Quick start guide
This quick start guide allows you to get hands-on with our ReuseID solution. You can learn how to:
- ReuseID onboard and ReuseID step-up.
- Review the identity proofing process.
- Reuse the ReuseID.
- Manage the users.
To follow this guide, you need to:
- Have a mobile application to perform the operations on. To learn how to do this, see the Install our Authenticator App section.
In this guide, we use the Signicat Authenticator App. However, a guide for how to get started using our SDK is coming soon.
- Have a tool to initiate ReuseID operations. To learn how to do this, see the Set up API integration section.
In this guide, we use Postman. However, you can use whatever tool you prefer.
Install our Authenticator App
The Authenticator App is our white-label mobile application which enables you to perform operations on a mobile device, so that you can start testing out ReuseID as quickly as possible.
To install our Authenticator App on your iPhone, you have to:
- Install Apple's TestFlight app.
- Scan the QR code below on your mobile device:
QR code to install the iOS Authenticator App
- Install the latest version.
To install our Authenticator App on your Android, you have to:
- Scan the QR code below on your mobile device:
QR code to install the Android Authenticator App
- Install the latest version.
Configure our Authenticator App
Once you have installed the Authenticator App, you need to configure it to use the correct account.
For this this quick start guide, you can use our test account configuration details:
The test account configuration details shown above are set as default for the app. However, it is possible to update these, so we recommend that you double-check that they are correct before you start.
Set your values
To use our test account configuration then select the MobileID configuration from the dropdown list.
Set up API integration
To set up an API integration so that you can test ReuseID, you need to have a tool for making API calls and obtain an access token.
Step 1: Download Postman
In this guide, we use Postman as our tool for making API calls. However, you can use any other appropriate tool if you prefer something else.
To download Postman, see the Download Postman page on the Postman website.
Step 2: Obtain an access token
For the purpose of this quick start guide, you can use our test account credentials to obtain an access token. To do this:
- Follow the instructions in the the Obtaining an access token section on the Accessing Signicat API products page.
- Input the test account credentials:
Once you have obtained an access token, you can start making requests. Ensure that you include the token as a HTTP Bearer authentication header on all of your requests towards ReuseID APIs.
To learn more, see the Making requests to a Signicat API section on the Accessing Signicat API products page.
If you would like to have your own account, you can contact us by creating a support ticket in the Signicat Dashboard.
Anyone can use our test credentials. This means that if you do not delete the dossier after you have performed an onboarding or step-up flow, then anybody using the test credentials can access your data.
To learn how to do this, see the Delete dossier endpoint in our ID Document and Biometric Verification API.
Try ReuseID
With ReuseID, you can orchestrate two types of flow:
Flow type 1: ReuseID onboarding
The ReuseID onboarding flow will:
- Create a MobileID user.
- Activate a MobileID device.
- Perform VideoID Substantial.
- Create a strong binding between the MobileID user and the VideoID process.
- Add identity attributes to the MobileID user.
What does the flow look like for the end-user?
What does the sequence diagram look like?

Sequence diagram for ReuseID onboarding with our Authenticator App
Start ReuseID onboarding
To start the ReuseID onboarding, you must trigger the following request:
POST https://api.signicat.com/reuseid/id-onboardings
To get the best the user experience Postman can show the activation code as a QR code, then you don't have to manually type the code into the app.
Add the following snippet to the Script -> Post-response in the POST
let response = pm.response.json();
let qrcTemplate = '<img width="250" height="250" src="https://qrcode.tec-it.com/API/QRCode?data=' + encodeURIComponent(response.data.activationCode) + '">';
pm.visualizer.set(qrcTemplate, {});
Request body
The ReuseID onboarding does not require any input data, but it is possible to specify the following optional parameters in the request:
If you do not specify any document types when you start the VideoID process, then a list of all available documents will be shown in the wizard.
You can find an example of the request body below:
- Request body with list of documents
- Minimal request body
"externalRef": "000-000-000",
"input": {
"eidProviderOptions" : {
"docTypes" : [138,169,147,245,277],
"defaultId" : 138
"input": {
You can find an example of the response below:
"data": {
"transactionId": "e35ebbf7-9631-4966-9762-ae939c80eda1",
"userId": "a1e26081-35b4-4557-a46a-ef50bc91672f",
"activationCode": "8954685641",
"status": "Pending"
Response object description
You can find a table of descriptions for the response object parameters below:
Get the result
To get the result of an ReuseID onboarding, you must trigger the following request:
GET https://api.signicat.com/reuseid/id-onboardings/<transactionId>
You can find an example of the response below:
"data": {
"transactionId": "e35ebbf7-9631-4966-9762-ae939c80eda1",
"userId": "a1e26081-35b4-4557-a46a-ef50bc91672f",
"activationCode": "8954685641",
"deviceId": "b1g73121-55c4-9238-l39j-ek60dc91872g",
"proofingId": "30745db7-4403-4403-aa7e-cb35435ee565",
"dossierId": "3d563ac4-9d26-4a6a-b58d-5a29cacfe015",
"processId": "2f54b0a4-1a77-42e2-98d8-369116ef2055",
"status": "Completed",
"userData": {
"firstName": "JANE",
"lastName": "SMITH",
"dateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
"gender": "F",
"nationality": "NOR"
Response object description
You can find a table of descriptions for the response object parameters below:
Flow type 2: ReuseID step-up
The ReuseID step-up flow will:
- Perform VideoID Substantial.
- Create a strong binding between the MobileID user and the VideoID process.
- Add identity attributes to the MobileID user.
What does the flow look like for the end-user?
What does the sequence diagram look like?

Sequence diagram for ReuseID step-up with our Authenticator App
Start ReuseID step-up
Before you can trigger a ReuseID step-up transaction you need to have a MobileID user with a registered MobileID device.
To get this you can either:
To start the ReuseID step-up, you must trigger the following request:
POST https://api.signicat.com/reuseid/id-stepups
Request body
The ReuseID step-up requires input data, therefore you must specify the following parameters in the request:
It is also possible for you to specify the following optional parameters in the request:
If you do not specify any document types when you start the VideoID process, then a list of all available documents will be shown in the wizard.
You can find an example of the request body below:
- Request body with list of documents
- Minimal request body
"input": {
"userId": "a1e26081-35b4-4557-a46a-ef50bc91672f",
"deviceId": "b1g73121-55c4-9238-l39j-ek60dc91872g",
"eidProviderOptions" : {
"docTypes" : [138,169,147,245,277],
"defaultId" : 138
"input": {
"userId": "a1e26081-35b4-4557-a46a-ef50bc91672f",
"deviceId": "b1g73121-55c4-9238-l39j-ek60dc91872g"
You can find an example of the response below:
"data": {
"transactionId": "e35ebbf7-9631-4966-9762-ae939c80eda1",
"userId": "cdf82275-1bbb-4756-9cb6-7e51ac3f480b",
"deviceId": "3a1ba38a-0303-4de9-a696-1dc2a6d13614",
"status": "Pending"
Response object description
You can find a table of descriptions for the response object parameters below:
Get the result
To get the result of an ReuseID step-up, you must trigger the following request:
GET https://api.signicat.com/reuseid/id-stepups/<transactionId>
You can find an example of the response below:
"data": {
"transactionId": "e35ebbf7-9631-4966-9762-ae939c80eda1",
"userId": "cdf82275-1bbb-4756-9cb6-7e51ac3f480b",
"deviceId": "3a1ba38a-0303-4de9-a696-1dc2a6d13614",
"proofingId": "30745db7-4403-4403-aa7e-cb35435ee565",
"dossierId": "3d563ac4-9d26-4a6a-b58d-5a29cacfe015",
"processId": "2f54b0a4-1a77-42e2-98d8-369116ef2055",
"status": "Completed",
"userData": {
"firstName": "JANE",
"lastName": "SMITH",
"dateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
"gender": "F",
"nationality": "NOR"
Response object description
You can find a table of descriptions for the response object parameters below:
Review the identity proofing process
The identity proofing is handled by our ID Document and Biometric Verification products. The stored result is linked to the ReuseID that performed the process.
You can use our APIs to:
- Get all identity proofings for an end-user.
- Get the full data set for the process.
You can learn how to carry our these operations in our API reference documentation:
Reuse the ReuseID
The first iteration of ReuseID leverages MobileID to make the user reusable. This means that you can leverage all functionality and features from our MobileID product in your ReuseID solution.
You can learn about how to get started with our MobileID product and the features that it offers in our MobileID developer documentation:
Manage the users
The ReuseID users are stored in the MobileID identity store. With our MobileID APIs, you can manage your end-users and their devices.
You can learn how to carry our these operations in our API reference documentation: