# About Yivi (formerly known as IRMA)
What about IRMA?
IRMA is the old name for Yivi. The origins of Yivi lie with Radboud University Nijmegen. They developed the original open source software under the name IRMA.
At the beginning of April 2023, IRMA received a new name and a new logo. You might still encounter this name in the official Yivi documentation.
How to configure
You can find information on how to configure Yivi in the Signicat Identity Broker chapter.
# Yivi overview 
Yivi is a set of open source software projects implementing the Idemix attribute-based credential scheme. End-users receive digitally signed personal properties (or attributes) from a trusted issuer which they store in their Yivi app (or "wallet"). They can then choose the attributes they wish to disclose to others.
Yivi gives the end-user the power to chose which which attributes to reveal. Via the Yivi mobile app, users can verify themselves accordingly, depending on the service they are using. When buying a movie on a streaming service, for example, an end-user can reveal they are older than 16, without having to prove who they are.
# Yivi roles
- Users: The end-user; the people who have Yivi on their phone, containing cards with personal data. Users familiarise themselves with Yivi by revealing (relevant) data from those cards.
- Verifiers: The organisations that want to know something about users and request that information through Yivi. Users disclose their data to verifiers.
- Issuers: The organisations that issue personal data about themselves to users, in the form of tickets in their Yivi app. Users can then identify themselves to verifiers with the data on those cards.
The verifier can verify that certain attributes were given to the user in the past by using the issuer's digital signature over them. They can then confirm that the attributes have not been modified since they were authenticated.
# Key features
- Free and open source.
- A safe and secure method of authentication for the end-user.
- End-users choose when you share their data, and who to share it with.
- No fixed set of attributes provided. The end-user fills their Yivi wallet with verified attributes from various sources to then be used with a service provider.
- End-users can digitally sign documents by disclosing only selected relevant attributes about themselves.
# Yivi app
The Yivi app is a free mobile application that allows users to control the data they want to disclose when they log in, share data and prove who you are online.
The app is created and maintained by SIDN, the non-profit organisation behind the .nl domain. Yivi can be downloaded from the Apple store, Play store or F-Droid via the Download Yivi page (opens new window).
# Support
If you have any further questions, contact Signicat's Technical Support at technicalsupport@signicat.com.
# Other sources
- Website of SIDN (opens new window), the creators and maintainers of Yivi.
- An introduction to Yivi (opens new window) for Yivi app users.
- Learn about Yivi on https://www.yivi.app/ (opens new window).