# Service level agreement

Last updated: 02/08/2023
Current version effective from: 02/08/2023

# 1.1 Definitions

  1. "Valid Usage" is usage that conforms to the Agreement and related documentation, and that would normally result in a non-error response.

  2. "Error Response" for HTTP services are responses given to Valid usage with HTTP Status Code in the 50x-range with the exception of “501 Not Implemented”, and “505 HTTP Version Not Supported”. Lack of response to Valid Usage is also considered a case of Error Response. Also note that any response containing an error code documented as caused by factors outside of Signicat's reasonable control will not be counted as an error response.

  3. “Downtime period” means any period of time during which the services are responding with Error Responses, excluding any time in which the Signicat Services are not available because of: (a) factors outside of Signicat's reasonable control (b) Maintenance Window(s).

  4. ”Monthly Uptime Percentage” means the total number of minutes in a month, minus the number of minutes of Downtime Periods in a month, divided by the total number of minutes in a month. Monthly Uptime Percentage is per Account and determined on a calendar month basis."

  5. ”Sandbox Account” is a type of account offered to Customers wanting to test their integration with Signicat products. The Monthly Uptime Percentage is not tracked for Sandbox Accounts.

  6. ”Maintenance Window” is the time used for upgrades, discontinuation of the service, or maintenance operations during which the Signicat Services may be unavailable. Maintenance Windows shall be limited to at the most six (6) per twelve-month period. Signicat shall inform the Customer about any Maintenance Window at least fourteen (14) calendar days in advance via e-mail, Signicat status page and (or) through the Services. For modifications to the Services that we need to make to meet security, safety, legal or regulatory requirements, we may not notify you in advance.

# 1.2 Service levels

We will use best efforts to deliver the highest possible Monthly Uptime Percentages. The Signicat Services are available to the Customer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for any Maintenance Window. Signicat does not commit to any specific uptime, service level or response time rate, unless agreed otherwise in writing.

SLA Exclusions: The SLA does not apply to any (a) features designated pre-general availability (unless otherwise stated in the associated Documentation); (b) features excluded from the SLA (in the associated documentation); (c) Sandbox Accounts; or (d) errors (i) caused by factors outside of Signicat's reasonable control; (ii) that resulted from Customer's software or hardware and/or third party software; (iii) that resulted from Customer’s misuse or other behaviour that violates the Agreement; or (iv) that resulted from quotas applied by the system.

Last updated: 29/08/2023 13:38 UTC