Attributes reference
You use our Open Banking Hub to to share bank account information securely and electronically for bank account verification, affordability checking and identification purposes.
This page summarises attributes and sample requests and responses for performing an AIS (Account Information Service) process to retrieve bank account holder information and then comparing it with the information you provided.
Bank Account Verification
Request attributes
To create a session, you must specify the required fields from the table below in the initial request:
Property | Required | Example | Description |
firstName | Yes | Max | The first name of the prefilled input. |
lastName | Yes | Mustermann | The last name of the prefilled input. |
bankAccountNumber | No | AT930000098385727264 | The bank account number of the prefilled input (must be valid IBAN format). |
Example create session request
"flow": "redirect",
"prefilledInput": {
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"bankAccountNumber": "AT930000098385727264"
"additionalParameters": {
"open_banking_method": "bank-account-verification"
"callbackUrls": {
"success": "",
"abort": "",
"error": ""
"requestedAttributes": [
Response attributes
The asterisk (*
) in the attribute names in the table below represents bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation
Attributes | Required | Description |
*.account.bankAccountNumber.actual | No | The IBAN number obtained from the bank (after normalisation). |
*.account.bankAccountNumber.expected | No | The IBAN number provided by customer (after normalisation). |
*.account.bankAccountNumber.result | No | The result of comparing the account number provided by the customer with the one obtained from the bank. In case of a mismatch, the value "failure" is returned, while if the numbers match, the value "success" is returned. |
*.holderName.firstName.actual | Yes | The first name extracted from account holder name, returned from bank (after normalisation). |
*.holderName.firstName.expected | Yes | The first name provided by customer (after normalisation). |
*.holderName.firstName.numberOfCharactersMismatched | Yes | The number of characters by which the first name provided by the customer differs from the one extracted from the account holder name (after normalisation). |
*.holderName.firstName.result | Yes | The result of comparing the first name provided by the customer with the one extracted from bank holder name (after normalisation). In case of a mismatch, the value "failure" is returned, while if the numbers match, the value "success" is returned. |
*.holderName.firstName.score | Yes | Percentage score showing the match between the first name provided by the customer and the one extracted from the account holder name. A score of 100 indicates that both values (after normalisation) are equal. |
*.holderName.lastName.actual | Yes | The last name extracted from account holder name, returned from bank (after normalisation). |
*.holderName.lastName.expected | Yes | The last name provided by customer (after normalisation). |
*.holderName.lastName.numberOfCharactersMismatched | Yes | The number of characters by which the last name provided by the customer differs from the one extracted from the account holder name (after normalisation). |
*.account.bankAccountNumber.result | Yes | The result of comparing the last name provided by the customer with the one extracted from bank holder name (after normalisation). In case of a mismatch, the value "failure" is returned, while if the numbers match, the value "success" is returned. |
*.holderName.lastName.score | Yes | Percentage score showing the match between the last name provided by the customer and the one extracted from the account holder name. A score of 100 indicates that both values (after normalisation) are equal. |
bankAccountVerificationCorroborationScore | Yes | Overall percentage score considering all compared parameters (first name, last name, and bank account number, if provided by the customer). |
bankAccountVerificationIban | Yes | The IBAN, returned by bank. |
Example response
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"accountId": "a-some-accountId",
"authenticationUrl": "",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"provider": "global-solutions",
"subject": {
"id": "qwerty",
"idpId": "asdf",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.holderName.firstName.result": "success",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.holderName.firstName.actual": "MAX",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.holderName.firstName.expected": "MAX",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.holderName.firstName.score": "100",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.holderName.firstName.numberOfCharactersMismatched": "0",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.holderName.lastName.result": "success",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.holderName.lastName.actual": "MUSTERMANN",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.holderName.lastName.expected": "MUSTERMANN",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.holderName.lastName.score": "100",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.holderName.lastName.numberOfCharactersMismatched": "0",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.account.bankAccountNumber.result": "success",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.account.bankAccountNumber.actual": "AT930000098385727264",
"bankAccountVerification.corroboration.accountInformation.account.bankAccountNumber.expected": "AT930000098385727264",
"bankAccountVerificationCorroborationScore": "100",
"bankAccountVerificationIban": "AT930000098385727264"
"callbackUrls": {
"success": "",
"abort": "",
"error": ""
"environment": {
"ipAddress": "",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)"
"allowedProviders": [],
"flow": "redirect",
"requestedAttributes": [
"sessionLifetime": 1200,
"expiresAt": "2024-06-11T14:23:28.8147885+00:00"
Affordability Check
Our Affordability Check feature is coming soon.
Identity Verification
Our Identity Verification feature is coming soon.