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Our InstantKYB RiskFlow product integrates standard business detail checks with the option for shareholder screening to allow for customisable KYB (Know Your Business) checks. Using Signicat's identity proofing products, InstantKYB enhances the geographical reach of business identity proofing. The flexibility of this solution allows you to obtain a range of business information to meet differing business requirements.


Read about the key concepts in our InstantKYB flow before you start your integration.

The flow explained

Basic workflow

The basic workflow starts with retrieving basic company details, including the company name, addresses, type and status. If the company is not found, the flow will be exited and no further checks will be performed.

On successful retrieval of company details, the flow progresses to the authorisation stage, which provides information on individuals authorised to act on behalf of the company.

Next, we conduct a UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner) check to gather details about the company's ownership and information on all of its UBOs. If no UBOs are identified, the 'Roles' section will instead provide details on all individuals with a role within the company.

Basic KYB workflow

Basic KYB workflow

Screening workflow

The screening flow is an optional addition to the basic workflow. This flow operates in a loop that cycles through all UBOs identified in the basic flow to screen for politically exposed persons, sanctions or adverse media content that may indicate risk.

Screening KYB workflow

Screening KYB workflow

Getting started

To gain access to test InstantKYB, you can contact us by creating a support ticket in the Signicat Dashboard.

Using the API

The InstantFlows API is used to validate and verify business details and to gather risk attributes.

Postman collection

This guide provides steps for using Postman to make API calls.

We have created a Postman collection that lets you try the InstantFlows API for InstantKYB. Click the button below to get the collection for Postman.

Run In Postman

For more detailed instructions on how to use the collection, refer to the instructions below.

  1. Download the Postman collection.
  2. Open Postman.
  3. Click File > Import and browse to the collection file to import it.
  4. Click the name of the collection and edit the following variables:
    • oauth_url: Enter the URL you want to authenticate with. This will be
    • oauth_scope: Enter the scope you want to work with. This will be signicat-api.
    • oauth_client_id: Enter the client ID obtained when you created an API client.
    • oauth_client_secret: Enter the client secret obtained it when you created an API client.
    • baseURL: Enter the base URL for the InstantFlows API. This will be
  5. Click Save.

Step-by-step guide

You can complete flows for all countries using the test data available in the test environment. The API reference contains information on each endpoint. In this particular example, we will be requesting a KYB flow in Norway.

A basic process varies, but will start with the following steps:

Step 1: Obtain an access token

Acquire an access token using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

The following is a cURL example of a request to receive an access token:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <BASE64-ENCODED CLIENTID:CLIENTSECRET>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'

Step 2: Start the KYB flow

For the Norwegian flow, call the following endpoint:

Form the request body

The request body must contain certain required fields. For details on optional fields, refer to our API reference. This example only shows the required fields:

"externalReference" : "my-reference-12345",
"input" : {
"country" : "NO",
"organizationIdn" : "989584022",
"skipRiskProfiling" : false,
"applicant" : {
"details" : {
"mobile" : "4791112233",
"email" : "",
"ip" : ""
"urls" : {
"success": "",
"abort": "",
"error": "",
"documentRedirect": ""

An example KYB response looks as follows:

"data" : {
"transactionId": "transaction-id-example",
"authUrl": "",
"applicant": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"dateOfBirth": "1990-10-13",
"nin": "1990101301123",
"ninType": "Birth",
"ninIssuingCountry": "Norway",
"uniqueId": "VlWSTstQOl2vtQdXItC-hVSbpXH7YyOpYxvagkyqKI8=",
"authorization" : {
"matchType" : "Full",
"hasAuthority" : true,
"hasLimitation" : false,
"reason" : ""
"role" : {
"matchType" : "Full",
"hasrole" : true,
"roleType" : "Director"
"organization" : {
"basic" : {
"name": "SIGNICAT AS",
"names": [
"name": "SIGNICAT AS",
"type": "unknown",
"start": "2023-12-12T11:17:25.554Z",
"end": "2023-12-12T11:17:43.047Z"
"organizationNumber": 123456789,
"vatNumber": 111,
"registrationDate": "2023-12-11T16:53:22.183Z",
"country": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": 578
"businessAddress": {
"street": "Beddingen 16",
"postalCode": "7042",
"city": "TRONDHEIM",
"country": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": 578
"addresses": [
"type": "unknown",
"startDate": "2023-12-12T11:30:16.818Z",
"endDate": "2023-12-12T11:30:31.356Z",
"isActive": true,
"street": "Postboks 4084 Bakklandet",
"postalCode": "7454",
"city": "TRONDHEIM",
"country": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": "578"
"organizationType": {
"name": "Aksjeselskap",
"code": "AS",
"url": ""
"legalStatus": "active",
"employees": 148,
"industries": [
"code": "58.29",
"description": "Other software publishing",
"section": "J",
"level": 4
"contact": {
"phone": {
"nationalNumber": "123456789",
"countryCode": 44,
"intlFormat": "44123456789"
"email": ""
"authorization" : {
"signature": {
"status": "unknown",
"description": "Styret i fellesskap, Styrets leder alene",
"combinations": [
"signers": [
"name": {
"status": "partial",
"full": "Anne Marie Dahl",
"first": "First name",
"last": "Last name",
"middle": "Middle name"
"dateOfBirth": "1970-04-02",
"role": {
"code": "unknown",
"description": "Styremedlem"
"description": "Styret i fellesskap"
"basis": {
"people": [
"name": {
"status": "all",
"full": "Anne Marie Dahl",
"first": "First name of person",
"last": "Last name of person",
"middle": "Middle name of person"
"dateOfBirth": "1970-04-02",
"role": {
"code": "unknown",
"description": "Styrets leder"
"roles": [
"code": "unknown",
"description": "Styrets leder"
"powerOfProcuration": {
"status": "unknown",
"description": "Daglig leder alene",
"combinations": [
"signers": [
"name": {
"status": "all",
"full": "Øystein Magnus Haugen",
"first": "First name of signer",
"last": "Last name of signer",
"middle": "Middle name of signer"
"dateOfBirth": "1980-05-01",
"role": {
"code": "ceo",
"description": "Daglig leder/administrerende direktør"
"description": "Daglig leder alene"
"basis": {
"people": [
"name": {
"status": "all",
"full": "Øystein Magnus Haugen",
"first": "First name of person",
"last": "Last name of person",
"middle": "Middle name of person"
"dateOfBirth": "1980-05-01",
"role": {
"code": "unknown",
"description": "Daglig leder/administrerende direktør"
"roles": [
"code": "unknown",
"description": "Daglig leder/administrerende direktør"
"ubo": {
"ultimateBeneficiaryOwners": [
"ownership": {
"directOwnership": 100,
"directOwnershipRange": {
"from": 75,
"to": 100
"indirectOwnership": 100,
"indirectOwnershipRange": {
"from": 99,
"to": 100
"integratedOwnership": 100,
"integratedOwnershipRange": {
"from": 99,
"to": 100
"votingRights": 100,
"votingRightsRange": {
"from": 99,
"to": 100
"votingPower": 100,
"votingPowerRange": {
"from": 99,
"to": 100
"name": {
"status": "partial",
"first": "First name of UBO",
"last": "Last name of UBO",
"middle": "Middle name of UBO"
"address": {
"street": "Beddingen 16",
"postalCode": "7042",
"city": "TRONDHEIM",
"country": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": "578"
"birth": {
"monthOfBirth": "04",
"yearOfBirth": "1960",
"dateOfBirth": "1960-04-03",
"country": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": "578"
"gender": "unknown",
"identityNumber": {
"idNumber": "123456789",
"type": "unknown",
"country": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": "578"
"nationality": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": "578"
"role": "unknown"
"roles": {
"persons": [
"role": "unknown",
"roles": [
"role": "unknown",
"startDate": "2023-12-13T10:29:51.960Z",
"endDate": "2023-12-13T10:30:28.834Z"
"name": {
"status": "all",
"first": "THOMAS",
"last": "SKJEGGESTAD",
"middle": "Middle name of person"
"address": {
"street": "Beddingen 16",
"postalCode": "7042",
"city": "TRONDHEIM",
"country": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": 578
"dateOfBirth": "1990-11-11",
"nationality": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": "578"
"identityNumber": {
"idNumber": "123456789",
"type": "unknown",
"country": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": "578"
"companies": [
"role": "unknown",
"roles": [
"role": "unknown",
"startDate": "2023-12-13T10:33:03.140Z",
"endDate": "2023-12-13T10:33:27.429Z"
"name": "Ernst & Young AS",
"organizationNumber": {
"domestic": "976389387",
"dunsNumber": "Data Universal Numbering System for the company",
"legalEntityIdentifier": "Legal Entity Identifier of company"
"others": [
"role": "unknown",
"roles": [
"role": "unknown",
"startDate": "2023-12-13T10:35:30.446Z",
"endDate": "2023-12-13T10:35:50.341Z"
"name": "Name of other entity",
"id": "123456789"
"risk": {
"velocityAssociations": {
"result": "Pass",
"velocity": {
"band": "Medium",
"emailCount": 1,
"mobileCount": 1,
"ipAddressCount": 1
"associations": {
"band": "Medium",
"emailMobileCount": 1,
"emailIpCount": 1,
"mobileEmailCount": 1,
"mobileIpCount": 1,
"ipEmailCount": 1,
"ipMobileCount": 1
"email": {
"riskBand": "High",
"riskScore": 100,
"inputEmail": "",
"domainName": "",
"valid": true,
"emailExists": true,
"domainExists": true,
"disposable": true,
"totalHits": 4,
"uniqueHits": 2,
"emailCreatedDate": "2023-02-02T04:39:28.127Z",
"domainCreatedDate": "2023-08-11T12:52:07.624Z",
"emailFirstSeenDate": "2023-02-02T04:39:46.329Z",
"emailLastSeenDate": "2023-06-07T15:33:12.056Z"
"mobile": {
"riskBand": "High",
"riskScore": 100,
"mobileNumber": "0123456789",
"carrierName": "Vodafone",
"valid": true,
"type": "premium rate",
"totalHits": 5,
"countryCode": "GB",
"mobileFirstSeenDate": "2023-09-25",
"mobileLastSeenDate": "2023-09-25"
"ip": {
"riskBand": "High",
"riskScore": 100,
"inputIp": "100.200.300.40",
"isp": "TalkTalk",
"harmful": true,
"proxy": true,
"tor": true,
"vpn": true,
"spamListCount": 4,
"totalHits": 7,
"uniqueHits": 7,
"countryCode": "GB",
"ipLatitude": 51.501366,
"ipLongitude": -0.14189,
"ipFirstSeenDate": "2023-08-31T15:10:30.136Z",
"ipLastSeenDate": "2023-08-31T15:10:27.519Z"
"rawJsonData" : {
"basic" : {
"urls": "",
"lastChanged": "2023-12-12T11:44:13.380Z",
"rawJson": "{\\\"organisasjonsnummer\\\":\\\"989584022\\\",\\\"navn\\\":\\\"SIGNICAT AS\\\",\\\"organisasjonsform\\\":{\\\"kode\\\":\\\"AS\\\",\\\"beskrivelse\\\":\\\"Aksjeselskap\\\",\\\"utgaatt\\\":null,\\\"_links\\\":{\\\"self\\\":{\\\"href\\\":\\\"\\\"},\\\"overordnetEnhet\\\":null},\\\"hjemmeside\\\":null},\\\"postadresse\\\":{\\\"adresse\\\":[\\\"Postboks 4084 Bakklandet\\\"],\\\"postnummer\\\":\\\"7454\\\",\\\"poststed\\\":\\\"TRONDHEIM\\\",\\\"kommunenummer\\\":\\\"5001\\\",\\\"kommune\\\":\\\"TRONDHEIM\\\",\\\"landkode\\\":\\\"NO\\\",\\\"land\\\":\\\"Norge\\\"},\\\"registreringsdatoEnhetsregisteret\\\":\\\"2006-03-15\\\",\\\"registrertIMvaregisteret\\\":true,\\\"frivilligMvaRegistrertBeskrivelser\\\":null,\\\"naeringskode1\\\":{\\\"kode\\\":\\\"58.290\\\",\\\"beskrivelse\\\":\\\"Utgivelse av annen programvare\\\"},\\\"naeringskode2\\\":{\\\"kode\\\":\\\"62.010\\\",\\\"beskrivelse\\\":\\\"Programmeringstjenester\\\",\\\"hjelpeenhetskode\\\":null},\\\"naeringskode3\\\":null,\\\"antallAnsatte\\\":148,\\\"overordnetEnhet\\\":null,\\\"forretningsadresse\\\":{\\\"adresse\\\":[\\\"Beddingen 16\\\"],\\\"postnummer\\\":\\\"7042\\\",\\\"poststed\\\":\\\"TRONDHEIM\\\",\\\"kommunenummer\\\":\\\"5001\\\",\\\"kommune\\\":\\\"TRONDHEIM\\\",\\\"landkode\\\":\\\"NO\\\",\\\"land\\\":\\\"Norge\\\"},\\\"stiftelsesdato\\\":\\\"2006-02-17\\\",\\\"institusjonellSektorkode\\\":{\\\"kode\\\":\\\"2100\\\",\\\"beskrivelse\\\":\\\"Private aksjeselskaper mv.\\\"},\\\"registrertIForetaksregisteret\\\":true,\\\"registrertIStiftelsesregisteret\\\":false,\\\"registrertIFrivillighetsregisteret\\\":false,\\\"sisteInnsendteAarsregnskap\\\":\\\"2021\\\",\\\"konkurs\\\":false,\\\"underAvvikling\\\":false,\\\"underTvangsavviklingEllerTvangsopplosning\\\":false,\\\"maalform\\\":\\\"Bokm\\\\u00E5l\\\",\\\"_links\\\":{\\\"self\\\":{\\\"href\\\":\\\"\\\"},\\\"overordnetEnhet\\\":null}}",
"isCache": true
"authorization" : {
"urls": "URLs",
"lastChanged": "2023-12-13T11:37:09.162Z",
"rawJson": "Raw Json from the source",
"isCache": true,
"accountingYear": 1
"ubos" : {
"urls": "URLs of the data",
"lastChanged": "2023-12-13T11:45:02.855Z",
"rawJson": "Raw Json from the source",
"isCache": true
"roles" : {
"urls": "URLs of sources",
"lastChanged": "2023-12-13T10:43:10.778Z",
"rawJson": "Raw Json response from the source",
"isCache": true
"eID" : {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"dateOfBirth": "1990-10-13",
"nin": "1990101301123",
"ninType": "Birth",
"ninIssuingCountry": "Norway",
"uniqueId": "VlWSTstQOl2vtQdXItC-hVSbpXH7YyOpYxvagkyqKI8=",
"iDPSpecifcData": {
"legalLastName": "Vries",
"legalLastNamePrefix": "de",
"preferredLastName": "Vries-Jansen",
"preferredLastNamePrefix": "de",
"partnerLastName": "Jansen",
"partnerLastNamePrefix": "de",
"address": "Pascalstreet 19, 0000AA, Maastricht, NL\t",
"18OrOlder": "true",
"initials": "VJ"
"document": {
"status": "pending",
"processType": "document",
"processId": "8afb3ac6-6780-42e4-bbc2-3713e2f6d97c",
"provider": "eid",
"finalResult": {
"firstName": "John",
"dateOfBirth": "1970-09-19",
"lastName": "Doe",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "12123456",
"nationality": "GBR",
"gender": "M",
"documentNumber": "CA412356",
"documentType": "passport",
"livenessDetected": "true",
"similarityScore": "high",
"placeOfBirth": "Portugal",
"issuingCountry": "GBR",
"dateOfIssue": "2021-01-01",
"dateOfExpiry": "2024-03-02",
"lastNameSecondLine": "e/v Molenaar"
"providerSpecificResults" : {
"ocr": {
"lastName": "Reynolds",
"dateOfExpiry": "1900-01-01",
"healthNumber": "366355550",
"gender": "F",
"documentType": "identityCard",
"socialSecurityNumber": "11876398740",
"documentNumber": "122336694ZY4",
"taxNumber": "200693803",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "12123456",
"livenessDetected": "{\"valid\":true}",
"dateOfBirth": "1973-02-10",
"similarityScore": "high",
"firstName": "John",
"nationality": "PRT",
"issuingCountry": "PRT",
"securityChecks": {
"nonExpired": {
"valid": true
"notUnderage": {
"valid": true
"dataIntegrity": {
"valid": true
"liveness": {
"valid": true
"sidesMatch": {
"valid": true
"notBWCopy": {
"valid": true
"notFaceSpoofing": {
"valid": true
"untamperedDocument": {
"valid": true
"features": [
"name": "Header 2",
"found": true,
"bbox": {
"x": 517,
"y": 21,
"width": 97,
"height": 17
"side": "front"

Step 3: Request screening results (optional)

To run the screening flow, call the following endpoint:


The request body must contain certain required fields. For details on optional fields, refer to our API reference. This example only shows the required fields:

"externalReference" : "my-reference-12345",
"input" : {
"name" : {
"full" : "Katrine Thorstensen",
"first": "First name of UBO",
"last": "Last name of UBO",
"middle": "Middle name of UBO"
"birth" : {
"monthOfBirth": "",
"yearOfBirth": "",
"dateOfBirth": "11",

An example screening response looks as follows:

"SphonicResponse": {
"UboPepData": [
"pageOffset": 0,
"responseSize": 1,
"pageLimit": 100,
"links": {
"self": ";dateOfBirth=1973-11-11&amp;postalCode=&amp;countries=&amp;id=&amp;listType=pep&amp;source=",
"next": "None",
"previous": "None",
"first": ";dateOfBirth=1973-11-11&amp;postalCode=&amp;countries=&amp;id=&amp;listType=pep&amp;source=&amp;limit=100"
"data": {
"entityType": "person",
"listType": "pep",
"matchStrength": {
"score": 80,
"certainty": "high"
"sourceName": "PEP_Edge",
"name": {
"status": "partial",
"full": "Katrine Thorstensen",
"first": "None",
"last": "None",
"middle": "None"
"gender": "unknown",
"aliases": {
"status": "partial",
"full": "Katrine Thorstensen",
"first": "None",
"last": "None",
"middle": "None"
"associates": {
"name": "Lars Larwe",
"association": "CloseAssociate",
"comments": ""
"datesOfBirth": {
"monthOfBirth": 11,
"yearOfBirth": 1973,
"dateOfBirth": "1973-11-11",
"country": "",
"isApproximate": false
"addresses": {
"Street": "None",
"Postcode": "None",
"City": "None",
"country": {
"alpha2": "NO",
"alpha3": "NOR",
"numeric": 578
"media": {
"title": "None",
"excerpt": "None",
"url": "",
"date": "None"
"roles": {
"roleType": "StateCorporation",
"organization": "",
"description": "Chairman Den Nationale Scene",
"startDate": "None",
"endDate": "None"
"metadata": {
"sources": "trapets",
"urls": "",
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"isCache": false,
"rawJson": "None"
"pageOffset": 0,
"responseSize": 1,
"pageLimit": 100,
"links": {
"self": ";dateOfBirth=1978-10-10&amp;postalCode=&amp;countries=&amp;id=&amp;listType=pep&amp;source=",
"next": "None",
"previous": "None",
"first": ";dateOfBirth=1978-10-10&amp;postalCode=&amp;countries=&amp;id=&amp;listType=pep&amp;source=&amp;limit=100"
"data": {
"entityType": "person",
"listType": "pep",
"matchStrength": {
"score": 80,
"certainty": "high"
"sourceName": "ACURIS_PEP",
"name": {
"status": "partial",
"full": "John Bradshaw",
"first": "None",
"last": "None",
"middle": "None"
"gender": "male",
"aliases": {
"status": "partial",
"full": "John Bradshaw",
"first": "None",
"last": "None",
"middle": "None"
"datesOfBirth": {
"monthOfBirth": 10,
"yearOfBirth": 1978,
"dateOfBirth": "1978-10-10",
"country": "",
"isApproximate": false
"addresses": {
"Street": "31 City Walls Rd, CLIFTON",
"Postcode": "None",
"City": "None",
"country": {
"alpha2": "GB",
"alpha3": "GBR",
"numeric": 826
"Comments": {
"commentName": "",
"value": "PEP Tier 2"
"roles": {
"roleType": "Political",
"organization": "",
"description": "Planning Chairperson of the Labour Party",
"startDate": "None",
"endDate": "None"
"metadata": {
"sources": "trapets",
"urls": "",
"lastChanged": "None",
"isCache": false,
"rawJson": "None"
"pageOffset": 0,
"responseSize": 1,
"pageLimit": 100,
"links": {
"self": ";dateOfBirth=1965-03-07&amp;postalCode=&amp;countries=&amp;id=&amp;listType=pep&amp;source=",
"next": "None",
"previous": "None",
"first": ";dateOfBirth=1965-03-07&amp;postalCode=&amp;countries=&amp;id=&amp;listType=pep&amp;source=&amp;limit=100"
"data": {
"entityType": "person",
"listType": "pep",
"matchStrength": {
"score": 80,
"certainty": "high"
"sourceName": "PEP_Edge",
"name": {
"status": "partial",
"full": "Hamid Forsberg",
"first": "None",
"last": "None",
"middle": "None"
"gender": "male",
"aliases": {
"status": "partial",
"full": "Hamid Forsberg",
"first": "None",
"last": "None",
"middle": "None"
"datesOfBirth": {
"monthOfBirth": 3,
"yearOfBirth": 1965,
"dateOfBirth": "1965-03-07",
"country": "",
"isApproximate": false
"addresses": {
"Street": "None",
"Postcode": "None",
"City": "None",
"country": {
"alpha2": "SE",
"alpha3": "SWE",
"numeric": 752
"media": {
"title": "None",
"excerpt": "None",
"url": "",
"date": "None"
"metadata": {
"sources": "trapets",
"urls": "",
"lastChanged": "None",
"isCache": false,
"rawJson": "None"
"pageOffset": 0,
"responseSize": 1,
"pageLimit": 100,
"links": {
"self": ";dateOfBirth=1976-09-13&amp;postalCode=&amp;countries=&amp;id=&amp;listType=pep&amp;source=",
"next": "None",
"previous": "None",
"first": ";dateOfBirth=1976-09-13&amp;postalCode=&amp;countries=&amp;id=&amp;listType=pep&amp;source=&amp;limit=100"
"data": {
"entityType": "person",
"listType": "pep",
"matchStrength": {
"score": 80,
"certainty": "high"
"sourceName": "PEP_Edge",
"name": {
"status": "partial",
"full": "Sofia Rosander",
"first": "None",
"last": "None",
"middle": "None"
"gender": "unknown",
"aliases": {
"status": "partial",
"full": "Sofia Rosander",
"first": "None",
"last": "None",
"middle": "None"
"associates": {
"name": "Sebastian Bengtsson",
"association": "Spouse",
"comments": ""
"datesOfBirth": {
"monthOfBirth": 9,
"yearOfBirth": 1976,
"dateOfBirth": "1976-09-13",
"country": "",
"isApproximate": false
"addresses": {
"Street": "None",
"Postcode": "None",
"City": "None",
"country": {
"alpha2": "SE",
"alpha3": "SWE",
"numeric": 752
"media": {
"title": "None",
"excerpt": "None",
"url": "",
"date": "None"
"metadata": {
"sources": "trapets",
"urls": "",
"lastChanged": "None",
"isCache": false,
"rawJson": "None"

API reference

In our InstantFlows API reference, you can find information about the available endpoints and properties, as well as sample requests and responses.