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This topic describes how to capture image files and also lists the image requirements (see also the OpenAPI documentation).

Images are an important part of an eIDV flow. End-users must provide images of their ID document and, in some cases, also provide/capture selfie images of themselves.

The way these images are sent to the provider may vary but those images are always kept as part of the process. The next sections provide detail on how to use images in identity verification processes.

Capturing ID images

This table summarises the available approaches for each provider:

eIDV providerDirect upload using Assure (backend)Web SDK (frontend)*iOS SDK (frontend)*Android SDK (frontend)*
Electronic IDentificationnoyesyesyes
Signicat Paperyesyesnono

* Available only for the document and documentSelfie process types.
** Must always be combined with iOS/Android SDK to capture the face map (for more details, see facetecEnrollment in the OpenAPI docs).

Why aren't all options available for all providers?

Each provider has specific requirements for how the images are captured. This means that some providers accept methods that others don't. For example, Electronic IDentification requires that a video is recorded during image capturing and ReadID requires that images are captured by an NFC capable device.

Still, the Assure API integrates with all available options for each provider.

Why should I use the provider's SDK to capture the images?

The providers' SDKs help and guide the end-user with capturing the images. This improves the image quality and, by consequence, the quality of the final result.

Tip: For this reason, we highly encourage using the provider's SDK for capturing the ID images.

Using direct upload

To directly upload images through the Assure API you must use the Set images service. Check the section below for details on how to use that service.

Using provider's SDK

To use the provider's SDK you can either use the eIDV alternative flow services (if you are in a web context) or you must integrate with the provider's SDK.

Image requirements

Regardless the images are uploaded directly to the provider or captured using their SDK, each provider has requirements and guidelines for the ID images:

ProviderSupported image formats (for direct upload)Image size (for direct upload)Details regarding images
Electronic IDentificationN/AN/A
  • Electronic IDentification does their own capture of the images, i.e. you cannot upload them directly to them.
  • During the ID verification process:
    • The document must be in a horizontal position, not turned.
    • The document data must be legible and the security elements must be visible (photo, chip …) and present good quality in the image.
    • The document must be fully visible in the image. It does not need to be framed, but it should be the only thing visible in the image, to ensure better results.
    • A meaningful error message specifying the required size is returned if the image does not meet the requirements.
OnfidoJPEG, PNGBetween 32KB and 10MB
  • Image quality too low for fraud assessment: After an Onfido verification, if the response contains “image_quality”: { “result”: “consider” }, it means that the document can be processed, but the image quality is too low to make fraud assessment. However, it does not indicate any sign of potential fraudulence.
  • Onfido does not accept black and white documents. A warning ('Rejected') flag may be returned for 'colour image'.
  • Sending ID images in PDF files is also supported by Onfido's SDK's, although with some disadvantages:
    • The verification response time is longer since sending images in pdf files always triggers a manual review by an Onfido expert.
    • Processes with images sent in PDF file always have a “consider” final status.
ReadIDN/AN/AReadID does their own capture of the images, i.e. you cannot upload them directly to them.
Signicat PaperJPEG, PNG
  • Max 9MB per image. It is less if more than one image is sent.
  • Max request size, including images and JSON, is 10MB.
  • Max 32512*32512 pixels Recommended resolution: 300 dpi
If you use Signicat Paper as a Connect method these requirements apply.