# NextGen: OwnIdP
# 16 November 2022
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 26 October 2022
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
- Translated messages from English to Dutch
# 17 October 2022
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 12 October 2022
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
- Added ability to cancel invitations via SCIM API
- Added overview of invitations sent in SCIM API
- Changed the account creation page to show password requirements twice
# September 2022
For English please see below.
Beste klant,
Recentelijk werden wij op de hoogte gesteld van een mogelijk beveiligingslek waarbij wachtwoorden onbewust gedeeld worden met een derde partij; spell-jacking. Hierbij wordt het wachtwoord van de gebruiker door middel van het uitvoeren van een spellingscontrole gedeeld met de partij (Microsoft, Google) die de spellingscontrole uitvoert. Dit resulteert in een ongewenste situatie. Signicat neemt maatregelen om te voorkomen dat dit gebeurt door de spellingcontrole van de betreffende velden te verhinderen.
Mocht u meer vragen hebben over het gedetecteerde veiligheidslek of over de genomen maatregelen dan kunt u contact opnemen met Support.
Dear Customer,
Recently we were notified of a potential security leak where passwords are shared unwittingly with a third party; spell-jacking. With spell-jacking the users’ password is shared with the company (Microsoft, Google) performing the spellcheck on the password entered. This results in an unwanted situation. Signicat has taken appropriate measures to prevent the spellcheck of the field where passwords are entered.
If you have any questions on the detected security leak or on the measures taken you can contact Support.
# 2 June 2022
- Fixed required fields in edit custom attributes
- SCIM API: Allow setting uuid of user during POST
- Shadow users login activity is now logged (preventing expiration)
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 13 May 2022
- Password expiration functionality is now available
- Show username/email on password reset screen
- SCIM API: Allow reset-password flag to be set via patch operation
- SCIM API: Allow creation of custom attributes via SCIM
- Added missing NL translations on edit custom attribute screen
- Changed 'CIAM' to 'OwnIdP'
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 29 April 2022
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 12 April 2022
- UserAdmin can see invitations from sub-organisations as well as their own organisation
- Split internal roles and customer roles in Organisation screens
- SCIM API: Support setting custom attributes based on name
- SCIM API: Make parsing certificate more robust
- Fixed link on 'Login' button after already accepted invitation
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 28 March 2022
- Fixed: Bug when calling /schemas endpoint on SCIM API
- Improved NL translations for double invites
# 18 March 2022
- All emails are now configurable
- Improved message when user already exists on SCIM invite endpoint
- Organisation users can be filtered on user UUID via SCIM API
- Improved Organisation user history views and system changes
- When removing users and organisation users, history is always deleted (and the option is removed)
- Fixed: Inactive organisations show up in organisation selection menu
- Small UX improvements on custom attributes
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 11 March 2022
- Option to edit custom attributes from MyAccount is only available when custom organisation user attributes are available
- UserAdmins can now also see organisation structure and users per organisation
- Fixed: 500 error on shadow user with linked accounts
- Fixed: Show correct subject when multiple linked accounts are available
- Fixed: Functional Manager cannot edit custom attributes
- Fixed: Missing NL translations
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 22 February 2022
- Added Client authentication as option for securing the SCIM API
- Added possibility to filter on organisation for OrganisationUser on SCIM API
- Custom attributes can be edited
- User can edit custom attribute values from MyAccount (when custom attributes are editable by user)
- Added message when user tries to accept invite with wrong account
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 28 January 2022
- Invite flow can be from SCIM API
- Invitation flow no longer asks for organisation selection
- Fixed: Active indicators in NL language
- Fixed: 500 error during invite flow for new accounts
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 24 January 2022
- Reset password email can be triggered from SCIM API
- Removed settings for 'remember device' for TOTP. These settings are moved to Signicat Identity Broker (please contact Support if they need to be updated)
- Invitation and reset password emails templates can only be updated when a custom 'from' email address is configured (please contact Support if you want to make use of this)
- Added links to the organisation-users from the User detail page
- User can now be edited (by SuperAdmin and FunctionalManager). Previously, only the organisation-user could be edited.
- Improved performance for large number of items (users/organisations/etc)
- Fixed: Deleting user
- Fixed: Redirects from external to OwnIdP pages
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 13 January 2022
- SCIM API: Added possibility to retrieve custom attribute definition information
- Content of reset password email can now be configured
- Added setting to not allow users to change their email address
- Custom attributes can now be required without using a default value
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 27 December 2021
- Added tooltip to roles (showing role description) on add and edit pages for Users and Organisations
- Added possibility to set UUID of organisation upon creation via SCIM API
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 23 December 2021
- Added password requirements on character sets
- Added filtering on parent organisations to SCIM API
- Added possibility to assign roles (Groups) on user and organisation creation via SCIM API.
- Small UI improvements
- Improved performance of loading user information
- Fixed redirect after accepting invites
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 3 December 2021
- Organisation types are removed. Roles are now directly linked to organisations.
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 11 November 2021
- Improved invite (existing) user flow
- Improved password reset flow
- Improved error messages
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 18 October 2021
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 28 September 2021
- Administrators can now manage (view and remove) linked accounts of users
- Improvements to the invite (new) user flow
- Various (small) UI improvements
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 3 September 2021
- Fixed filtering on custom attribute in SCIM API
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 13 August 2021
- Invitation email can now be valid for maximum 14 days
- Improved performance of Organisation list
- User is redirected to configured Redirect URL after password reset (same URL as used after account creation)
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 19 July 2021
- Removed dashboard page
- Added option to filter on custom attributes via SCIM API
- Custom menu tab (if configured) now also appears at User Profile page (as button)
# 9 July 2021
- Updated default styling to match new Signicat style
- Added User detail page (previously, only OrganisationUsers could be viewed)
- Fixed: Redirect to Shadow User overview after deleting a Shadow User
- Fixed: Always decode HTML characters in emails
- Fixed: You can now invite yourself (if you are SuperAdmin) to another organization as SuperAdmin
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 25 June 2021
- Improved NL translations
- Fixed preselection for login via MySignicat
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 18 June 2021
- Logout issues fixed
- Resolved confusing regarding MySignicat login option on OwnIdP UI
- external_id is now also returned in the response
- Users can now delete their own organisation users (if it is not the active user)
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 11 June 2021
- Added: SCIM API support to manage 2FA of users
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 27 May 2021
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 18 May 2021
- Added option to add a custom attribute to the Select Organization screen
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 10 May 2021
- Update user overview to also display users without organization link
# 7 May 2021
- Fixed blocking users after x amount of wrong passwords
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 3 May 2021
- Added attribute filtering to SCIM API
- Fixed: OK button is also shown after user creation with Administrator rights
- Fixed: Reset 2FA possible on shadow users
- Fixed: Organization name is no longer hardcoded in the invitation email subject
- Fixed: Inactive user can still login
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 15 April 2021
- Custom attributes can now be used in the invitation email subject
- Added overview of users without login credentials
- OK button is also shown after user creation with Administrator rights
- Improved NL translations
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 22 March 2021
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 19 March 2021
- Fixed role order issues during update
- Fixed 403 error on certain user details
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 16 March 2021
- Add ExternalID of roles to UI and SCIM API
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 5 March 2021
- Fix for wrong name when user does not have username
# 3 March 2021
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 11 February 2021
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 1 February 2021
- Admin role can edit Chamber of Commerce number on suborganisations
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 19 January 2021
- Added setting for allowing logins with Username, email address, or both. (default is that both are allowed)
# 12 January 2021
- Various UI bugfixes and improvements
# 7 January 2021
- Various UI bugfixes and improvements
# 6 January 2021
- Bugfix for tables not working properly
# 4 January 2021
- Login is now possible with username or email address
- Email address uniqueness enforced
- Accounts that use the same email address are merged into 1 account, using the username of the last used account. Alle roles and organisation links from all accounts are merged as well.
- Username can no longer contain '@'.
- In existing usernames that used '@', this is replaced with '.'
- Added forgot username option
- Bugfix: Organisation history does not show after changing organisation name
- Various UI bugfixes and improvements
# 18 December 2020
- Various UI bugfixes and improvements
# 14 December 2020
- Temporarily disabled custom no-reply email feature (due to some infrastructure limitations, this can for now only be done manually. If this is required, please contact Technical Support)
- Made the email sender name configurable, with as default the federation name (this previously was the federation domain).
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 10 December 2020
- Fixed: Newly created users have an unverified email address
# 3 December 2020
- Rebranding from Connectis styling to Signicat styling
# 1 December 2020
- Admin user cannot change own organisation (only sub-organisations)
- Admin role is not added to organisation by default
- Added possibility for a link to an SP application after user creation
- UI update:
- New search bar
- Improved pagination, ordering and filtering in tables
- Added descriptions to internal OwnIdP roles
- Custom attributes:
- Validation on (conflicting) attribute name on creation of custom attribute
- Make custom attributes available when creating an organisation or user
- User invite: check if used email address exists
- SCIM API: Exclude systemusers
- Various (internal) bugfixes and improvements
# 19 August 2020
- No longer automatically copy Chamber of Commerce number to the child-organisations
# 18 August 2020
- Added "Select all (tenant) Roles" button to user invite page
- Refactoring and bugfixes on SCIM API v1.0
- Add custom attribute support to SCIM API v1.0
- Bugfix: Unable to update Organisation-User when no OwnIdP roles are available
# 12 August 2020
- Various bugfixes:
- Fix User login without organisation links
- Only allow SuperAdmin to link Roles to SPs
- Fix mouse-over translations
- Make custom menu tab visible to all users that have access to the OwnIdP dashboard
- Organisation detail page: Fix alignment of "Add sub-organisation" button
- Role list view: replace "order" with "importance rank" on OwnIdP roles
# 11 August 2020
- Various small (internal) bugfixes
# 6 August 2020
- Small bugfixes for correctly handling custom styling
# 4 August 2020
- Bugfixes for custom attributes
# 30 July 2020
- Added support for disabling of federations
# 28 July 2020
- Bugfix: Cannot see send invites
# 22 July 2020
- Read theme-ability settings of OwnIdP screens from MySignicat
# 17 July 2020
- Add support for changing username
- Various UI / usability improvements
# 16 July 2020
- Added internal functionality
# 14 July 2020
- Added custom attributes (for Organisation, User and Organisation-User)
- Bugfix: 500 server error on select organisation screen when parent organisation has multiple direct children
# 2 July 2020
- Added option to filter Roles per SP connection (to the Identity Broker)