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Attributes reference

You use MitID to verify the end-user's identity and obtain relevant personal details about them. This page summarises the user information you can request and receive for the different protocols.

OIDC scopes and claims

You can use the following scopes to request user information from an end-user using MitID:

ScopeOIDC ClaimExampleDescription
idp-ididp_id8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113cPersonal identifier set by the identity provider.
profilenameAbelone ChristensenFull name of the end-user.
given_nameAbeloneFirst name of the end-user.
family_nameChristensenSurname of the end-user.
birthdate1974-07-11Date of birth of the end-user (format YYYY-MM-DD).
ninnin1107744882National identification number (CPR) of the end-user.
nin_typePERSONType of national identity number.
nin_issuing_countryDKIssuing country of the national identity.
mitid-extramitid_has_cprtrueWhether or not the user has a registered CPR number.
mitid_transaction_id40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9MitID's identifier for the transaction.
mitid_reference_text_bodyTransfer 200 DKK to Account XYZThe reference text body as it was displayed in the MitID client UI.
mitid_cpr_sourceuserThe source of the CPR number. One of “user”, “prefilled”, “database” (stored in cache). Only available in the CPR match flow.
mitid_name_and_address_protectiontrueIf included, this attribute indicates that the user has name and address protection. In this case, the common-name/name will be empty.
mitid_ialSUBSTANTIALIdentity Assurance Level. This value is associated with the end-user's eID, assigned as part of the MitID registration process and later only changeable through additional registration processes.
See: Level of Assurance
mitid_loaSUBSTANTIALThe Level of Authentication for the authentication. This is calculated as the minimum of IAL, AAL and FAL.
See: Level of Assurance
mitid_aalSUBSTANTIALAuthentication Assurance Level. This is calculated based on the authenticators that have been used and their strengths.
See: Level of Assurance
mitid_falHIGHFederated Assurance Level. This will always have the value "HIGH".
See: Level of Assurance
mitid_uuid8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113cThe universally unique identifier for the end-user set by the identity provider. This is the same as idp-id.

Response examples

The response examples below only show the section with the user information claims.

CPR Match

Scope: openid profile nin

"idp_id": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"family_name": "Christensen",
"given_name": "Abelone",
"birthdate": "1974-07-11",
"nin": "1107744882",
"nin_type": "PERSON",
"nin_issuing_country": "DK",

CPR Match and mitid-extra scope

Scope: openid profile nin mitid-extra

"idp_id": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"family_name": "Christensen",
"given_name": "Abelone",
"birthdate": "1974-07-11",
"nin": "1107744882",
"nin_type": "PERSON",
"nin_issuing_country": "DK",
"mitid_has_cpr": true,
"mitid_transaction_id": "40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9",
"mitid_reference_text_body": " ",
"mitid_ial": "HIGH",
"mitid_loa": "HIGH",
"mitid_aal": "HIGH",
"mitid_fal": "HIGH",


Scope: openid profile

"idp_id": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"family_name": "Christensen",
"given_name": "Abelone",
"birthdate": "1974-07-11",

Basic with mitid-extra scope

Scope: openid profile mitid-extra

"idp_id": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"family_name": "Christensen",
"given_name": "Abelone",
"birthdate": "1974-07-11",
"mitid_has_cpr": true,
"mitid_transaction_id": "40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9",
"mitid_reference_text_body": " ",
"mitid_ial": "HIGH",
"mitid_loa": "HIGH",
"mitid_aal": "HIGH",
"mitid_fal": "HIGH",

Authentication REST API attributes

The Signicat Authentication REST API supports the following request and response attributes for MitID:

idj-UnpV7YpW2ieuGkMIpg8FRdhy8-TjtjArst063l8UI=Stable per-organisation identifier for the authenticated end-user. Can be used to recognise the end-user across authentication sessions. Note: This attribute will always be returned and does not need to be requested.
idpId8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113cPersonal identifier set by the identity provider.
nameAbelone ChristensenFull name of the end-user.
firstNameAbeloneFirst name of the end-user.
lastNameChristensenSurname of the end-user.
dateOfBirth1974-07-11Date of birth of the end-user (format YYYY-MM-DD).
"value": "1107744882",
"issuingCountry": "DK",
"type": "PERSON"
- The national identity number (CPR) of the end-user
- The issuing country for MitID.
- The type of national identity number.
mitidHasCprtrueWhether or not the user has a registered CPR number.
mitidTransactionId40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9MitID's identifier for the transaction.
mitidReferenceTextBodyTransfer 200 DKK to Account XYZThe reference text body as it was displayed in the MitID client UI.
mitidCprSourceuserThe source of the CPR number. One of “user”, “prefilled”, “database” (stored in cache). Only available in the CPR match flow.
mitidNameAndAddressProtectiontrueIf included, this attribute indicates that the user has name and address protection. In this case, the common-name/name will be empty.
mitidIal SUBSTANTIALIdentity Assurance Level. This value is associated with the end-user's eID, assigned as part of the MitID registration process and later only changeable through additional registration processes.
See: Level of Assurance
mitidLoa SUBSTANTIALThe Level of Authentication for the authentication. This is calculated as the minimum of IAL, AAL and FAL.
See: Level of Assurance
mitidAal SUBSTANTIALAuthentication Assurance Level. This is calculated based on the authenticators that have been used and their strengths.
See: Level of Assurance
mitidFal HIGHFederated Assurance Level. This will always have the value "HIGH".
See: Level of Assurance
mitidUuid8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113cThe universally unique identifier for the end-user set by the identity provider. This is the same as idpId.

Response examples from the redirect flow

The response examples below only show the section with the user information attributes.

CPR Match

"requestedAttributes": ["name", "firstName", "lastName", "dateOfBirth", "nin"]


"subject": {
"id": "j-UnpV7YpW2ieuGkMIpg8FRdhy8-TjtjArst063l8UI=",
"idpId": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"firstName": "Abelone",
"lastName": "Christensen",
"dateOfBirth": "1974-07-11",
"nin": {
"value": "1107744882",
"issuingCountry": "DK",
"type": "PERSON"

CPR Match, LoA, and reference text

"requestedAttributes": ["name", "firstName", "lastName", "dateOfBirth", "nin", "mitidHasCpr", "mitidTransactionId", "mitidReferenceTextBody", "mitidIal", "mitidLoa", "mitidAal", "mitidFal"]


"subject": {
"id": "j-UnpV7YpW2ieuGkMIpg8FRdhy8-TjtjArst063l8UI=",
"idpId": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"firstName": "Abelone",
"lastName": "Christensen",
"dateOfBirth": "1974-07-11",
"nin": {
"value": "1107744882",
"issuingCountry": "DK",
"type": "PERSON"
"mitidFal": "HIGH",
"mitidHasCpr": "true",
"mitidTransactionId": "40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9",
"mitidAal": "HIGH",
"mitidIal": "HIGH",
"mitidReferenceTextBody": "Transfer 200 DKK to Account XYZ",
"mitidLoa": "HIGH"

Basic with LoA and reference text

"requestedAttributes": ["name", "firstName", "lastName", "dateOfBirth", "mitidHasCpr", "mitidTransactionId", "mitidReferenceTextBody", "mitidIal", "mitidLoa", "mitidAal", "mitidFal"]


"subject": {
"id": "j-UnpV7YpW2ieuGkMIpg8FRdhy8-TjtjArst063l8UI=",
"idpId": "8cb1e51c-13aa-4044-b9ac-8978cf1f113c",
"name": "Abelone Christensen",
"firstName": "Abelone",
"lastName": "Christensen",
"dateOfBirth": "1974-07-11",
"mitidFal": "HIGH",
"mitidHasCpr": "true",
"mitidTransactionId": "40c6c751-d16b-45f2-a596-b28e1c2031a9",
"mitidAal": "HIGH",
"mitidIal": "HIGH",
"mitidReferenceTextBody": "Transfer 200 DKK to Account XYZ",
"mitidLoa": "HIGH"