# Configuration Properties

All configuration options are listed in the table below.

Parameter name Parameter description Example
sp.config.location list of paths to available service provider configuration files, separated by a comma ./configuration/sps/sp1.xml,./configuration/sps/sp2.xml
broker.config.location list of paths to available broker metadata files, separated by a comma ./configuration/sps/idp1.xml,./configuration/sps/idp2.xml
loa.config.location path to the level of assurance file ./configuration/core/LevelOfAssurance.xml
signing.algorithms.config.location path to the signing algorithms file ./configuration/core/SigningAlgorithms.xml
services.config.location path to the services configuration file ./configuration/sps/services.xml
messages.file.location path to the directory containing your error messages files ./configuration/core/
messages.file.name name of the error messages properties file messages
application.locale the language for the error messages ISO 639 format en
keystore.file.location path to the Java KeyStore file ./configuration/core/keystore.jks
keystore.password the KeyStore password insecure
keystore.type the KeyStore type jks
truststore.file.location path to the Java TrustStore file ./configuration/core/truststore.jks
truststore.password the TrustStore password insecure
truststore.type the TrustStore type jks
certificates.check.expiration Check if certificates are expired true/false
keystore.properties.provider.type [OPTIONAL] defines if the keystore properties should be read from the properties file or the context.xml file. context or file
keystore.file.location.property.name [OPTIONAL] defines a new variable name for keystore.file.location ConnectisAdapterKeyStoreLocation
keystore.password.property.name [OPTIONAL] defines a new variable name for keystore.password ConnectisAdapterKeyStorePassword
keystore.type.property.name [OPTIONAL] defines a new variable name for keystore.type ConnectisAdatperKeyStoreType
truststore.properties.provider.type [OPTIONAL] defines if the truststore properties should be read from the properties file or the context.xml file. context or file
truststore.file.location.property.name [OPTIONAL] defines a new variable name for truststore.file.location ConnectisAdapterTruststoreLocation
truststore.password.property.name [OPTIONAL] defines a new variable name for truststore.password ConnectisAdapterTruststorePassword
truststore.type.property.name [OPTIONAL] defines a new variable name for truststore.type ConnectisAdatperTruststoreType


[OPTIONAL] Disables velocity error logging; set this to true if you wish to disable velocity logging true
certificate.header.name [Optional] Define a request header value for the client certificate, if the certificate will come as a header parameter X-SSL-Client-Cert
js.auto-submit.file.url [Optional] define the url where you can access the js file needed to autosubmit the POST Binding page. /adapter/resources/js/hosted-auto-submit-file.js
Last updated: 11/9/23, 10:21:42 AM UTC