureType": {
- "mechanism": "pkisignature"
}, - "order": 0,
- "required": false,
- "signUrlExpires": "2024-09-16T08:05:52Z",
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false
Update signer
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
signerId required | string <uuid> |
Request Body schema:
externalSignerId | string or null [ 4 .. 255 ] characters Your reference for the signer. |
object (RedirectSettings) Settings for redirect. | |
object (SignatureType) Settings for the allowed signature methods. | |
object (SignerInfo) Information about the signer. | |
object (Authentication) Authentication settings for the signer. | |
object (ExtraInfoSignerRequest) Settings for extra information to collect about the signer. | |
object (AddonSignerRequest) | |
object (UIResponse) | |
object (Notifications) Email/SMS notification settings for the signer. | |
tags | Array of strings or null Coming soon. |
order | integer <int32> Optional order of signing for the signer. |
required | boolean Determines if the signer is required to sign the document before other signers. Any other signers will not be allowed to sign before all required signers have signed the document. |
signUrlExpires | string or null <date-time> The time at which the signature URL expires (ISO 8601). Specify this if you want a limited time-to-live for the URL. Defaults to the lifetime of the document. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "signerInfo": {
- "firstName": "Updated",
- "lastName": "Name"
}, - "order": 0,
- "required": false,
- "signUrlExpires": "2024-09-15T08:05:52Z"
Response samples
- 200
{- "signerInfo": {
- "firstName": "Updated",
- "lastName": "Name"
}, - "order": 0,
- "required": false,
- "signUrlExpires": "2024-09-15T08:05:52Z"
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "1957be8b-5bfc-4abc-80ed-cbadabd9cb07",
- "externalSignerId": "aoijfnmo032q223",
- "redirectSettings": {
- "redirectMode": "redirect",
}, - "signatureType": {
- "mechanism": "pkisignature"
}, - "order": 0,
- "required": false,
- "signUrlExpires": "2024-09-16T08:05:52Z",
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false
Create signer
path Parameters
documentId required | string <uuid> |
Request Body schema:
externalSignerId required | string [ 4 .. 255 ] characters Your reference for the signer. |
required | object (RedirectSettings) Settings for redirect. |
required | object (SignatureType) Settings for the allowed signature methods. |
object (SignerInfo) Information about the signer. | |
object (Authentication) Authentication settings for the signer. | |
object (ExtraInfoSignerRequest) Settings for extra information to collect about the signer. | |
object (AddonSignerRequest) | |
object (UI) UI settings for the signature process. | |
object (Notifications) Email/SMS notification settings for the signer. | |
tags | Array of strings or null Coming soon. |
order | integer <int32> Optional order of signing for the signer. |
required | boolean Determines if the signer is required to sign the document before other signers. Any other signers will not be allowed to sign before all required signers have signed the document. |
signUrlExpires | string or null <date-time> The time at which the signature URL expires (ISO 8601). Specify this if you want a limited time-to-live for the URL. Defaults to the lifetime of the document. |
getSocialSecurityNumber | boolean Get social security number for this signer only (The global variable advanced.getSocialSecurityNumber will ovveride this when sat to true). Requires eid with permission to retrieve social security number |
verifySocialSecurityNumber | boolean or null Get and verify social security number for this signer, if there is a mismatch the signature will fail. Requirements: 1) signerInfo.SocialSecurityNumber must be prefilled, 2) eID with permission to retrieve social security number. If the eID does not return a social security number this property will be ignored. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "externalSignerId": "uoiahsd321982983jhrmnec2wsadm32",
- "redirectSettings": {
- "redirectMode": "donot_redirect"
}, - "signatureType": {
- "mechanism": "pkisignature"
}, - "ui": {
- "language": "EN",
- "dialogs": {
- "before": {
- "useCheckBox": false,
- "title": "Info",
- "message": "Please read the contract on the next pages carefully. Pay some extra attention to paragraph 5."
}, - "styling": {
- "colorTheme": "Pink",
- "spinner": "Cubes",
- "hideTopBar": false
}, - "order": 0,
- "required": false,
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "827725ab-9450-420a-98a6-73ff105197bf",
- "externalSignerId": "aoijfnmo032q223",
- "redirectSettings": {
- "redirectMode": "redirect",
}, - "signatureType": {
- "mechanism": "pkisignature"
}, - "order": 0,
- "required": false,
- "signUrlExpires": "2024-09-16T08:05:52Z",
- "getSocialSecurityNumber": false
Validate nbid SDO
Validates the signatures in a SEID-SDO, to validate the SDO we use the validation component from BankID Norway. In this endpoint you can also include the data from the original document to validate that they matches the SDO data, the same goes for the signatures TO USE THIS IN PRODUCTION, PLEASE CONTACT SIGNICAT SUPPORT
Request Body schema:
sdoData | string or null |
externalReference | string or null |
dataToValidate | string or null |
Array of objects or null (Signer) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "sdoData": "string",
- "externalReference": "string",
- "dataToValidate": "string",
- "signersToValidate": [
- {
- "identificator": "string",
- "identificatorType": "Unknown"
Response samples
- 200
{- "requestId": "string",
- "valid": true,
- "seal": {
- "sealedBy": "string",
- "sealedTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "certificate": {
- "issuerName": "string",
- "subjectName": "string",
- "validFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "validToDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "versionNumber": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "keyAlgorithm": "string",
- "keySize": "string",
- "uniqueId": "string",
- "originator": "string",
- "bankName": "string",
- "dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "policyOid": "string",
- "commonName": "string",
- "signingCertficate": "string",
- "x509Certificate": {
- "rawData": "string"
}, - "keyUsage": "string",
- "emailAddress": null,
- "signingTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "phoneNumber": "string",
- "certificateType": "HSM_MERCHANT_CERTIFICATE"
}, - "sealValid": true
}, - "signers": [
- {
- "identificator": "string",
- "identificatorType": "Unknown",
- "valid": true,
- "name": "string"
], - "summary": "string",
- "validationError": {
- "errorCode": "string",
- "errorMessage": "string"
}, - "auditId": "03af6f11-6465-492e-a028-03a0a495d7f0"
Parse and validate nbid sdo
This endpoint validates and parses signature data from a SEID-SDO, to validate/parse the SDO we use the validation component from BankID Norway. This endpoint parses the SDO to readable data and provides you with information about the signatures and document. TO USE THIS IN PRODUCTION, PLEASE CONTACT SIGNICAT SUPPORT
Request Body schema:
sdoData | string or null |
externalReference | string or null |
fetchSSN | boolean or null |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "sdoData": "string",
- "externalReference": "string",
- "fetchSSN": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "requestId": "string",
- "auditId": "03af6f11-6465-492e-a028-03a0a495d7f0",
- "signersValid": true,
- "seal": {
- "sealedBy": "string",
- "sealedTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "certificate": {
- "issuerName": "string",
- "subjectName": "string",
- "validFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "validToDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "versionNumber": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "keyAlgorithm": "string",
- "keySize": "string",
- "uniqueId": "string",
- "originator": "string",
- "bankName": "string",
- "dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "policyOid": "string",
- "commonName": "string",
- "signingCertficate": "string",
- "x509Certificate": {
- "rawData": "string"
}, - "keyUsage": "string",
- "emailAddress": null,
- "signingTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "phoneNumber": "string",
- "certificateType": "HSM_MERCHANT_CERTIFICATE"
}, - "sealValid": true
}, - "signers": [
- {
- "certificate": {
- "issuerName": "string",
- "subjectName": "string",
- "validFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "validToDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "versionNumber": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "keyAlgorithm": "string",
- "keySize": "string",
- "uniqueId": "string",
- "originator": "string",
- "bankName": "string",
- "dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "policyOid": "string",
- "commonName": "string",
- "signingCertficate": "string",
- "x509Certificate": {
- "rawData": "string"
}, - "keyUsage": "string",
- "emailAddress": null,
- "signingTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "phoneNumber": "string",
- "certificateType": "HSM_MERCHANT_CERTIFICATE"
}, - "name": "string",
- "dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "pid": "string",
- "ssn": "string",
- "signedTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "valid": true,
- "ocsp": "string",
- "environment": "string"
], - "summary": "string",
- "validationError": {
- "errorCode": "string",
- "errorMessage": "string"
}, - "signedData": "string"
Parse SDO to XML
Parse Nbid SEID-SDO to xml validation format. Returns 400 if SDO is not valid
Request Body schema:
sdoData | string or null Base 64 encoded SDO (Signed document) |
externalReference | string or null Your reference to the parse session |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "sdoData": "string",
- "externalReference": "string"
Response samples
- 200
{- "responseType": "string",
- "responseId": "string",
- "results": [
- {
- "objectId": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "contentType": "string",
- "b64Data": "string",
- "b64Rule": "string"