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About DigiD


DigiD is an electronic identification method that allows access to public services and government websites in the Netherlands.

Dutch citizens and residents with a BSN (Dutch citizen service number) can use DigiD to access online administration services, such as taxes, applying for allowances or benefits, or checking pension information.

For service providers (you), DigiD gives certainty about the identity of end-users by returning the BSN. Note that the BSN is the only end-user information that DigiD delivers. DigiD is eIDAS-notified and can be used at many European public service providers.

How it works

You can find example videos on how DigiD works with and without the DigiD app in the Tutorial videos for DigiD page.

Login methods

DigiD offers identity verification by means of a username and a password, and optionally an additional verification step with SMS or the DigiD mobile app. Signicat supports all these methods of identity verification.

End-users can identify themselves using DigiD in one of the following different ways:

  • Username and password
  • SMS verification code
  • DigiD app
  • Identity card

You may choose to require a certain method of authentication for end-users based on data-sensitivity levels.

Levels of Assurance

DigiD supports four Levels of Assurance (LoA):

  • Basic (Basis): Username and password.
  • Middle (Midden): Username, password and an additional SMS with a one-time verification code or the DigiD app.
  • Substantial (Substantieel): The end-user can enable Substantial LoA by performing a one-time check of their identity document in the DigiD app.
  • High (Hoog): When authenticating, the end-user scans their identity document with an NFC reader in a phone or device. Applies to identity cards issued after the 13th of March 2021.

Although the end-user can choose which level of assurance to use when authenticating, you might choose to require a certain LoA.

You, as a service provider, must set the minimum LoA you require during authentication based on security level, risk and type of data exchanged. Read the guidelines for configuring the LoA at Betrouwbaarheidsniveaus digitale dienstverlening.

An example of DigiD authentication screen shown to end-users when low LoA is available:

End-user DigiD app auth screen

End-user DigiD app auth screen

Choosing the LoA

Note that you have the obligation, by regulation, to choose the appropriate LoA for your service. Learn more in the guidelines at Betrouwbaarheidsniveaus digitale dienstverlening.


The citizen service number (BSN) is a unique personal number allocated to everyone registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP). The main purpose of the BSN is to help with contacts between different government organisations, and between individuals and the government.

About the identity provider

The DigiD scheme is managed by Logius, the digital government service of the Netherlands Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK).

Logius maintains government-wide ICT solutions and common standards, that simplify the communication between authorities, citizens and businesses. Logius supplies products relating to access, data exchange, standardization and information security.