# URL Configuration
Get Broker metadata: When you press the Get Broker Metadata button you will get the broker metadata xml. Please send this to our Technical Support via email.
- Name: The name of the connection (required field).
- Include only when scoped checkbox: The broker provides scoped IdP functionality.
- Application URL: URL of service provider.
- Metadata URL: Provide valid URL of the service provider metadata (required field).
- Select a LoA contract: Drop down menu for default and specific LoA contracts (required field). For more information, see Level of Assurance Contracts.
- Select attribute filter: Select an attribute filter (see __ Attribute Filters for more information).
- Response attribute mappings: The user can choose to customise the name of the attributes received in the response body. You can provide none or multiple name-to-name mappings.
# Metadata file
# Configuration
- Name: The name of the connection (required field).
- Include only when scoped checkbox: The broker provides scoped IdP functionality.
- Upload authentication provider metadata: When a valid metadata is uploaded, all the properties inside that metadata are displayed in the form. You can change these properties and when you save the form, the metadata is updated as well.
- Select a LoA contract: Drop down menu for default and specific LoA contracts (required field). See Level of Assurance Contracts for more information.
- Select attribute filter: Select an attribute filter (see __ Attribute Filters for more information).
- Response attribute mappings: The user can choose to customise the name of the attributes received in the response body. You can provide none or multiple name-to-name mappings.
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