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Signicat Mint release notes



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Improved upgrade
  • Step references available. The first few step references are now available on the developer pages, providing in-depth documentation of various step types for Mint, their configuration and what data to expect.

Mint Steps: Communication

Improved upgrade
  • Send Email and Send SMS steps re-implemented. The steps for sending Emails and SMS have been re-implemented to support Mint files as attachments. We labelled the previous version as "legacy".

Mint Steps: Utilities

New features fiber_new
  • New step: Waiting step. A new step to let the workflow wait before continuing. The waiting time can be set to seconds, minutes or hours.

Mint Steps: PDF Hydration

Improved upgrade
  • Optional output filename. We added an optional input to name a file created by the PDF Hydration service. This feature helps distinguish when extracting or downloading the files through Mint later.

Form component

New features fiber_new
  • Added collapsable pages when building. Having to scroll the entire time was time-consuming, especially when building large forms across multiple pages. To organise forms better, you can now collapse pages and navigate the Builder UI faster.
Improved upgrade
  • Table pre-filling with custom lists. In addition to using output lists from previous steps, you can now create lists, or combine two or more lists into one, and use the lists to prefill tables in a form. To do this, activate advanced mode for pre-filling a column.
  • Make options for certain inputs editable. You can now edit the value and order of inputs such as radio buttons, checklists and dropdowns.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Validation error on read-only inputs. Validation of read-only inputs in a form would occasionally fail if the inputs were pre-filled and required. As a result, the form could not be submitted. This is fixed now and read-only inputs are validated properly.

Visual Builder

New features fiber_new
  • Copy single steps from a workflow. You can now copy individual steps from a workflow and paste them either in the same workflow or in another workflow in Mint.
  • Pre-Filling for dropdown inputs. We added the possibility to dynamically pre-fill both single- and multi-select dropdown inputs in steps through advanced mode.
Improved upgrade
  • Showing error page when loading a workflow fails. When loading a workflow fails, Mint now shows a general error page with a message, instead of showing an infinite spinner.
  • Improved scrolling and focus behaviour. Navigation through a large workflow and focusing on the right step on the screen have been substantially improved.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Conditionals cannot be added right after a condition. Before this fix, to add a conditional step inside another conditional, you had to first add a step of another type. This has now been resolved.


New features fiber_new
  • Full default custom domain support. The custom domains that can be configured in the Signicat Dashboard are now fully supported in all steps and are used across the entire Mint journey.

Journey Manager

New features fiber_new
  • Alerts displayed in journey list and details. Alerts triggered by the “Trigger alert” step are now shown in the journey manager. A preview is shown in the list overview but you can find the full details in the individual journey step details.
Improved upgrade
  • Cutting of too long identifiers. In the overview of journeys, long identifiers would break the design. Now, they are cut off after 150 characters and shown in an expandable tooltip.

Mint API

New features fiber_new
  • New endpoint: Resume a workflow. The Mint API features a new endpoint to resume suspended workflow journeys. The parameters are the ID of the journey and the ID of the step where the journey stopped.
Improved upgrade
  • Validating properties on save and publish. When saving or publishing a workflow through the API, the “properties” get validated to only contain allowed values.
Breaking changes warning
  • Export endpoints have been consolidated. The endpoints to export CSV and PDF reports of Mint journeys have been consolidated. Learn more in the Mint API reference.

Mint Engine

Improved upgrade
  • Quota limitation added. The engine added default quota limitations for executing workflows.


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Mint Steps: Connections

Improved upgrade
  • Selectable content type for the HTTP Request. In the Send HTTP request step you can now choose between two possible body content types: JSON or Form data.
  • Add request headers to the HTTP Request. In addition to sending only the request body, you can now add custom request headers.

Mint Steps: Utilities

New features fiber_new
  • New step: JSON file search. You can now upload a file with structured JSON data into your Mint workflow and search through it, once the workflow is running. Use this to search through large datasets, like a database, without having to store data inside the workflow. This step outputs the search result objects that you can use later in the workflow.

Form component

New features fiber_new
  • List-based table pre-filling. You can now prefill tables (in a form) with any list passed as input from previous steps. Each item in the input list adds a new row to the table. You also define how to break the data in the list item into columns.

  • Render entire sections on conditions. You can now group inputs into sections and control whether to show or hide the section with a condition. Previously, this was only possible at the individual input level.

Improved upgrade
  • Major form conditionals update. The form component underwent a major update when using conditionals. We added multiple operators and options to simplify the configuration of conditionals.
  • Additional input elements for tables. Form tables have now more input element types, such as inputs for phone numbers, checkboxes, lists and radio selections.
  • Display table and column labels. You can now opt to display table and column labels to the end-user.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: column labels display for desktop view and break them on separate lines. Long table column names could be cut off and not be displayed properly. This fixes those issues and properly breaks names into multiple lines.
  • Fixed: condition not updated on option deletion. Before this fix, a condition was not updated properly when deleting the selected option for the condition.
  • Fixed: info icon not visible for table columns. We fixed an issue that would not show the info icon on table column labels.

Visual Builder

New features fiber_new
  • Restricted journey access control. We added an option to control restricted journey access. You can find this under advanced options in the workflow settings. By enabling this option, you deny access to the journey for end-users through the generic workflow URL. To give individual users access, you must initiate a journey and forward the individual link to selected users.
  • URL Parameter allowlisting (also known as whitelisting). You can now add URL parameters to an allowlist. This way you can transport data into a Mint journey with parameters that you define in the URL. Mint only recognises parameters on the allowlist and ignores extraneous data. You can configure the allowlist in the workflow advanced settings.
Improved upgrade
  • Settings don't require additional saving. Before this improvement, you had to save settings in addition to saving the entire workflow. Settings are now updated live and are automatically saved when you save the entire workflow.
  • Loops based on variables. In previous versions, loops could only ingest output from specific step types. This feature adds support for loops with more complex variables that store lists.
  • Pre-filling lists of strings. In the past, you could only prefill simple text inputs and text areas, with step output in simple mode. Now you can pre-fill data in input fields requiring a list of strings, such as the Send Email input field.
  • Display activity description. When hovering on a step in the sidebar now, you can expand a tooltip with a description of the step features.

Journey Manager

New features fiber_new
  • Add notes to journeys and steps. You can now add notes to journeys or steps individually, letting you note additional information or remark on important parts of the process.
  • Filter journeys based on status. You can now filter journeys in the journey manager by status.
Improved upgrade
  • Expand multiple step details at once. Until now, it was only possible to expand one step detail view at the time. Now, detail views can be expanded in parallel.
  • Feature request data in the step details. To understand the data in a step better, the step details now show the input to the step.

Mint API

Improved upgrade
  • Clearer response messages. All response messages have been improved and cleared up.
  • Added more backend validation. To ensure that only valid workflows get saved and published, we extended validation in the Mint API.

Mint Engine

New features fiber_new
  • Added Core Quota service support. The Mint common worker library now supports the Core Quota service in all workers natively.
  • Common worker template added. We added a common and easy-to-use template for setting up Mint workers to the worker library.
Improved upgrade
  • Instance search endpoint extended. The endpoint now features searching for instances in a specific date range and with case-insensitive format.


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Mint Steps: eIDV Assure

New features fiber_new
  • Releasing Onfido or electronic eIDV flows. Mint now allows you to start and guide the end-user through eIDV flows, either with Onfido or electronic ID as providers. In this first version only processes that do not involve agent verifications are available.

Mint Steps: Authentication

Improved upgrade
  • Allowing additional parameters. The Authentication step now supports additional parameters. This feature allows you to further control the authentication flow as explained in the Authentication REST API reference page.

Form component

New features fiber_new
  • Showing sections in conditionals. With this new feature entire sections can now be hidden and shown on customisable conditions. This allows hiding or showing multiple elements without having to set multiple conditions separately on each element.
Improved upgrade
  • Allow horizontal display of checklists and radio buttons. The checklists and the radio buttons can now be aligned horizontally on a form by setting an additional option for it.
  • Refactoring file handling to support Mint. We refactored the Form way of handling uploaded files to fit the Mint model of handling files and making them available in the workflow and the journey manager.
  • Smarter validation of elements. Elements not intended for conditionals, such as headers and text blocks, are excluded and verified by the form component.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Missing input in submission fails validation. In some cases a required input was missing in the submission of the form. This omission caused form validation to fail even on valid forms.

Visual Builder

Improved upgrade
  • Showing missing inputs on the canvas. The Mint Builder highlights steps with required attributes left empty when you try to publish a flow.
  • Full context path for data pre-filling. The Mint Builder now shows the full path to the property instead of just the property name. This simplifies how you select variables for data-prefilling.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Missing checkbox name for pre-filling. Before we referenced checkboxes merely as "checkbox" in the variables for data prefilling. Now, we show the full name of the checkbox so you can identify them more easily.

Journey Manager

New features fiber_new
  • Download all files. The journey manager now supports the option to download all files processed by a Mint step. You can download the files either from the details of the step or zipped as an archive in the “Files” tab.
  • Showing/hiding system steps. System steps, such as setting variables or the journey name, are hidden now by default in the step details in the journey manager. A toggle at the top of the list of steps lets you show (or hide) hidden steps.
Improved upgrade
  • General detail pages. We added a general details page to show information for all the steps with an output but without a special details page.
  • Improved journey list. Now, the list of journeys fits better on smaller screens.

Mint API

New features fiber_new
  • Liquid expression pre-filling logic. To build the basis for pre-filling data types other than strings, the Mint API replaces any liquid expressions with fake data from the expected data types to pass validation.
Improved upgrade
  • Enforce hard limits and validations. To comply with security requirements and match expected schemas, the API validates and enforces hard limits and limitations when saving and publishing workflows. We added more meaningful messages on error.

Mint Engine

New features fiber_new
  • Allow URL parameter. The Mint Engine now lets you pass up to 10 URL parameters into the workflow with the Mint URL. Use this feature to pre-fill the journey or forward information as input to retrieve data.
Improved upgrade
  • Improve error responses. To better understand and handle sources of errors, we added more details to the error messages.
  • Enforce hard limits and validations. To comply with security requirements and match expected schemas, the Engine validates and enforces hard limits and limitations when executing workflows.
  • Send events when journeys are cancelled. The Engine removes journeys that have been abandoned and not finished for 31 days. After the cleanup, the Engine sends an event to the PubSub.
  • Store a step reference with Mint files. The Engine adds metadata to stored files so they can be linked to the step that uploaded them.


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Mint Steps: Primitives

New features fiber_new
  • Added new step: Add to list variable. The new step allows you to create a list of objects that can be used for looping or as a basis for other outputs later in the workflow. Loop steps can also store data from each iteration in this step.
  • Added new step: Set Name. To be able to provide an individual identifier name for each journey based on instance data, we implemented the Set Name step. Any text-based data can be used to mark and later identify any specific Mint journey.

Mint Steps: PDF Hydration

Improved upgrade
  • Added radio buttons to the supported elements. It’s now possible to also add and select radio buttons when hydrating a PDF with data based on the data collected in Mint.

Form component

Improved upgrade
  • Increase the allowed size for text areas and text blocks. To support longer texts in the text areas and text block elements, we increased the maximum size to 3750 characters (~ A4).
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Country prefix search in phone element. The search for a specific prefix/country code in the phone number input was having issues and forced the end-user to enter the input twice. This has now been fixed and works as intended.

Visual Builder

New features fiber_new
  • Loops are now available in Mint. As a new special type of step, like conditionals, loops have been implemented in Mint. Loops allow you to repeat the same actions multiple times, based on either a set limit or a list of items, making it, for example, possible to add signers based on signatories entered into a form table.
  • Importing and exporting of workflows. You can now export (and import) entire workflow definitions into any Mint account. Check it out in the workflow setting of the visual builder. You may also import an existing definition when creating a new workflow.
  • JSON Object builder. For all JSON-based input, a simple builder is now available in all supported steps. This facilitates the creation of JSON-structured input with key/value pairs instead of having to type the entire input structure.
Improved upgrade
  • Major facelift for the visual builder. We've released a new Visual Builder GUI that features:

    • Step icons
    • Searchable and organised sidebar
    • Space-efficient use of the canvas
    • Minimisable loop and conditional areas
    • Many small improvements
  • Saving the advanced state for data pre-filling. To increase flexibility, Mint offers an advanced mode for all pre-fillable inputs, which allows you to use the template language Liquid. When advanced mode is on, the workflow remembers the setting across sessions and behaves accordingly.

Journey Manager

Improved upgrade
  • Added a generic details page for Mint steps. All steps with output in a journey are now visible in the journey manager steps. This feature makes data more accessible.

Mint API

New features fiber_new
  • Alerts are part of the journey output now. The Alerts created by the Alerts step are now consolidated and summarised in the output of each journey, tagging the step that Mint alerts about.
  • Individual journey identifier added.
Improved upgrade
  • Initiate user journeys through the API. With the newly added returning session management in the engine, the API now allows end-users to be started per request and returns the individual workflow URL in the response to the client that an end-user could then access.
  • Storing the default custom domain with the workflow. In preparation to fully support custom domains in all steps, the API now stores the current default domain with the structure of the workflow.

Mint Engine

New features fiber_new
  • Returning session management. The Mint Engine added a new groundbreaking functionality that allows end-users to return to previously started journeys through a special "return URL". The URL link can be provided through every form of communication supported.


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Mint Steps: Primitives

New features fiber_new
  • Added new step: Set Variables. Set Variables allows you to set multiple variables in a step and have them available in the entire workflow, instead of having to add a new step for each variable.

Mint Steps: Alerts

Improved upgrade
  • Improved naming and description. Improved naming and description for the Dashboard notification step to clarify its usage.

Form component

New features fiber_new
  • Support for regular expressions. To provide individual and highly customisable text input rulesets, you can now provide regular expressions for text inputs.
Improved upgrade
  • Support for bigger numbers. To allow bigger maximum numbers as inputs, the number element now allows for values up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (long).
  • Add predefined document types. You can now add predefined document types to the file upload element with just the click of a button in the Visual Builder.
  • Added validation for Range and Number elements. We added validations for the range and number elements to only allow inputs that are not smaller than a minimum and not greater than a maximum value.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Validating conditionals results in infinite loops. In rare cases of invalid submission values, validating conditionals could result in an infinite loop of the condition; this is now fixed.

Journey Manager

Improved upgrade
  • Added more step detail pages for UBO lookup. To better display the results from the data verification, we expanded the detail pages for specific lookups.

Mint API

Improved upgrade
  • Improved the execution log for all taken steps. We improved the observability of each step in the execution log of each journey. All actions belonging to one step are now grouped in the data and linked to a specific step.
  • Moved the workflow structure validation to publish. To prevent structurally corrupt workflows from being published through either the Visual Builder or the API, we implemented a validation check before publishing.

Mint Engine

Improved upgrade
  • Data storage extended to six months. To ensure customers have enough time to extract data after users have finished their Mint journeys, the lifetime of the storage has been temporarily extended to six months.


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Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: URLs in the API documentation pointing to the wrong environment.

Form component

Improved upgrade
  • Handing files with the same name. To prevent files with the same name are overwritten on upload, we strengthened file validation with file handling logic and a counter.
  • Tables with one column should take the full-screen width. We improved the design of tables with only one column. They are now displayed at full width.
  • Option to set checklist item as required. This improvement allows setting checklist items to "required", therefore forcing the end-user to select at least one element from the given list.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Radio buttons get shrunken with long text. Before the fix, radio buttons would shrink in size when the text description was too long.

  • Fixed: Re-adding files in upload is not recognised. This fix addresses a problem that occurred when a file was selected for upload, then deleted and re-added again.

Journey Manager

New features fiber_new
  • Added downloading form files. This new functionality allows downloading files that have been uploaded by the end-user during a journey. The files are listed in the respective Step or the "Files" tab in the journey manager. Steps containing a downloadable file are marked with a paperclip in the journey manager.
Improved upgrade
  • Added more step detail pages for Organisation PEP/Sanction, Basic, Role and Authorization lookups. We added more detail pages for specific lookups, to return more information from the response.
  • Added the request to lookup details pages. To understand the result of the lookups better, we added the original request data to each available lookup detail page.

Mint Steps: Alerts

New features fiber_new
  • Added support for Dashboard notifications. We added a new Mint step category to define alerts and notifications. You can now trigger notifications in the Dashboard based on events in Mint and organise them by severity level and role, using customizable texts and links.

Mint Steps: Data Verification

New features fiber_new
  • Added "Organisation finance lookup". We added the Organisation finance lookup step to the Data Verification step with support for a limited set of sources and countries. This extends the coverage of Data Verification services available in Mint.

Mint Steps: Electronic Signing

New features fiber_new
  • Create signing order. Electronic Signing is now available! You can use Electronic Signing to create signing orders for multiple documents with a limited set of options and features, using the Express Signature API.
  • Add signer to existing signing order. We added a step to add multiple signers to an existing signing order after creation. You can now add signers during a flow based on conditional logic, the path taken or at any stage of the process.

Mint Steps: PDF Hydration

New features fiber_new
  • PDF Hydration. We added a new feature that allows you to select a PDF template and fill it in with the data (in JSON format) collected during the user journey.

Mint API

New features fiber_new
  • Added full file handling capabilities. To handle files between frontend and the storage, the Mint API offers endpoints to upload and download files and stores the references to be reused by the frontend and all Mint steps.
  • Added downloading uploaded form files. The API client can download the files uploaded by the end-user during a journey.
Improved upgrade
  • Full CSV export containing all journey data. The CSV export was upgraded to export the full dataset of a user journey instead of exporting only general data.
  • Organised execution log of user journeys. The execution log offers an overview of the stages each step runs through in a user journey. To improve the overview and analytics abilities, we organised the stages into folders for each step.

Mint Engine

New features fiber_new
  • Added full support for custom domains. The Mint engine now supports full custom domains.
  • Added automated cleanup of finished user journeys. Mint is an orchestration platform, not a data archive. Now, user journey data gets automatically deleted 31 days after workflow completion.
  • Added automated cancellation of suspended workflows. The engine is configured to now cancel data from suspended user journeys after 31 days.

Visual Builder

New features fiber_new
  • File management. You can now upload files when designing a workflow in the Visual Builder. File management is available for many steps, such as PDF Hydration or electronic signing.
Improved upgrade
  • Add collapsible sections. You can now collapse sections to better organise your forms and workflows in the visual builder. This also enables you to control whether they should be collapsed by default.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Conditional logic fails for "contains" operator. Before this fix, a conditional logic step would fail when it used the "contains" operator, trying to compare two values of different data types.


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Mint Steps: Authentication

New features fiber_new
  • FTN, Buypass and E-Mail OTP added. Three new authentication methods have been added to the Authentication step. Your end-users can now authenticate with FTN, Buypass and Email OTP.
Improved upgrade
  • Message level encryption enabled for all supported authentication methods. This is active by default and requires no additional actions from your side.

Mint Engine

New features fiber_new
  • Workflow file handling added. Mint engine can now process files and make them available both for building workflows and for passing them between steps. The functionality is available through the provided worker library for steps.

Visual Builder

New features fiber_new
  • Styling options added for headers and text-based elements. We added styling options for multiple elements in the Form step. This provides more flexibility when designing user journeys. Header elements now allow you to choose between 4 different header styles and text-based elements, like a text block or the labels for inputs, now offer the option of setting a text alignment.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Minimum number of columns for table element was two. Before, the minimum number of columns for a table element was two, thus excluding the option of using tables with only one column per row.


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Form component

Improved upgrade
  • When accessing files uploaded by a user and downloading them all in one go, the service now organizes them based on the point of upload in the form and the label used for the upload element.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Year not selectable in Datepicker. Before fixing, users could not select the date directly in the Datepicker inside a form.

Mint Steps: Connections

Improved upgrade
  • The Slack step has been moved under the Connections category and properly implemented to decrease technical debt in Mint.

Mint Steps: Data Verification

Improved upgrade
  • Due to the difference in responses from basic organisation lookups, depending on the country and source, the business address for a company could be empty in the result. If that is the case now, the first found and active address is used as the business address.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: When no UBO is found, the lookup fails. When an ultimate beneficial owner lookup was performed and found no UBOs, the lookup failed with an exception. After this fix, the step returns an empty result.

Mint API

Improved upgrade
  • To add an extra layer of data separation, Mint verifies that all elements processed belong to the correct account next to all other client and access authentications and verifications.

Mint Engine

Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: URL encoding in redirect. After fixing, special characters and the input in general is properly URL encoded to ensure correct redirection.

Visual Builder

Improved upgrade
  • When a step outcome is evaluated in conditional logic, then the "continue on error" option for the evaluated step is automatically turned on now.
  • The option to set at least one choice in a checkbox list to required has been added to the visual builder.


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Form component

New features fiber_new
  • Submitted files download. This new feature in Form allows the recipient of a submission to download the files that have been uploaded when a form was completed. They can either be downloaded individually or all at once in one archive.
Improved upgrade
  • Allow non pre-selected radio lists. Before this improvement, when a radio list had no specific default value, the first value in the list was selected as default. Now, all items in the list remain unselected until the end-user makes a selection themselves or the creator of the form designates a default selection.
  • Design improvements on disabled inputs. We updated the design for disabled inputs to ensure better readability while making sure it's easy to understand that those inputs can't be edited by the end-user.
  • Extended and added backend validation. To harden and protect data integrity, we added more backend validation for form submissions to the product.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Wrong spacing between non-collapsible sections. With this fix, the spacing between non-collapsible sections aligns with the rest of the form designs.
  • Fixed: Text area character count does not update. In the prior release, the character count shown below the text area did not update on typing or pasting text. This is now fixed and updates automatically on new input.
  • Fixed: Using the theming primary colour for submit buttons. With this fix, the submit button for forms uses the primary colour setup in the Dashboard theming and shows it as a background colour.

Journey Manager

New features fiber_new
  • Added step details for Form, Authentication and PEP/Sanction lookups. We enabled a new way of looking into steps completed and verifying the information received with the step detail pages. Those views not only make it easier to see all the provided input but also highlight important insights, like the certainty and strength of a PEP and Sanction match.

Mint Steps: Connections

New features fiber_new
  • New "Webhook" step available. This new step allows you to call a webhook at any point of the workflow. It supports the GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE methods, as well as sending a JSON payload when triggered.

Mint Steps: Data Verification

Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: PEP and Sanction fail with empty list of countries. Before fixing this issue, when setting up a PEP and Sanction step and leaving the list of countries empty, the step would fail. With this fix, an empty list is treated as a valid option and does not limit the countries of the lookup.

Mint API

New features fiber_new
  • Allowing the execution of internal workflows. This added functionality allows Signicat teams to build workflows on all layers of Mint, even directly in the engine, and execute them properly.
Improved upgrade
  • Added "stepsDone" and "stepsFaulted" as counter to the execution-log response. To quickly know how many steps in a given journey were completed or have failed, we implemented a counter in the response from the Mint API for the execution-log endpoint.

Visual Builder

New features fiber_new
  • Journey ID can be used as pre-filling variable. Using the journey ID as a reference can be useful, especially with the new Webhook step, but also on other occasions like storing the reference in DEM or redirecting to a customer system. This journey ID is now available in the visual builder and can be used in any input that allows data pre-filling.
Improved upgrade
  • Disable "Continue on error" for Engine steps. When workflows were supposed to be continued no matter a specific step outcome, the option "Continue on error" could be enabled. This was also possible for Engine native steps, that don't support that kind of behaviour and would ignore it. To improve the UX, this has been disabled for these steps.
  • Improve performance when showing steps. Improving the performance by querying the available steps for the visual builder to avoid lags and longer loading times.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Can't select pre-filling value in advanced mode. On some occasions, it was not possible to select any of the suggested values for pre-filling, when the input had advanced mode enabled. After the fix, values can be selected in both modes and appear in the input field accordingly.
  • Fixed: Steps with outcome error should halt the workflow. After this fix, when a step is not set to continue on error, the workflow should fail and halt when the current steps fail. Before this was fixed, the workflow occasionally showed that it was completed successfully.


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Mint Steps: Data Verification

New features fiber_new
  • New "Ultimate Beneficial Owner" (UBO) lookup available. With this new step in Mint, customers can now perform an "Ultimate Beneficial Owner" (UBO) lookup when a workflow is executed. The lookup offers a direct insight into who is the Person with the highest direct ownership of a company and in addition, provides a list of all registered UBOs of said company.
Improved upgrade
  • Added "Country Default" as a source to all lookups optionally accepting a source. To enable building workflows that rely on country selection alone and not specify a source that might not work across different countries, we added a "country default" source for all lookups, that optionally accepts sources as input.
  • Consistency in naming lookup steps. To provide consistency across Signicat products all lookup steps currently available in Mint were renamed according to the product names used in other places.
  • Save the strongest match for PEP and Sanction lookup. If one or more matches were found in a PEP and sanction lookup, the match with the highest score is saved in the strongest match property, so it can be accessed directly in the visual builder without having to iterate through a result list.
  • Added default output properties for all lookup steps. To unify the output for all lookup steps available in Mint, we added basic, default properties to the output that always should be present. Those properties are timestamp and source.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Authorisation lookup missing Output values. Before fixing, the output for the Authorisation lookup was missing outputs to be available when creating or editing a workflow.
  • Fixed: Basic person lookup missing Output values. Missing outputs for the basic person lookup have been fixed and added to the output available in Mint when using the step.
  • Fixed: PEP and Sanction lookup missing Output values. After implementing this fix, some missing output values for the PEP and Sanction lookup were added to be used when creating workflows.

Mint API

Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Deserialisation error. This fixes an occasional error when deserialising error messages in JSON schemas in the Mint API.

Mint Engine

New features fiber_new
  • New "FaultOnError" property for steps. Now, the step itself controls the behaviour of the workflow in case an error happens while being executed.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Liquid operator "contains" always returns false. When using the operator "contains" in a liquid expression before, the result always was "false", no matter if the value existed in an array or not.
  • Fixed: Output arrays stored in a workflow variable are not iterable. Resolving this issue enables storing arrays from the output into a workflow variable and reusing them later to iterate over the result.


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New features fiber_new

Form component

Improved upgrade
  • Minor design updates. The design of the form shown to end-users has been improved in both, looks and user experience.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: No red border around consent elements when hitting validation errors. Before this fix, when trying to submit a form without giving consent, the error was detected but not made visible enough for the end-user to quickly solve.

Mint API

Improved upgrade
  • Added a total page count to the get Instances endpoints. To be able to preview how many pages of instances/user journeys are provided from the API, the result object now contains a total page count for the requested filters and page sizes.

Mint Engine

New features fiber_new
  • Added a list of workflow variables to customise the user journey. We added variables for all strings currently displayed in the user journey frontend to fully customise the language in the user journey.
Improved upgrade
  • Added the ability to save result lists in a variable. To process lists more easily in liquid expressions, custom logic to allow lists to be stored in workflow variables was added.


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Form component

Improved upgrade
  • Upgraded the Form frontend. The Form frontend was upgraded to meet Signicat styling standards and create a unified visual experience for end-users.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Forms could not be submitted with empty file upload element. Before, leaving a file upload element empty (inside a conditional logic clause) blocked form submission. The error happened whether the element was set to required or optional. Now, form submission is fixed.

Mint Steps: Data Verification

New features fiber_new

When building your flow you can now use the following new Data Verification steps:

  • Added "Organization roles lookup". Get data from the Roles endpoint. It supports a limited number of data sources and a "country default" option.
  • Added "Organization ownership lookup". Get data from the Ownership endpoint. It supports a limited number of data sources and a "country default" option.
  • Added "Organization authorization lookup". Get data from the Authorization endpoint. It supports a limited number of data sources and a "country default" option.
  • Added "Person finance lookup". Get data from the Finance endpoint. It supports a limited number of data sources and a "country default" option.
  • Added "Organization PEP and sanction" and "Person PEP and sanction". Get data from the Screening (Organization) and Screening (Persons) endpoints. They support the global data source Trapets, the listType field for PEP, sanction and adverseMedia and the countries field for country selection.
Improved upgrade
  • Renamed Person and Company lookup Steps. We renamed the steps to "Person basic info lookup" and "Organization basic info lookup" to follow the naming convention used in the Information Service API.

Mint API

Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Insights calculation error. We changed the math behind the insights on the dashboard to show correct results.

Visual Builder

New features fiber_new
  • Advanced mode for prefilling inputs. An advanced feature to use the Liquid template language to perform advanced actions on the data collected throughout a journey.
Improved upgrade
  • Form pages can now be deleted. Next to adding form pages, you can now delete them as well. If they are not empty, you need to confirm deletion in a pop-up box.


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Form component

New features fiber_new
  • Show Form component in a box or full screen. The Visual Builder now features a toggle to resize the Form component. You can control whether to display the form component inside a box or full screen (to the end-users once the form is rendered in a user journey).
Improved upgrade
  • Deactivate Form submit button after submission. The submit button at the end of a Form is now deactivated after an end-user clicks it to submit a form. This is to avoid that a form gets submitted multiple times.
  • Added support for custom domains. The Form component is now hosted at your domain. You can manage your Account domain configuration in the Signicat Dashboard > Domain management.
Resolved issues construction
  • Fixed: Missing input validation for date fields. After this fix, the border of date fields turns red when an end-user enters an invalid date.
  • Fixed: Validate phone numbers only when required or not empty. Before, phone number fields were required by default and had to be filled in to submit a form. Now, phone number fields can be optional.
  • Fixed: Text areas are not rendered in some cases. We fixed a bug that blocked text areas from being displayed in the rendered user journey under certain circumstances.

Visual Builder

Improved upgrade
  • Display a detailed error path when validation fails. When an error occurs while trying to save a Form in the Visual Builder, the error message contains information about on what page, in which section and what field is causing the problem.

To learn more, you can contact us by creating a support ticket in the Signicat Dashboard.