# Glossary

Here you will find an overview of attributes used in the context of InstantKYC along with a description of each attribute.

Area Attribute Description
velocityAssociations result Velocity association section band
velocityAssociations/velocity band Velocity section band
velocityAssociations/velocity identityCount Number of times the identity has been seen
velocityAssociations/velocity emailCount Number of times the email address has been seen
velocityAssociations/velocity mobileCount Number of times the mobile number has been seen
velocityAssociations/velocity deviceIdCount Number of times the device ID has been seen
velocityAssociations/velocity ipAddressCount Number of times the IP address has been seen
velocityAssociations/velocity addressCount Number of times the address has been seen
velocityAssociations/associations band Association section band
velocityAssociations/associations identityEmailCount Number of unique email addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations identityMobileCount Number of unique mobile numbers the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations identityDeviceCount Number of unique device IDs the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations identityIpCount Number of unique IP addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations identityAddressCount Number of unique addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations emailIdentityCount Number of unique identities the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations emailMobileCount Number of unique mobile numbers the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations emailDeviceCount Number of unique device IDs the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations emailIpCount Number of unique IP addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations emailAddressCount Number of unique addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations mobileIdentityCount Number of unique identities the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations mobileEmailCount Number of unique email addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations mobileDeviceCount Number of unique device IDs the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations mobileIpCount Number of unique IP addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations mobileAddressCount Number of unique addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations deviceIdentityCount Number of unique identities the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations deviceEmailCount Number of unique email addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations deviceMobileCount Number of unique mobile numbers the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations deviceIpCount Number of unique IP addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations deviceAddressCount Number of unique addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations ipIdentityCount Number of unique identities the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations ipEmailCount Number of unique email addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations ipMobileCount Number of unique mobile numbers the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations ipDeviceCount Number of unique device IDs the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations ipAddressCount Number of unique addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations addressIdentityCount Number of unique identities the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations addressEmailCount Number of unique email addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations addressMobileCount Number of unique mobile numbers the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations addressDeviceCount Number of unique device IDs the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
velocityAssociations/associations addressIpCount Number of unique IP addresses the merchant has seen in previous transactions for a given identity
email riskBand Email risk band based on email risk score
email riskScore Email vendor risk score
email vendor Vendor to be used for email checks
email inputEmail Email address queried
email domainName Domain of the email address queried
email valid Is the email address valid, i.e. the email address exists and emails can be delivered
email emailExists Does the email address exist
email domainExists Does the domain of the email address exist
email disposable Is the email address disposable
email totalHits Total number of times the email address has been seen by the vendor
email uniqueHits Number of unique customers who queried the email address with the vendor
email emailCreatedDate Date and time when email was created
email domainCreatedDate Date and time when domain was created
email emailFirstSeenDate Date and time when email was first seen
email emailLastSeenDate Date and time when email was last seen
mobile riskBand Risk band based on mobile risk score
mobile riskScore Mobile vendor risk score
mobile vendor Vendor to be used for mobile checks
mobile mobileNumber Applicant phone number without country calling code
mobile carrierName Name of the phone carrier
mobile valid Whether the mobile number is valid or not
mobile type Type of phone based on the number provided
mobile totalHits Total times the mobile number has been seen by the provider
mobile countryCode ISO2 Country code of phone number
mobile mobileFirstSeenDate Date when the mobile was first seen.
mobile mobileLastSeenDate Date when the mobile was last seen
ip riskBand Risk band based on IP risk score
ip riskScore IP vendor risk score
ip vendor Vendor to be used for IP address checks
ip inputIp IP address queried
ip isp Internet service provider
ip harmful Indicates whether an IP address is listed as harmful or not
ip proxy Indicates if the user is using a proxy connection
ip tor Indicates if the IP is a TOR
ip vpn Indicates if the user is using a VPN
ip spamListCount Number of spam lists where the IP was found
ip totalHits Total number of times the IP address has been seen by the vendor
ip uniqueHits Number of unique customers who queried the IP address with the vendor
ip countryCode ISO2 country code of IP
ip ipLatitude Latitude for a given IP
ip ipLongitude Longitude for a given IP
ip ipFirstSeenDate Date and time when the IP address was first seen
ip ipLastSeenDate Date and time when the IP address was last seen
geolocation geolocationBand Geolocation band based on geolocation score
geolocation geolocationScore Final geolocation score
geolocation/countryRisk mobileCountryRisk Risk level of the mobile country
geolocation/countryRisk deviceCountryRisk Risk level of the device country
geolocation/countryRisk addressCountryRisk Risk level of the applicant's country
geolocation/mismatches deviceMobileCountryMismatch Does the device country match the mobile country
geolocation/mismatches deviceApplicantCountryMismatch Does the device country match the applicant country
geolocation/mismatches mobileApplicantCountryMismatch Does the mobile country match the applicant country
geolocation/geodistance geodistanceBand Geodistance band based on geodistance
geolocation/geodistance distance Distance between the true IP and address IP in miles
geolocation/geodistance vendor Vendor to be used for geolocation stage
geolocation/geodistance addressLatitude Latitude for a given address
geolocation/geodistance addressLongitude Longitude for a given address
Last updated: 04/03/2024 15:17 UTC