# Phasing out of EH1

# Why is it no longer be possible to use confidence level EH1 for services and logging in after 1 July 2021?

‌Secure login for companies and organisations is a basic right whereby privacy-sensitive data must be protected in accordance with regulations from this date. Logging in with just a user name and password (EH1) is no longer sufficient. In anticipation of the Wet Digitale Overheid (WDO), or Digital Government Act, the decision has been made to stop using EH1 as of 1 July 2021. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (Ministerie van BZK) has indicated that it wants to work towards two-factor authentication as a minimum. That is possible from level 2+.

# Does this also apply to private service providers and, if so, why?‌

As of 1 July 2021, EH1 will no longer be available to private service providers. EH1 is being discontinued because it is too low a confidence level and no longer meets today's regulations.‌

# What do I need to do to continue using my services after 1 July 2021?

You should upgrade the existing EH1 services to a higher confidence level as soon as possible. To do this, two things need to be adjusted:

  1. The confidence level of the services in the service catalogue must be raised to level 3 (EH3). Please provide us new new catalogue files to be imported. We can also raise this for you if we receive a list of Service IDs or service names.
  2. Confidence level 3 (EH3) must be enforced in the application on your side. This is enforced in the first message your application sends to our broker, the AuthnRequest.

# How do I know which level to use for my services ?

We recommend that you upgrade to confidence level 3 (EH3), as this will become the standard for service providers.

If you would like to know which other levels are available, you can use this guide (opens new window) (in Dutch).‌

# Why is it necessary for us to upgrade our EH1 services by 1 July?‌

This is necessary because otherwise eHerkenning users cannot activate the specific authorisation they need for this service.

# What can we communicate to our users?

It is important that your end users start upgrading their EH1 in time. They can arrange this with the eHerkenning provider where they applied for the EH1 account.

For more information about the upgrade of the EH1 means of We-ID, you can refer your customers to the We-ID website (opens new window).

Is your question not listed? You can reach our Technical Support department Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:30pm via email <technicalsupport@signicat.com> or by calling + 31 (0)88 012 0210.

Last updated: 11/9/23, 10:21:42 AM UTC