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Freja eID

Technical documentation coming soon

If you want to integrate with Freja eID, contact us for more information and technical documentation:

About Freja eID

Freja eID is an electronic identity created by Verisec AB, a Swedish IT security company.

Key features

  • Supports PIN and biometrics on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Supports authentication-based signing in the Freja eID app.
  • Allows users to monitor their digital activities on
  • Supports multiple identities per user.

The Freja eID app

At the core of the Freja eID solution is the Freja eID app, which is available for iOS and Android. The user downloads the app and completes the registration on their own. The process is described on the Freja eID website.

The app supports both authentication and authentication-based signing and can be used for three different levels of assurance.

Product types and level of assurance

Freja eID basic

  • Level of assurance: 1 (no eIDAS assurance).
  • Registration is done through the user's email address.
  • Authentication is done through the user's email address and a PIN or biometric method.
  • The result contains only the email address.

Freja eID extended

  • Level of assurance: 2 (eIDAS low).
  • Both Norwegian and Swedish end-users are supported.
  • After registering for the basic level, the user must verify their identity by taking a picture of their identity card and providing some additional information.
  • Authentication is done by providing the user's national identification number or an email address, followed by a PIN or biometric method.
  • The result depends on the configuration and the requested attributes. It will at least contain the user's national identification number or their email. Additionally, it may also contain any of the following: first and last name, date of birth, national identification number and country code and email address.

Freja eID+

  • Level of assurance: 3 (eIDAS substantial/high).
  • After registering for the extended level, the user must register some additional details and visit one of Freja's agents in person to verify their identity.
  • Authentication is done by providing the user's national identification number or their email, plus a PIN or biometric method.
  • The result contains the national identification number or the email (whichever was used for authentication) and, optionally, the user's first and last name, date of birth, national identification number and country code and email address.

Authentication example

  1. The user logs in with email or national identification number. A push notification is then sent to the user's device. The user clicks on the notification, which opens the Freja eID app.
  2. The user must confirm that they want to log in to the service (in this example, Signicat is the service).
  3. Upon confirmation, the user is asked to identify with a PIN or biometric method.

Get started with the integration

Integration with Freja is done similarly to other Signicat's eID methods. This section describes how to get started with setting up Freja.

For more general information on how to integrate with Signicat using the OpenID Connect (OIDC) or SAML 2.0 protocols, see the Quick start guide.

Initial preparations

Sandbox account

We recommend you to create a sandbox account to test our services before implementing them in production.

Add Freja

Once your Dashboard account is configured, you must add Freja to the list of supported ID methods.


Before you can add Freja in the Dashboard, you must configure Freja access with an onboarding manager. To get help with this, please contact us.

To add Freja:

  • In the Signicat Dashboard, go to eID Hub > ID Methods.
  • Click Add new.
  • Choose Freja and click Save.

Test information

To be able to test Freja eID, you must download the Freja eID app and activate test mode following the Freja eID testing instructions.

Other sources


Are there any features you think are missing? Anything you'd like to see on our site? You can share your thoughts on our community pages:

If you have questions, please contact Signicat Support:

See also our support page.