# Web login with username

# Use case

You are looking for a secure way for your end-users to log in to your website, but without the need for passwords. You want to achieve this whilst still offering a positive and seamless user experience for your end-users.

# How it works

Meet Jane, one of your active end-users who has activated MobileID in your mobile app. Jane needs to log in to your website so that she can access your online services.

  1. To do this, Jane navigates to your website and arrives at the login page.
  2. On this page, she sees the option to log in using your mobile app. Jane enters her username and clicks on the login button.
  3. Within milliseconds, Jane receives a push notification on her mobile device.
  4. When Jane clicks on the notification, your app opens up with a message asking if she wants to log in to your website.
  5. Jane approves the login request using biometrics or a PIN code, and is now able to access your online services.


Jane has now securely authenticated herself with two-factor authentication using your mobile app.

# What it looks like

The following video illustrates what a web login could look like with MobileID, from the perspective of your end-user.

# Implementation


This flow assumes that you are using MobileID and that the end-user has an active MobileID user and device.

There are many ways to implement MobileID for web login. The following flow is a suggestion that involves using a username and MobileID for authentication:

  1. The end-user visits your website and navigates to the login screen.
  2. The website prompts the end-user to enter their username.
  3. Once the end-user enters their username, the website triggers a MobileID authentication request for them.
  4. The end-user then receives a push notification on their mobile device from your app, asking them to approve the login attempt.
  5. The end-user opens the app, which displays a message asking them to approve the login to your website.
  6. The end-user approves the login using biometrics or a PIN code.
  7. MobileID verifies the authentication and sends a response to your server and app; confirming the authentication.
  8. Your website grants the end-user access to their account.

Using MobileID for web login is a straightforward and effective way to provide your end-users with a secure and seamless login experience.

# Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram for a MobileID web login click-to-zoom

# Learn more

Last updated: 04/03/2024 14:12 UTC