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Supported features

ReadID is a third-party eIDV provider integrated with Assure API. Signicat supports the following identity verification features from ReadID:

  • ID document check
  • NFC reading of ID document's chip
  • Face match between ID document and selfie (iProov)
  • Liveness check of live video recording (iProov)
iProov add-on

Access to the face match and liveness check features requires the iProov add-on. To get iProov added to your account, you can contact us by creating a support ticket in the Signicat Dashboard. If iProov is enabled, you will receive more information about these features, for example in the Get process, Download full result and Get image responses.

User flow example

More information will follow later.

Mobile SDKs (Android and iOS)

The aim of this topic is to help a developer integrating with the Assure API using ReadID's mobile SDKs. ReadID does not provide a web SDK since it requires using the NFC technology of a mobile phone via a native mobile app.

Please, keep in mind that the following descriptions do not contain all the necessary steps for production mode. In addition, you must add validations, tests and error handling, which is outside the scope of this documentation.

Using the third-party SDKs means that the end-user will see ReadID's user interface when performing the identity verification on their mobile or desktop.

Check end-user's ID document

The main aim of ReadID's user interface is to check the end-user's ID document.

Before you start the SDK integration, we recommend to familiarise yourself with the general steps for integrating with the Assure API.


Before you start the SDK integration, you should be aware of the following requirements for ReadID's SDKs:

  • Always use the latest ReadID SDK version.
    SDK version

    You should keep your app up to date by using the latest ReadID SDK version. Since ReadID's SDKs are not publicly available, you need to contact us by creating a support ticket in the Signicat Dashboard.

  • Ensure you implement for ReadID's supported device versions (iOS/Android). To get this information, you can contact us by creating a support ticket in the Signicat Dashboard.
  • The mobile device must have NFC support.
  • The app needs camera permission. Access to a microphone is not a requirement.
  • Your app must always communicate with your own server and never directly with the Assure API (see Usage recommendations).
  • Since you are integrating with the Assure API in a native app context, you should choose the eIDV generic flow.

Integration steps overview

This diagram provides an abstraction of the client-side implementation.

ReadID SDK process diagram

ReadID SDK process diagram

The next sections describe all the needed steps, including the integration with Assure before and after the ReadID SDK integration in step 3:

  1. Create a dossier.
  2. Create a process.
  3. Integrate with the ReadID mobile SDK to check the ID document.
  4. Get the result.

All the steps are similar for iOS and Android except the SDK integration in step 3, which is described below in different tabs for iOS and Android.

Create a dossier

Use the Create dossier endpoint to create a placeholder for all of your end-user's data:

curl -X POST \
<ENVIRONMENT>/assure/dossiers \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Save the dossierId from the response body to use in the next requests.


Ensure you use one dossier per end-user.

Get dossier

After creating a dossier, you can see all of its contents anytime you want to. To do that, use the Get dossier endpoint giving it the dossierId.

Create a process

Use the Create process endpoint to create an identity verification process inside the dossier.

Ensure you:

  • Use the dossierId from the "Create dossier" response.
  • Set the provider to readid.
curl -X POST \
<ENVIRONMENT>/assure/dossiers/<DOSSIER_ID>/processes \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"provider": "readid",
"processType": "sdk",
"authorizationHeader": "Token xSUNmskaIUGh9hn5B7bKJbNOho"

When you have created the ReadID process, you should get a backend response like this:

"processId": "7c0a2a82-0aac-49d7-a118-7e14e46a143f",
"status": "pending",
"createdAt": "2021-01-11T10:29:17Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-01-11T10:29:17Z",
"authorization": "someAuthorizationString",
"providerApiUrl": "someProviderApiUrl",
"provider": "readid",
"processType": "sdk"

Save the information from the response. You will need it in the next SDK integration steps.

Integrate with the ReadID mobile SDK to check the ID document

To check the ID document of the end-user, you must now integrate with the ReadID SDK for either Android or iOS:

Initialise and run the SDK (Java code example)

You must the send the processId, authorization and the providerApiUrl fields from the backend response to the app.

     final NFCWithAccessControlFlow nfcWithAccessControlFlow = new
try {
ActivityResultLauncher<Intent> readidResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(
new ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(), result -> {
if (result.getResultCode() == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
//Handle the result
//If there is the need to use the portrait picture that's inside the chip to send to Assure-API
//the following code will grab the picture from the NFCResult
final NFCResult nfcResult = ReadIDUI.getResult(NFCResult.class, result.getData());
if (nfcResult != null) {
final Bitmap documentImage = nfcResult.getFaceImage();
final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if(documentImage != null) {
documentImage.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, byteArrayOutputStream);
final byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
final String base64Selfie = new String(Base64.encode(byteArray, Base64.NO_WRAP));
//base64Selfie can be sent to Assure-API for face comparison
final Intent readIDIntent = ReadIDUI.createIntent(this, nfcWithAccessControlFlow);
} catch (final NFCNotSupportedException e) {
//Handle unsupported devices

Get the result

When the verification is finished, you can call the Get process result to get the result of the identity verification.

For result examples, see ReadID results.

Download full result

You can also get a zip file with the packaged process by calling the Download full result endpoint.

Service details for ReadID

This section goes more into detail about some useful endpoints when integrating with ReadID:

Start Capture flow

More information will follow later.

Get process

This section describes the final result statuses for ReadID. For a more general description of how the "Get process" endpoint works, see Service details > Get process and the API reference.

Final result status

ReadID's response returns the data extracted from the document as well as the information about the results of the chip verification and chip clone detection.

Assure API uses the information in the chipVerification and chipCloneDetection fields to map the process' final status:

  • accepted:
    • chipVerification was successful.
    • chipCloneDetection was either successful or not available. This can happen with some older documents that do not support clone detection.
  • inconclusive: chipVerification was successful but chipCloneDetection failed. This means that it was not possible to check if the chip is real. Since this validation may fail for other reasons, we recommend that you allow the end-user to retry one or two more times.
  • rejected: chipVerification failed.

This is a response example of a ReadID process that was accepted:

"provider": "readid",
"status": "accepted",
"processId": "4e6aed00-f72a-4363-9d4a-418d66f5e49c",
"providerSpecific": {
"consolidatedIdentityData": {
"chipVerification": "SUCCEEDED",
"chipCloneDetection": "SUCCEEDED",
"dateOfBirth": "2002-04-29",
"dateOfExpiry": "2025-10-13",
"documentCode": "P",
"documentNumber": "P123456",
"documentType": "passport",
"gender": "F",
"issuingCountry": "PRT",
"nationality": "PRT",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "123456789",
"firstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"lastName": "SANTOS MENDES"
"finalResult": {
"documentType": "passport",
"firstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"lastName": "SANTOS MENDES",
"gender": "F",
"nationality": "PRT",
"dateOfBirth": "2002-04-29",
"documentNumber": "P123456",
"dateOfExpiry": "2025-10-13",
"issuingCountry": "PRT",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "123456789"
"processType": "ready",
"createdAt": "2021-08-04T08:19:22Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-08-04T08:21:56Z"

For field descriptions, see the Open API documentation > Get process.


This is a response example of a ReadID process that was inconclusive:

"provider": "readid",
"status": "inconclusive",
"processId": "36c9e4cb-9fe2-4326-a57b-ec1e7f6d2bbf",
"providerSpecific": {
"consolidatedIdentityData": {
"chipVerification": "SUCCEEDED",
"chipCloneDetection": "FAILED",
"dateOfBirth": "2002-04-29",
"dateOfExpiry": "2025-10-13",
"documentCode": "P",
"documentNumber": "P123456",
"documentType": "passport",
"gender": "F",
"issuingCountry": "PRT",
"nationality": "PRT",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "123456789",
"firstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"lastName": "SANTOS MENDES"
"processType": "ready",
"createdAt": "2021-08-04T09:18:09Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-08-04T09:24:01Z"

This is a response example of a ReadID process that was rejected:

"provider": "readid",
"status": "rejected",
"processId": "36c9e4cb-9fe2-4326-a57b-ec1e7f6d2bbf",
"providerSpecific": {
"consolidatedIdentityData": {
"chipVerification": "FAILED",
"chipCloneDetection": "SUCCEEDED",
"dateOfBirth": "2002-04-29",
"dateOfExpiry": "2025-10-13",
"documentCode": "P",
"documentNumber": "M123456",
"documentType": "passport",
"gender": "F",
"issuingCountry": "PRT",
"nationality": "PRT",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "123456789",
"firstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"lastName": "SANTOS MENDES"
"processType": "ready",
"createdAt": "2021-08-04T09:18:09Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-08-04T09:24:01Z"

For field descriptions, see the Open API documentation > Get process.

Final result status with iProov

If you have added iProov to ReadID, the response will have an additional providerSpecific field, iProovSession, with information about the liveness and facial similarity checks.

accepted (iProov)

Here is an accepted ReadID process with iProov liveness assurance:

"processId": "093b6c3b-f1ec-49c2-b349-58c3176f7aa8",
"provider": "readid",
"processType": "ready",
"status": "accepted",
"finalResult": {
"firstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"lastName": "SANTOS MENDES",
"dateOfExpiry": "2025-10-13",
"dateOfBirth": "2002-04-29",
"gender": "F",
"nationality": "PRT",
"documentType": "passport",
"documentNumber": "P123456",
"issuingCountry": "PRT",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "123456789"
"providerSpecific": {
"consolidatedIdentityData": {
"chipVerification": "SUCCEEDED",
"chipCloneDetection": "SUCCEEDED",
"documentType": "passport",
"firstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"lastName": "SANTOS MENDES",
"gender": "F",
"nationality": "PRT",
"dateOfBirth": "2002-04-29",
"documentNumber": "P123456",
"dateOfExpiry": "2025-10-13",
"issuingCountry": "PRT",
"documentCode": "P",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "123456789"
"documentContent": {
"dateOfBirth": "2002-04-29",
"dateOfExpiry": "2025-10-13",
"documentNumber": "P123456",
"issuingCountry": "PRT",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "123456789",
"firstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"lastName": "SANTOS MENDES",
"gender": "F",
"mrzFirstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"mrzLastName": "SANTOS MENDES",
"nationality": "PRT",
"placeOfBirth": ""
"iproovSession": {
"attempts": 1,
"enrollmentImageSource": "Chip",
"finished": true,
"hasError": false,
"passed": true,
"iProovAssuranceType": "GENUINE_PRESENCE"
"createdAt": "2023-12-07T22:32:50Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-12-07T22:34:37Z"
inconclusive (iProov)

In this response example, the status result is inconclusive since the iProov session was unsuccessful ("passed": false):

"processId": "7e28b214-572d-41cc-ae57-ded4d766bef9",
"provider": "readid",
"processType": "ready",
"status": "inconclusive",
"providerSpecific": {
"consolidatedIdentityData": {
"chipVerification": "SUCCEEDED",
"chipCloneDetection": "SUCCEEDED",
"documentType": "passport",
"firstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"lastName": "SANTOS MENDES",
"gender": "F",
"nationality": "PRT",
"dateOfBirth": "2002-04-29",
"documentNumber": "P123456",
"dateOfExpiry": "2025-10-13",
"issuingCountry": "PRT",
"documentCode": "P",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "123456789"
"documentContent": {
"dateOfBirth": "2002-04-29",
"dateOfExpiry": "2025-10-13",
"documentNumber": "P123456",
"issuingCountry": "PRT",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "123456789",
"firstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"lastName": "SANTOS MENDES",
"gender": "F",
"mrzFirstName": "MARIA PAULA",
"mrzLastName": "SANTOS MENDES",
"nationality": "PRT",
"placeOfBirth": ""
"iproovSession": {
"attempts": 3,
"enrollmentImageSource": "Chip",
"finished": true,
"hasError": false,
"passed": false,
"iProovAssuranceType": "GENUINE_PRESENCE"
"createdAt": "2023-12-07T22:39:27Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-12-07T22:42:22Z"
rejected (iProov)

iProov will never cause a rejected status. The rejected status will only happen if the document is invalid (see the general rejected example response above).

Download full result

In the Get process response, you get the results for ReadID in the provider-specific area (for example chipVerification). For full information as obtained from the provider, use the Download full result service. This service returns a zip file containing data and media files about the verification.

Data file


This "raw" file contains all information about contents you can retrieve from Electronic Machine Readable Travel Documents (eMRTD):

  • nfcSession: The raw data of an eMRTD and the low-level details of the verification of an eMRTD.
  • documentContent: The interpreted data of an eMRTD, e.g. name, gender, date of birth etc. It also contains references to the face images stored in the document.
  • ocrSession: The MRZ that was OCR'ed and also a photo of the MRZ that was OCR'ed.
  • vizSession (Alpha): References to the photo of the visual inspection zone of the eMRTD.
  • consolidatedIdentityData: This combines the best-interpreted data from multiple sources. Note: Do not use this unless told otherwise. This part is extended by some versions of the ReadID server.

Media files

TypeFile name/formatComment
back-Only retrieved if the ID document has a backside.

Download full result with iProov

If you have added iProov to ReadID, you will in addition to the above information, receive:

  • A selfie image (selfie.jpg) of the end-user captured by iProov to be compared with the ID document portrait.
  • An extra iProov field in the session.json file, for example:
Extra field in json file

Extra field in json file