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How it works


ReuseID combines multiple products from our portfolio to provide you with a solution for implementing your own reusable identity.

The first iteration of ReuseID consists of the following components:

  • Orchestration: This is provided by our RiskFlow product.
  • Identity proofing: This is provided by our ID Document and Biometric Verification products.
  • Identity store: This is provided by our MobileID product. Identities are created and stored as MobileID users.
  • Authentication: This is the reusable aspect of ReuseID and is provided by our MobileID product. With this component, your end-users can perform authentications, authorisations and signatures using your mobile app.
Diagram showing overview of components in ReuseID

Diagram showing overview of components in ReuseID

Your end-users use your mobile app to create and use their ReuseID. To do this, you need to integrate our SDK into your app.

ReuseID can then orchestrate:

  • The creation of the user.
  • The identity proofing process.
  • Issue of reusable credentials.

These steps occur behind the scenes. This means that you have complete control over the design for your end-users.

Don't have your own app?

If you do not have your own mobile app, it is still possible to use ReuseID. We offer a white-labelled, standalone app that supports ReuseID with the use of VideoID and MobileID.

To learn more, see our Authenticator App developer documentation.

How could it look for your end-users?

You can use the image slider below to to see what the flow could look like an end-user when they onboard to ReuseID using your app.

ReuseID components


With ReuseID, you can orchestrate two types of flow:

Regardless of which flow you use, our ReuseID solution creates a strong binding between the user and its:

  • Identity proofing processes.
  • Reusable credentials.
  • Identity attributes.
Need more capabilities?

Our ReuseID solution can be extended with additional capabilities. This means that we can support adding more processes to the ReuseID onboarding and step-up if you require them.

To do this, you can contact us by creating a support ticket in the Signicat Dashboard.

About the onboarding flow

The onboarding flow is used to created a new ReuseID. This flow will:

  • Create a MobileID user.
  • Register a MobileID device.
  • Run a VideoID Substantial process for the user.
  • Add identity attributes to the user.

About the step-up flow

The step-up flow is used to perform step-up identity proofing processes for an existing user. This flow will:

  • Run a VideoID Substantial process for the user.
  • Add identity attributes to the user.

Identity proofing

The first iteration of ReuseID supports an identity proofing process of eIDAS Level of Assurance (LoA) 2. This includes our Signicat VideoID service VideoID Substantial.

In this process:

  1. The end-user scans their passport with OCR scanning.
  2. A liveness check and comparison to the passport photo is performed.
  3. After a successful process, we collect and add the following attributes to the user:
    • Date of birth
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Gender
    • Nationality
    Need more identity attributes?

    Our ReuseID solution can be extended with additional capabilities, so we can support more identity attributes if you require them.

    To do this, you can contact us by creating a support ticket in the Signicat Dashboard.

Get more identity proofing details

There are three identifiers from the identity proofing process performed on a ReuseID that can be used with endpoints in our APIs to obtain more identity proofing information.

  • Fetch all proofings: To learn how to fetch all proofings for one of your end-users, see the Get proofings for user endpoint in our MobileID API reference documentation.
  • Manage identity verifications: To learn how to manage the identity verifications for one of your end-users, see the Identity verification API in our MobileID API reference documentation.
  • Get full data set: To learn how to get the full data set for a process, see the Get process endpoint in our ID Document and Biometric Verification: Assure API reference documentation.
Review in the Dashboard

You can also review the identity proofing process in the Signicat Dashboard.

Identity store

The identity store component is provided by our MobileID product. It is flexible, which means that you can manage all of your end-users using our API.

  • To learn how to manage users, see the MobileID User API in our MobileID API reference documentation.
  • After a successful identity proofing process, ReuseID adds a set of attributes to the user. These attributes can be returned to you in the response upon a successful authentication.
    Need more user attributes?

    You can add additional attributes to a user using our MobileID API. To learn how to do this, see the Update user endpoint in our MobileID API reference documentation


The first iteration of ReuseID leverages MobileID to make the identity reusable.

MobileID is our mobile authentication product which allows you to take full control over the end-user experience, and perform compliant multi-factor authentications with either a PIN code or biometrics.

All end-user authentications, authorisations and signatures are performed within your own mobile app.