# Offline authentication

# Overview

It is possible to authenticate the end-user, even if the mobile device is offline. For more detailed information, see our Offline authentication Encap feature guide.

# Offline authentication flow

From a mobile client perspective, the flow to perform an offline authentication could be as follows:

  1. Mobile App

    1. Activate the desired offline authentication method using our addOrUpdate operation, authenticate with online authentication method, and activate offline authentication method.
  2. Service provider

    1. Start an offline authentication session.
    2. Present the verification data (containing a challenge and context) to the end-user. For example, in a QR code on a website.
  3. Mobile app

    1. Scan the QR code and call startOfflineAuthentication(verificationData).
      EncapController.shared().startOfflineAuthentication("VerificationData/String from QR code") { startOfflineAuthResult in
         // Success
      } onError: { error in
         // Error
    2. Retrieve the context and authMethod from StartOfflineAuthenticationResult.
    3. Display the context and call finishOfflineAuthentication to let the end-user authenticate, using the authMethod from startResult.
    4. If finishOfflineAuthentication is successful, then display the one-time password from FinishOfflineAuthenticationResult and let the end-user enter it in the website.
      let authParam = EncapOfflineDeviceAuthParameter()
      EncapController.shared().finishOfflineAuthentication(authParam) { finishOfflineAuthResult in
         // Success
      } onError: { error in
         // Error

# Additional information

  • It is possible to select a different PIN code for AuthMethod.OFFLINE_PIN and AuthMethod.DEVICE_PIN.

  • It is only possible to add offline authMethods one at a time with the addOrUpdate operation, not during the initial activation.

# Supported Offline auth parameters

  • EncapOfflineDeviceAuthParameter
  • EncapOfflinePinAuthParameter
  • EncapOfflineStrongTouchIDAuthParameter
  • EncapOfflineFaceIDAuthParameter
Last updated: 04/03/2024 15:17 UTC