# Go to production

In this section, you can find information to help you connect to itsme® in a production account.

If you want to integrate with itsme® in production, contact us to get you all set:

# Create a production account

To connect to itsme® in production, you need to create a production account with a custom certificate domain in the Signicat Dashboard. If you already have a production account set up in the Dashboard, you may skip this section.

To create a production account in your Signicat organisation, go to the Signicat Dashboard (opens new window) and:

  1. Click the name of your organisation at the top left of the screen and then select Manage.
  2. Under Organisation management, click Add Account.
  3. Enter the name of your account under Account Name and tick the box for Production account.
  4. Click Create to create a new account.

# Add a custom domain with a custom certificate

Order your certificate

To connect to itsme®, you must provide Signicat with your custom SSL/TLS (self-managed) certificates. Before you can continue with the integration, you must purchase your certificates with a Certificate Authority (CA).

To connect to itsme® securely you must add a custom domain using a custom (self-managed) SSL/TLS certificate. Note that itsme® only accepts connections with Organization Validated (OV) or Extended Validation (EV) certificates. You cannot use a domain-validated (DV) certificate from Let's Encrypt.

You can configure a custom domain with a custom SSL/TLS certificate in the Signicat Dashboard (opens new window). To do this in your production account, follow the instructions in the Custom domain with self-managed certificate documentation.

# Add itsme® button to your application

To allow your users to authenticate with itsme®, you need to create a button on your application. See the Button design guide (opens new window).

# Follow the integration steps

Now, follow the steps in our guides to configure itsme® in the Dashboard and connect with the authentication protocol of your choice:

To get help with your integration, contact us (opens new window).

Last updated: 24/04/2024 07:02 UTC