Attributes reference
You use Mobiil-ID to verify the end-user's identity and obtain relevant personal details about them. This page summarises user information you can request and receive for the different protocols.
Since we recommend either using OIDC or the Authentication REST API, we only show information for those two protocols below.
OIDC scopes and claims
You can use the following scopes to request user information from an end-user using Mobiil-ID:
Scope | OIDC Claim | Example | Description |
idp-id | idp_id | 49002171234 | Personal identifier set by the identity provider. |
nin | nin | 49002171234 | National identification number / personal code number of the end-user, consisting of 11 digits. |
nin_type | CIVIL | Type of national identity number. | |
nin_issuing_country | EE | Issuing country code of the national identity: LT (Lithuania), LV (Latvia) or EE (Estonia). | |
profile | name | LAURA JANSONS | Full name of the end-user. |
given_name | LAURA | First name of the end-user. | |
family_name | JANSONS | Surname of the end-user. | |
birthdate | 1990-02-17 | Date of birth of the end-user (format YYYY-MM-DD). |
Response example
The response example below only shows the section with the user information claims.
Scope: openid profile idp idp-id nin
"idp": "sk-mobileid",
"idp_id": "49002171234",
"name": "LAURA JANSONS",
"family_name": "JANSONS",
"given_name": "LAURA",
"birthdate": "1990-17-02",
"nin": "49002171234",
"nin_type": "CIVIL",
"nin_issuing_country": "EE",
Authentication REST API attributes
The Signicat Authentication REST API supports the following request and response attributes for Mobiil-ID:
Attributes | Example | Description |
idpId | 49002171234 | Personal identifier set by the identity provider. |
nin | 49002171234 | National identification number / personal code number of the end-user, consisting of 11 digits. |
name | LAURA JANSONS | Full name of the end-user. |
given_name | LAURA | First name of the end-user. |
family_name | JANSONS | Surname of the end-user. |
dateOfBirth | 1990-02-17 | Date of birth of the end-user (format YYYY-MM-DD). |
Response example
Here is a section of the response showing the user information attributes:
"subject": {
"id": "2ULSP7fTILirGvQKmJzSX7z3pY6NIYcK4xYnu3hqIO8=",
"idpId": "49002171234",
"name": "LAURA JANSONS",
"firstName": "LAURA",
"lastName": "JANSONS",
"dateOfBirth": "1990-02-17",
"nin": {
"value": "49002171234",
"issuingCountry": "EE",
"type": "CIVIL"