# DNB Bank ASA (KAR)

Last updated: 18/09/2023
Current version effective from: 18/09/2023

# 1 Service description

The terms and conditions of this Appendix apply to the services provided by DNB Bank ASA ("DNB") through Signicat. Subject to the terms and conditions in this Appendix and in the Agreement, the Customer is entitled to use of following services through a “hub solution” provided by DNB (“the Services”).

The Services include:

  • Use of konto- og adresseringsregister (KAR)

# 2 Brief description of the Service

These terms and conditions regulate the use of the banks' konto- og adresseringsregister (KAR) from DNB, (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”).

The Service can be offered via a third party who has an agreement with DNB on KAR HUB, or in DNB's online banking/direct integration with Mastercard Payment Services. Access and usage of the Services are subject to the Customer accepting these terms.

Access to KAR via direct integration or in the online bank requires that the Customer has entered into an agreement on "Generelle vilkår for innskudd og betalingstjenester – Næringsforhold" and the Customer also needs to enter an agreement for DNB Connect. These terms and conditions shall in such cases that are mentioned above in this paragraph, be supplemented by other terms and conditions between the Customer and DNB.

# 3 Purpose limitation for the customer's posting in KAR

The Customer agrees and warrants that it shall only use the Service in connection with payment. Payment means payment to a payment account that the Customer, or to whom the Customer is making a query on behalf of, must make. Use of the Service for other purposes than those stated in this appendix will constitute a material breach of these terms and conditions. Should the Customer use KAR on behalf of an entity, e.g. in the capacity of being an accountant for an entity, the Customer hereby warrants to DNB that the use of KAR has been within the rights, terms and conditions granted in this appendix. For the avoidance of doubt the Customer is not allowed to use KAR for purposes of looking for the connection between a social security number/D number and the account number of a natural person. The Customer agrees and warrants that it shall not give its employees access to use KAR on its own behalf through Customer’s access to KAR or misuse the rights granted to Customer in this appendix. Upon request the Customer shall disclose which entity KAR has been used for.

# 4 Availability

The Service aims to be available 24/7. However, there may occur, by way of exception, short periods of time where the Service is not available due to errors, bug fixes or other unforeseen circumstances. In the case of direct integration, the bank will, if possible, notify the Customer if the Service is not available due to planned maintenance, upgrades etc. When using the Service via a third party in KAR HUB, the third party is responsible for such notification to the Customer. Signicat shall not be liable for any downtime of the Service.

# 5 Change of the terms and conditions

DNB may unilaterally change these terms and conditions, if possible, with prior notice. The Customer is deemed to have accepted the changes of the terms and conditions if the Customer uses the Service after the terms and conditions have been changed. Current terms are available on DNB's website.

# 6 Default

In the event of a material breach of these terms and conditions, DNB may, without prior notice and with immediate effect, close access to the Service.

# 7 DNB's responsibility

DNB is not responsible for information from other banks in the KAR register being correct or up to date. DNB's responsibility is to convey the information from KAR to the Customer, in accordance with Customer's request.

DNB nor Signicat is not liable for consequential losses or indirect losses or damages, such as lost income or expected profits, breaches of other contractual conditions or other anticipated damages due to the bank's breaches or errors in KAR.

# 8 Governing law and jurisdiction

All disputes between the Customer and DNB in connection with these terms and the Service shall be settled in accordance with Norwegian law in the courts of Norway.

Last updated: 05/10/2023 09:30 UTC