# Attributes reference

You use Norwegian BankID to verify the end-user's identity and obtain relevant personal details about them. This page summarises user information you can request and receive for the OIDC and the Authentication REST API protocols. We also support SAML 2.0, but this is not documented yet.

# OIDC scopes and claims

You can use the following scopes to request user information from an end-user using Norwegian BankID.

Include user data claims in Id token

By default, all claims listed in this table are returned in the UserInfo endpoint. In addition, you can configure user data claims to be returned in the Id token. You can set this up in the Dashboard > OIDC client (opens new window) under Advanced Security > Id Token User data. The right column shows the values required to include each claim in the Id token.

Scope Claim Example Description "Id Token User Data" values
profile name Kari Nordmann The full name of the end-user. StandardScopes or All
given_name Kari The first name of the end-user. StandardScopes or All
family_name Nordmann The surname of the end-user. StandardScopes or All
birthdate 1990-02-17 The date of birth of the end-user. StandardScopes or All
idp-id idp_id 9578-6000-4-1663921 Personal identifier set by the identity provider. StandardScopes or All
nin nin 17029012345 The national identity number (“fødselsnummer”) of the end-user. All
nin_issuing_country NO The issuing country of the national identity. Always “NO” for Norwegian BankID. All
nin_type BIRTH The type of national identity number. Always “BIRTH” for Norwegian BankID. All
nbid-extra nbid_updated_at 1606394130000 Time when the end-user’s information was last updated, measured in seconds since epoch time. Standard Scopes or All
nbid_tid 62c12db4-a6a3-42ad-8ab8-51a87e2a96ce Norwegian BankID’s identifier for the transaction. Used for auditing and tracing purposes. All
nbid_originator CN=BankID Bankenes ID-tjeneste Bank CA 2, OU=988477052,O=Bankenes ID-tjeneste AS,C=NO;OriginatorId=9775; OriginatorName=Gjensidige Bank RA 1 Issuer of the end-user certificate. All
nbid_idp BID This value decides the flow type used during the transaction, either BID (BankID High), BIS (BankID Biometric) or BIM (BankID on Mobile). All
nbid_auth_time 1709206279 Time when the end-user was authenticated, measured in minutes since epoch time All
nbid_alternative_subject 9578-6000-4-1663921 Personal Identifier (PID / Serial Number) from associated Norwegian BankID certificate. All
nbid_additional_cert_info {"certValidFrom": 1554448774000, "serialNumber": "1055610", "keyAlgorithm": "RSA", "keySize": "2048", "policyOid": "2.16.578.", "monetaryLimitAmount": "100000", "certQualified": true, "monetaryLimitCurrency": "NOK", "certValidTo": 1617607174000, "versionNumber": "3", "subjectName": "CN=Nordmann\\, Kari,O=TestBank1 AS, C=NO,SERIALNUMBER=9578-6000-4-877"} Additional information about the end-user certificate, formatted as a JSON string. All
nbid_subject_uuid e6418f52-b90d-49ea-a448-a73d39f24ec7 Norwegian BankID’s unique identifier for the user. All

See also Control the Norwegian BankID flow (acr_values and login_hint).

# OIDC response example

You can use the following scopes to request user information from an end-user using Norwegian BankID: This example shows the section with the user information attributes.

	"family_name": "Kari",
	"given_name": "Nordmann",
	"birthdate": "1990-02-17",
	"nin": "17029012345",
	"nin_type": "BIRTH",
	"nin_issuing_country": "NO",
	"nbid_tid": "1ebe3243-ec47-42fe-9f3b-8f323e1e0d53",
	"nbid_auth_time": "1709206572",
	"nbid_alternative_subject": "9578-6000-4-877",
	"nbid_originator": "CN=BankID - TestBank1 - Bank CA 3,OU=123456789,O=TestBank1 AS,C=NO;OrginatorId=9980;OriginatorName=BINAS;OriginatorId=9980",
	"nbid_updated_at": "1708682096000",
	"nbid_additional_cert_info": "{\"certValidFrom\":1606394130000,\"serialNumber\":\"1407572\",\"keyAlgorithm\":\"RSA\",\"keySize\":\"2048\",\"policyOid\":\"2.16.578.\",\"monetaryLimitAmount\":\"100000\",\"certQualified\":true,\"monetaryLimitCurrency\":\"NOK\",\"certValidTo\":1669466130000,\"versionNumber\":\"3\",\"subjectName\":\"CN=Nordmann\\\\,Kari,O=TestBank1 AS,C=NO,SERIALNUMBER=9578-6000-4-877\"}",
	"nbid_subject_uuid": "e6418f52-b90d-49ea-a448-a73d39f24ec7",
	"nbid_idp": "BID",
	"sub": "6NZrmEFWVaQij7tQgDSlsG6H6nBpVbZneQKZMrkJbls="

# Authentication REST API attributes

The Signicat Authentication REST API supports the following request and response attributes for Norwegian BankID:

Attribute Sub-field Example Description
name Kari Nordmann The full name of the end-user.
firstName Kari The first name of the end-user.
lastName Nordmann The surname of the end-user.
dateOfBirth 1990-02-17 The date of birth of the end-user.
idpId 9578-6000-4-1663921 Personal identifier set by the identity provider.
nin value 17029012345 The national identity number (“fødselsnummer”) of the end-user.
issuingCountry NO The issuing country of the national identity. Always “NO” for Norwegian BankID.
type BIRTH The type of national identity number. Always “BIRTH” for Norwegian BankID.
nbidUpdatedAt 1708682096000 Time when the end-user’s information was last updated, measured in milliseconds since epoch time.
nbidTid 62c12db4-a6a3-42ad-8ab8-51a87e2a96ce Norwegian BankID’s identifier for the transaction. Used for auditing and tracing purposes.
nbidOriginator CN=BankID Bankenes ID-tjeneste Bank CA 2, OU=988477052,O=Bankenes ID-tjeneste AS,C=NO;OriginatorId=9775; OriginatorName=Gjensidige Bank RA 1 Issuer of the end-user certificate.
nbidIdp BID This value decides the flow type used during the transaction, either BID (BankID High), BIS (BankID Biometric) or BIM (BankID on Mobile).
nbidAuthTime 1709207560 Time when the end-user was authenticated, measured in seconds since epoch time
nbidAlternativeSubject 9578-6000-4-1663921 Personal Identifier (PID / Serial Number) from associated Norwegian BankID certificate.
nbidAdditionalCertInfo {"certValidFrom": 1554448774000, "serialNumber": "1055610", "keyAlgorithm": "RSA", "keySize": "2048", "policyOid": "2.16.578.", "monetaryLimitAmount": "100000", "certQualified": true, "monetaryLimitCurrency": "NOK", "certValidTo": 1617607174000, "versionNumber": "3", "subjectName": "CN=Nordmann\\, Kari,O=TestBank1 AS, C=NO,SERIALNUMBER=9578-6000-4-877"} Additional information about the end-user certificate, formatted as a JSON string.
nbidSubjectUuid e6418f52-b90d-49ea-a448-a73d39f24ec7 Norwegian BankID’s unique identifier for the user.

# Authentication REST API response example

The response example below shows the section with the user information attributes.

    "id": "58126fb8-c5e2-...",
    "accountId": "a-sdge-...",
    "authenticationUrl": "https://<YOUR_SIGNICAT_DOMAIN>/broker/sp/external-service/login?messageId=21b064c3-28b...",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "provider": "nbid",
    "subject": {
        "id": "opuc4kyFUWPkfdmfYTzjS89u6ZCWLHWLZfPR5hpBW24=",
        "idpId": "9578-6000-4-1663921",
        "name": "Kari Nordmann",
        "firstName": "Kari",
        "lastName": "Nordmann",
        "nin": {
            "value": "17029012345",
            "issuingCountry": "NO",
            "type": "BIRTH"
		"nbidAuthTime": "1709207560",
        "nbidUpdatedAt": "1708682096000"
Last updated: 11/04/2024 07:47 UTC