# Attributes reference

You use itsme® to verify end-user identity and obtain relevant personal details.

This page shows what end-user information you can retrieve for a given authentication protocol.

# Available attributes

Attributes (scopes in OIDC) allow your application to specify the desired set of user data for each identity verification process. The attributes an application should request depend on which user information your application needs.

After the end-user consents to share the requested attributes and completes an identity verification process, you can retrieve their personal details.

itsme® services and attributes

With itsme®, specific attributes map to different scenarios (itsme® services) to verify a person's digital identity.

The scopes/attributes you specify in your authorization request determine which itsme® service you trigger for your end-users. The tables on this page show which scopes/attributes result in an Authentication or an Identification service.

For details about the itsme® services offered by Signicat, see the About itsme® documentation.

# OIDC scopes and claims

With OIDC, you specify scopes in the authorization request that triggers an identity verification flow.

After the end-user verifies themselves and the flow is complete, you can retrieve the claims in the ID Token or through the UserInfo endpoint.

# OIDC Authentication service

Use any combination of the following OIDC scopes in your request to perform an itsme® Authentication service:

Scope OIDC Claim Example Description
name name Jane Doe Full name of the end-user including first name, last name, titles and suffixes.
given_name Jane First name of the end-user.
family_name Doe Last name of the end-user.
email email test@itsme.be Email address of the end-user.

Subject ID for login

The sub claim is a string that uniquely identifies a given user account. The benefit of using a sub claim is that it does not change over time, even if other user attributes (for example email or phone number) associated with that user account are updated.

Your application server should use the subject identifier (sub claim in the ID Token) to log in a given end-user to your application.


Sending a request containing scopes for Authentication and Identification defaults the process to an Identification service.

For example, a request with name, date-of-birth and nin leads to an Identification service.

# OIDC Identification service

Use any combination of the following OIDC scopes in your request to perform an itsme® Identification service:

Scope OIDC Claim Example Description
profile name Jane Doe Full name of the end-user including first name, last name, titles and suffixes.
given_name Jane First name of the end-user.
family_name Doe Last name of the end-user.
gender female Biological sex of the end-user. Possible values are : female, male, unknown, n/a. Note that for Belgian end-users only female or male values are available.
birthdate 1899-12-31 Date of birth of the end-user represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DD date format.
locale en End-user mobile phone language in string format. Available values are: nl, fr, de, en.
picture picture URL pointing to a picture on the ID document of the end-user. The URL refers to an image file.
date-of-birth birthdate 1899-12-31 Date of birth of the end-user represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DD date format. itsme® users are always 16 years old or more.
nin nin 81042419835 The national identity number of the end-user.
nin_type PERSON The type of national identity number.
nin_issuing_country BE The country issuing the identity number.
email email test@itsme.be Email address of the end-user.
phone phone_number +32 453519681 Phone number of the end-user represented as a string with format [+][country_code] [number].
address address {"formatted": "Rue Royale 82 1000 Bruxelles"} Postal address of the end-user. Formatted as JSON object containing some (or all of) these fields: {"formatted": [street_address] [postal_code] [locality]}.
nationality nationality Nationality of the end-user. The format depends on the ID document: for Belgian ID documents this is a string; for Dutch ID documents this is in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (opens new window) format.
place-of-birth place_of_birth Bruxelles Place of birth of end-user.
country-of-birth country_of_birth Country of birth.
itsme-eid itsme_eid 123-4567890-02 ID document number. Differences apply per country.
Belgian ID document number is a string of 12 digits in the form xxx-xxxxxxx-yy where yy is a check digit calculated as the remainder of dividing xxxxxxxxxx by 97 (if the remainder is 0, the check number is set to 97).
Other EU/EEA/Swiss ID documents format starts with a letter and nine digits in the form B xxxxxxx xx.
itsme_issuance_locality Place where the ID document was issued.
itsme_validity_from 1899-01-31T00:00:00+00Z Belgian ID document issuance date, represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ date format specified by ISO 8601.
itsme_validity_to 1899-01-31T00:00:00+00Z Belgian ID card expiry date, represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ date format specified by ISO 8601.
itsme_read_date 1899-01-31T00:00:00+00Z The date when the end-user's document was read for the last time, represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ date format, specified by ISO 8601.
itsme_national_number 860224 025 08 National registration number ( "Rijksregisternummer") is the unique identification number of natural persons registerd in Belgium. It comprises 11 digits in the form YY.MM.DD-xxx.cd where YY.MM.DD is the date of birth, xxx is a sequential number (odd for males and even for females) and cd a check-digit.
itsme-device itsme_os iOS The device operating system. Available values are "ANDROID" or "iOS".
itsme_app_name The application name.
itsme_app_release The application current release.
itsme_device_label The name of the device.
itsme_debug_enabled false Boolean that specifies whether debug mode is activated.
itsme_device_id Device identifier.
itsme_os_release The version of the OS running on the device.
itsme_manufacturer The brand of the device manufacturer.
itsme_device_lock_level Device lock level.
itsme_sms_enabled true True if device can send an SMS. On iOS, this means it’s an iPhone.
itsme_rooted false Specifies if it is a rooted device. This value is always false.
itsme_imei IMEI number of device.
itsme_device_model iPhone 7 The model of the device.
itsme_sdk_release Version of SDK on device.

Data in response

Note that itsme® may not return values for some of the claims. When a claim is not returned, the corresponding data is omitted from the JSON object of the response.

Country coverage

itsme® returns a subset of claims data for documents issued in countries other than Belgium. For details, visit the official documentation of claims at https://belgianmobileid.github.io/doc/claims/ (opens new window).

# OIDC response example

ID token:

  "iss": "https://<YOUR_SIGNICAT_DOMAIN>/auth/open",
  "nbf": 1712237928,
  "iat": 1712237928,
  "exp": 1712238528,
  "aud": "<OIDC_CLIENT_ID>",
  "amr": [
  "at_hash": "0zAbHkX...IeNDhkFoWlhKg",
  "sid": "8930E9EC6FAF...874DF7BA6FC907383",
  "sub": "tXOq9614vLHkXBkE...ZGQO02Fc98IPaHq6iRwK-ytA=",
  "auth_time": 1712237927,
  "idp": "itsme",
  "email": "test@itsme.be",
  "phone_number": "+32 453519681",
  "name": "Maxence Legrand",
  "family_name": "Legrand",
  "given_name": "Maxence",
  "gender": "female",
  "birthdate": "1981-04-24",
  "address": {
    "formatted": "Rue Royale 82 1000 Bruxelles"
  "idp_issuer": "https://idp.e2e.itsme.services/v2",
  "transaction_id": "355f42c4-a1ec-a...-87af-1eaad9a89435",
  "sandbox": true


  "idp_id": "rpx5rrbsn4ktvh...q4uh2iepsdat34i9vf",
  "name": "Maxence Legrand",
  "family_name": "Legrand",
  "given_name": "Maxence",
  "gender": "female",
  "birthdate": "1981-04-24",
  "email": "test@itsme.be",
  "address": {
    "formatted": "Rue Royale 82 1000 Bruxelles",
    "street_address": "Rue Royale 82",
    "locality": "Bruxelles",
    "postal_code": "1000"
  "phone_number": "+32 453519681",
  "nin": "81042419835",
  "nin_type": "PERSON",
  "sub": "tXOq9614vLHkXBkE...ZGQO02Fc98IPaHq6iRwK-ytA=",
  "idp_issuer": "https://idp.e2e.itsme.services/v2"

# Signicat Authentication REST API attributes

The Signicat Authentication REST API supports the following request attributes for itsme®.

# REST API Authentication service

Use any combination of the following attributes in your request to perform an itsme® Authentication service:

Attribute Example Description
name Jane Doe Full name of the end-user including first name, last name, titles and suffixes.
firstName Jane First name of the end-user.
lastName Doe Last name of the end-user.
email test@itsme.be Email address of the end-user.


Sending a request containing scopes for Authentication and Identification defaults the process to an Identification service.

For example, a request with name, dateOfBirth and nin leads to an Identification service.

# REST API Identification service

Use any combination of the following attributes in your request to perform an itsme® Identification service:

Attribute Sub-field (response) Example Description
name Jane Doe Full name of the end-user including first name, last name, titles and suffixes.
firstName Jane First name of the end-user.
lastName Doe Last name of the end-user.
gender female Biological sex of the end-user. Possible values are : female, male, unknown, n/a. Note that for Belgian end-users only female or male values are available.
dateOfBirth 1899-12-31 Date of birth of the end-user represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DD date format. itsme® users are always 16 years old or older.
locale en End-user mobile phone language in string format. Available values are: nl, fr, de, en.
picture URL pointing to a picture on the ID document of the end-user. The URL refers to an image file.
nin value 81042419835 The national identity number of the end-user.
type PERSON The type of national identity number.
issuingCountry BE The country issuing the identity number.
email test@itsme.be Email address of the end-user.
phoneNumber +32 453519681 Phone number of the end-user represented as a string with format [+][country_code] [number].
address Rue Royale 82 1000 Bruxelles Postal address of the end-user. A string containing some (or all of) these fields: [street_address] [postal_code] [locality].
nationality Nationality of the end-user. The format depends on the ID document: for Belgian ID documents this is a string; for Dutch ID documents this is in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (opens new window) format.
placeOfBirth Bruxelles Place of birth of end-user.
countryOfBirth Country of birth.
itsmeEid 123-4567890-02 ID document number. Differences apply per country.
Belgian ID document number is a string of 12 digits in the form xxx-xxxxxxx-yy where yy is a check digit calculated as the remainder of dividing xxxxxxxxxx by 97 (if the remainder is 0, the check number is set to 97).
Other EU/EEA/Swiss ID documents format starts with a letter and nine digits in the form B xxxxxxx xx.
itsmeIssuanceLocality Place where the ID document was issued.
itsmeValidityFrom 1899-01-31T00:00:00+00Z Belgian ID document issuance date, represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ date format specified by ISO 8601.
itsmeValidityTo 1899-01-31T00:00:00+00Z Belgian ID card expiry date, represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ date format specified by ISO 8601.
itsmeReadDate 1899-01-31T00:00:00+00Z The date when the end-user's document was read for the last time, represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ date format, specified by ISO 8601.
itsmeNationalNumber 860224 025 08 National registration number ( "Rijksregisternummer") is the unique identification number of natural persons registerd in Belgium. It comprises 11 digits in the form YY.MM.DD-xxx.cd where YY.MM.DD is the date of birth, xxx is a sequential number (odd for males and even for females) and cd a check-digit.
itsmeOs iOS The device operating system. Available values are "ANDROID" or "iOS".
itsmeAppName The application name.
itsmeAppRelease The application current release.
itsmeDeviceLabel The name of the device.
itsmeDebugEnabled false Boolean that specifies whether debug mode is activated.
itsmeDeviceId Device identifier.
itsmeOsRelease The version of the OS running on the device.
itsmeManufacturer The brand of the device manufacturer.
itsmeDeviceLockLevel Device lock level.
itsmeSmsEnabled true True if device can send an SMS. On iOS, this means it’s an iPhone.
itsmeRooted false Specifies if it is a rooted device. This value is always false.
itsmeImei IMEI number of device.
itsmeDeviceModel iPhone 7 The model of the device.
itsmeSdkRelease Version of SDK on device.

Data in response

Note that itsme® may not return values for some of the attributes. When an attribute is not returned, the corresponding data is omitted from the JSON object of the response.

Country coverage

itsme® returns a subset of the data for documents issued in countries other than Belgium. For details, visit the official documentation of claims at https://belgianmobileid.github.io/doc/claims/ (opens new window).

# Authentication API response example

Here is a section of the response showing the user information attributes:

    "id": "4ccb8a1b-6f40-e146-af1b-15f1c6eabb56",
    "subject": {
        "id": "tXOq9614vLHkXBkENWcZGQO02Fc98IPaHq6iRwK-ytA=",
        "idpId": "rpx5rrbsn4ktvhm3m0q4uh2iepsdat34i9vf",
        "name": "Maxence Legrand",
        "firstName": "Maxence",
        "lastName": "Legrand",
        "dateOfBirth": "1981-04-24",
        "nin": {
            "value": "81042419835",
            "issuingCountry": "BE",
            "type": "PERSON"
        "address": "Rue Royale 82 1000 Bruxelles",
        "placeOfBirth": "Bruxelles",

Use ID for login

The id field in the JSON of the response from the API is a string that uniquely identifies a given user account. The benefit of using the ID is that it does not change over time, even if other user attributes (for example email or phone number) associated with that user account are updated.

Your application server should use the subject identifier (id field in the JSON of the response) to log in a given end-user to your application.

# SAML 2.0 attributes

Integrating with SAML 2.0, allows you to use the following request attributes for itsme®:

# SAML Authentication service

Use any combination of the following attributes in your request to perform an itsme® Authentication service:

Attribute Example Description
name Jane Doe Full name of the end-user including first name, last name, titles and suffixes.
firstName Jane First name of the end-user.
lastName Doe Last name of the end-user.
email test@itsme.be Email address of the end-user.


Sending a request containing scopes for Authentication and Identification defaults the process to an Identification service.

For example, a request with name, dateOfBirth and nin leads to an Identification service.

# SAML Identification service

Use any combination of the following attributes in your request to perform an itsme® Identification service:

Attribute Example Description
name Jane Doe Full name of the end-user including first name, last name, titles and suffixes.
firstName Jane First name of the end-user.
lastName Doe Last name of the end-user.
gender female Biological sex of the end-user. Possible values are : female, male, unknown, n/a. Note that for Belgian end-users only female or male values are available.
dateOfBirth 1899-12-31 Date of birth of the end-user represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DD date format. itsme® users are always 16 years old or older.
locale en End-user mobile phone language in string format. Available values are: nl, fr, de, en.
picture URL pointing to a picture on the ID document of the end-user. The URL refers to an image file.
nin 81042419835 Response contains three separate fields for nin, nin.type and nin.issuingCountry, which represent respectively the national identity number of the end-user, the type of national identity number and the country issuing the identity number.
email test@itsme.be Email address of the end-user.
phoneNumber +32 453519681 Phone number of the end-user represented as a string with format [+][country_code] [number].
address Rue Royale 82 1000 Bruxelles Postal address of the end-user, containing some (or all of) these fields: [street_address] [postal_code] [locality].
nationality Nationality of the end-user. The format depends on the ID document: for Belgian ID documents this is a string; for Dutch ID documents this is in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (opens new window) format.
placeOfBirth Bruxelles Place of birth of the end-user.
countryOfBirth Country of birth of the end-user.
itsmeEid 123-4567890-02 ID document number. Differences apply per country.
Belgian ID document number is a string of 12 digits in the form xxx-xxxxxxx-yy where yy is a check digit calculated as the remainder of dividing xxxxxxxxxx by 97 (if the remainder is 0, the check number is set to 97).
Other EU/EEA/Swiss ID documents format starts with a letter and nine digits in the form B xxxxxxx xx.
itsmeIssuanceLocality Place where the ID document was issued.
itsmeValidityFrom 1899-01-31T00:00:00+00Z Belgian ID document issuance date, represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ date format specified by ISO 8601.
itsmeValidityTo 1899-01-31T00:00:00+00Z Belgian ID card expiry date, represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ date format specified by ISO 8601.
itsmeReadDate 1899-01-31T00:00:00+00Z The date when the end-user's document was read for the last time, represented as a string in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ date format, specified by ISO 8601.
itsmeNationalNumber 860224 025 08 National registration number ( "Rijksregisternummer") is the unique identification number of natural persons registerd in Belgium. It comprises 11 digits in the form YY.MM.DD-xxx.cd where YY.MM.DD is the date of birth, xxx is a sequential number (odd for males and even for females) and cd a check-digit.
itsmeOs iOS The device operating system. Available values are "ANDROID" or "iOS".
itsmeAppName The application name.
itsmeAppRelease The application current release.
itsmeDeviceLabel The name of the device.
itsmeDebugEnabled false Boolean that specifies whether debug mode is activated.
itsmeDeviceId Device identifier.
itsmeOsRelease The version of the OS running on the device.
itsmeManufacturer The brand of the device manufacturer.
itsmeDeviceLockLevel Device lock level.
itsmeSmsEnabled true True if device can send an SMS. On iOS, this means it’s an iPhone.
itsmeRooted false Specifies if it is a rooted device. This value is always false.
itsmeImei IMEI number of device.
itsmeDeviceModel iPhone 7 The model of the device.
itsmeSdkRelease Version of SDK on device.

Data in response

Note that itsme® may not return values for some of the attributes. When an attribute is not returned, the corresponding data is omitted from the JSON object of the response.

Country coverage

itsme® returns a subset of the data for documents issued in countries other than Belgium. For details, visit the official documentation of claims at https://belgianmobileid.github.io/doc/claims/ (opens new window).

# SAML 2.0 response example

The following SAML response contains the outcome of an Identification service with attributes nin, name, email:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<saml2p:Response xmlns:saml2p="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" Destination="<YOUR_SAML_ACS_ENDPOINT>" ID="_79c74fabd7a896ee879729c92ca6c231" InResponseTo="_064f5303e14c84a59d7eaa24b6cd3558" IssueInstant="2024-04-04T11:56:12.648Z" Version="2.0" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <saml2:Issuer xmlns:saml2="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">
    <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
        <saml2p:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success"/>
    <saml2:Assertion xmlns:saml2="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" ID="_d9da2112740b886681bf7da6185d986f" IssueInstant="2024-04-04T11:56:12.657Z" Version="2.0" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
            <saml2:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified" NameQualifier="https://idp.e2e.itsme.services/v2">
            <saml2:SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">
                <saml2:SubjectConfirmationData InResponseTo="_064f5303e14c84a59d7eaa24b6cd3558" NotOnOrAfter="2024-04-04T11:58:12.657Z" Recipient="<YOUR_SAML_ACS_ENDPOINT>"/>
        <saml2:Conditions NotBefore="2024-04-04T11:56:07.657Z" NotOnOrAfter="2024-04-04T11:58:12.657Z">
            <saml2:Attribute Name="name">
                <saml2:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="xsd:string">
                    Maxence Legrand
            <saml2:Attribute Name="nin">
                <saml2:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="xsd:string">
            <saml2:Attribute Name="nin.type">
                <saml2:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="xsd:string">
            <saml2:Attribute Name="email">
                <saml2:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="xsd:string">
            <saml2:Attribute Name="idpId">
                <saml2:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="xsd:string">
        <saml2:AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2024-04-04T11:56:12.657Z" SessionIndex="fbd7098e-f7bd-4291-820a-70c9c2c0dff0">
Last updated: 10/04/2024 07:09 UTC