MitID user information (claims and attributes)
You use MitID to verify the end-user's identity and obtain relevant personal details about them. This page summarises user information you can request and receive for the different protocols.
- OpenID Connect
- Authentication REST API
Scopes and claims for OIDC
You can use the following scopes to request user information from an end-user using MitID:
Scope | OIDC Claim | Example | Description |
idp-id | idp_id | 8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c | Personal identifier set by the identity provider. |
profile | name | Abelone Christensen | Full name of the end-user. |
given_name | Abelone | First name of the end-user. | |
family_name | Christensen | Surname of the end-user. | |
birthdate | 1974-07-11 | Date of birth of the end-user (format YYYY-MM-DD). | |
nin | nin | 1107744882 | National identification number (CPR) of the end-user. |
nin_type | PERSON | Type of national identity number. | |
nin_issuing_country | DK | Issuing country of the national identity. | |
mitid-extra | mitid_has_cpr | true | Whether or not the user has a registered CPR number. |
mitid_transaction_id | 40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9 | MitID's identifier for the transaction. | |
mitid_reference_text_body | Transfer 200 DKK to Account XYZ. | The reference text body as it was displayed in the MitID client UI. | |
mitid_cpr_source | user | The source of the CPR number. One of “user”, “prefilled”, “database” (stored in cache). Only available in the CPR match flow. | |
mitid_name_and_address_protection | true | If included, this attribute indicates that the user has name and address protection. In this case, the common-name/name will be empty. | |
mitid_ial | SUBSTANTIAL | Identity Assurance Level. This value is associated with the end-user's eID, assigned as part of the MitID registration process and later only changeable through additional registration processes. See: Level of Assurance | |
mitid_loa | SUBSTANTIAL | The Level of Authentication for the authentication. This is calculated as the minimum of IAL, AAL and FAL. See: Level of Assurance | |
mitid_aal | SUBSTANTIAL | Authentication Assurance Level. This is calculated based on the authenticators that have been used and their strengths. See: Level of Assurance | |
mitid_fal | HIGH | Federated Assurance Level. This will always have the value "HIGH". See: Level of Assurance |
Response examples
The response examples below only show the section with the user information claims.
MitID with CPR Match
Scope: openid profile nin
"idp_id": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"family_name": "Christensen",
"given_name": "Abelone",
"birthdate": "1974-07-11",
"nin": "1107744882",
"nin_type": "PERSON",
"nin_issuing_country": "DK",
MitID with CPR Match and mitid-extra scope
Scope: openid profile nin mitid-extra
"idp_id": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"family_name": "Christensen",
"given_name": "Abelone",
"birthdate": "1974-07-11",
"nin": "1107744882",
"nin_type": "PERSON",
"nin_issuing_country": "DK",
"mitid_has_cpr": true,
"mitid_transaction_id": "40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9",
"mitid_reference_text_body": " ",
"mitid_ial": "HIGH",
"mitid_loa": "HIGH",
"mitid_aal": "HIGH",
"mitid_fal": "HIGH",
MitID Basic
Scope: openid profile
"idp_id": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"family_name": "Christensen",
"given_name": "Abelone",
"birthdate": "1974-07-11",
MitID Basic with mitid-extra scope
Scope:openid profile mitid-extra
"idp_id": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"family_name": "Christensen",
"given_name": "Abelone",
"birthdate": "1974-07-11",
"mitid_has_cpr": true,
"mitid_transaction_id": "40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9",
"mitid_reference_text_body": " ",
"mitid_ial": "HIGH",
"mitid_loa": "HIGH",
"mitid_aal": "HIGH",
"mitid_fal": "HIGH",
Attributes for the Authentication REST API
The Signicat Authentication REST API supports the following request and response attributes for MitiD:
Attributes | Sub-field | Example | Description |
id | j-UnpV7YpW2ieuGkMIpg8FRdhy8-TjtjArst063l8UI= | Stable per-organisation identifier for the authenticated end-user. Can be used to recognise the end-user across authentication sessions. Note: This attribute will always be returned and does not need to be requested. | |
idpId | 8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c | Personal identifier set by the identity provider. | |
name | Abelone Christensen | Full name of the end-user. | |
firstName | Abelone | First name of the end-user. | |
lastName | Christensen | Surname of the end-user. | |
dateOfBirth | 1974-07-11 | Date of birth of the end-user (format YYYY-MM-DD). | |
nin | value | 1107744882 | National identification number (CPR) of the end-user. |
issuingCountry | DK | Issuing country of the national identity. | |
type | PERSON | Type of national identity number. | |
mitidHasCpr | true | Whether or not the user has a registered CPR number. | |
mitidTransactionId | 40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9 | MitID's identifier for the transaction. | |
mitidReferenceTextBody | Transfer 200 DKK to Account XYZ. | The reference text body as it was displayed in the MitID client UI. | |
mitidCprSource | user | The source of the CPR number. One of “user”, “prefilled”, “database” (stored in cache). Only available in the CPR match flow. | |
mitidNameAndAddressProtection | true | If included, this attribute indicates that the user has name and address protection. In this case, the common-name/name will be empty. | |
mitidIal | SUBSTANTIAL | Identity Assurance Level. This value is associated with the end-user's eID, assigned as part of the MitID registration process and later only changeable through additional registration processes. See: Level of Assurance | |
mitidLoa | SUBSTANTIAL | The Level of Authentication for the authentication. This is calculated as the minimum of IAL, AAL and FAL. See: Level of Assurance | |
mitidAal | SUBSTANTIAL | Authentication Assurance Level. This is calculated based on the authenticators that have been used and their strengths. See: Level of Assurance | |
mitidFal | HIGH | Federated Assurance Level. This will always have the value "HIGH". See: Level of Assurance |
Response examples from the redirect flow
The response examples below only show the section with the user information attributes.
MitID with CPR Match
"requestedAttributes": ["name", "firstName", "lastName", "dateOfBirth", "nin"]
"subject": {
"id": "j-UnpV7YpW2ieuGkMIpg8FRdhy8-TjtjArst063l8UI=",
"idpId": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"firstName": "Abelone",
"lastName": "Christensen",
"dateOfBirth": "1974-07-11",
"nin": {
"value": "1107744882",
"issuingCountry": "DK",
"type": "PERSON"
MitID with CPR Match, LoA, and reference text
"requestedAttributes": ["name", "firstName", "lastName", "dateOfBirth", "nin", "mitidHasCpr", "mitidTransactionId", "mitidReferenceTextBody", "mitidIal", "mitidLoa", "mitidAal", "mitidFal"]
"subject": {
"id": "j-UnpV7YpW2ieuGkMIpg8FRdhy8-TjtjArst063l8UI=",
"idpId": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"firstName": "Abelone",
"lastName": "Christensen",
"dateOfBirth": "1974-07-11",
"nin": {
"value": "1107744882",
"issuingCountry": "DK",
"type": "PERSON"
"mitidFal": "HIGH",
"mitidHasCpr": "true",
"mitidTransactionId": "40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9",
"mitidAal": "HIGH",
"mitidIal": "HIGH",
"mitidReferenceTextBody": " ",
"mitidLoa": "HIGH"
MitID Basic with LoA and reference text
"requestedAttributes": ["name", "firstName", "lastName", "dateOfBirth", "mitidHasCpr", "mitidTransactionId", "mitidReferenceTextBody", "mitidIal", "mitidLoa", "mitidAal", "mitidFal"]
"subject": {
"id": "j-UnpV7YpW2ieuGkMIpg8FRdhy8-TjtjArst063l8UI=",
"idpId": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"firstName": "Abelone",
"lastName": "Christensen",
"dateOfBirth": "1974-07-11",
"mitidFal": "HIGH",
"mitidHasCpr": "true",
"mitidTransactionId": "40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9",
"mitidAal": "HIGH",
"mitidIal": "HIGH",
"mitidReferenceTextBody": " ",
"mitidLoa": "HIGH"